FastJet  3.1.0-beta.1
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5 // $Id: JetMedianBackgroundEstimator.hh 3517 2014-08-01 14:23:13Z soyez $
6 //
7 // Copyright (c) 2005-2014, Matteo Cacciari, Gavin P. Salam and Gregory Soyez
8 //
9 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
10 // This file is part of FastJet.
11 //
12 // FastJet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15 // (at your option) any later version.
16 //
17 // The algorithms that underlie FastJet have required considerable
18 // development. They are described in the original FastJet paper,
19 // hep-ph/0512210 and in the manual, arXiv:1111.6097. If you use
20 // FastJet as part of work towards a scientific publication, please
21 // quote the version you use and include a citation to the manual and
22 // optionally also to hep-ph/0512210.
23 //
24 // FastJet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
25 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
27 // GNU General Public License for more details.
28 //
29 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
30 // along with FastJet. If not, see <>.
31 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
34 #include <fastjet/ClusterSequenceAreaBase.hh>
35 #include <fastjet/AreaDefinition.hh>
36 #include <fastjet/FunctionOfPseudoJet.hh>
37 #include <fastjet/Selector.hh>
38 #include <fastjet/tools/BackgroundEstimatorBase.hh>
39 #include <iostream>
41 FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
44 /// @ingroup tools_background
45 /// \class JetMedianBackgroundEstimator
46 ///
47 /// Class to estimate the pt density of the background per unit area,
48 /// using the median of the distribution of pt/area from jets that
49 /// pass some selection criterion.
50 ///
51 /// Events are passed either in the form of the event particles (in
52 /// which they're clustered by the class), a ClusterSequenceArea (in
53 /// which case the jets used are those returned by "inclusive_jets()")
54 /// or directly as a set of jets.
55 ///
56 /// The selection criterion is typically a geometrical one (e.g. all
57 /// jets with |y|<2) sometimes supplemented with some kinematical
58 /// restriction (e.g. exclusion of the two hardest jets). It is passed
59 /// to the class through a Selector.
60 ///
61 /// Beware:
62 /// by default, to correctly handle partially empty events, the
63 /// class attempts to calculate an "empty area", based
64 /// (schematically) on
65 ///
66 /// range.total_area() - sum_{jets_in_range} jets.area()
67 ///
68 /// For ranges with small areas, this can be inaccurate (particularly
69 /// relevant in dense events where empty_area should be zero and ends
70 /// up not being zero).
71 ///
72 /// This calculation of empty area can be avoided if a
73 /// ClusterSequenceArea class with explicit ghosts
74 /// (ActiveAreaExplicitGhosts) is used. This is _recommended_
75 /// unless speed requirements cause you to use Voronoi areas. For
76 /// speedy background estimation you could also consider using
77 /// GridMedianBackgroundEstimator.
78 ///
79 ///
81 public:
82  /// @name constructors and destructors
83  //\{
84  //----------------------------------------------------------------
85  /// Constructor that sets the rho range as well as the jet
86  /// definition and area definition to be used to cluster the
87  /// particles. Prior to the estimation of rho, one has to provide
88  /// the particles to cluster using set_particles(...)
89  ///
90  /// \param rho_range the Selector specifying which jets will be considered
91  /// \param jet_def the jet definition to use for the clustering
92  /// \param area_def the area definition to use for the clustering
93  JetMedianBackgroundEstimator(const Selector &rho_range,
94  const JetDefinition &jet_def,
95  const AreaDefinition &area_def);
97  /// ctor from a ClusterSequenceAreaBase with area
98  ///
99  /// \param rho_range the Selector specifying which jets will be considered
100  /// \param csa the ClusterSequenceArea to use
101  ///
102  /// Pre-conditions:
103  /// - one should be able to estimate the "empty area" (i.e. the area
104  /// not occupied by jets). This is feasible if at least one of the following
105  /// conditions is satisfied:
106  /// ( i) the ClusterSequence has explicit ghosts
107  /// (ii) the range has a computable area.
108  /// - the jet algorithm must be suited for median computation
109  /// (otherwise a warning will be issues)
110  ///
111  /// Note that selectors with e.g. hardest-jets exclusion do not have
112  /// a well-defined area. For this reasons, it is STRONGLY advised to
113  /// use an area with explicit ghosts.
114  JetMedianBackgroundEstimator(const Selector &rho_range,
115  const ClusterSequenceAreaBase &csa);
118  /// Default constructor that optionally sets the rho range. The
119  /// configuration must be done later calling
120  /// set_cluster_sequence(...) or set_jets(...).
121  ///
122  /// \param rho_range the Selector specifying which jets will be considered
123  ///
124  JetMedianBackgroundEstimator(const Selector &rho_range = SelectorIdentity())
125  : _rho_range(rho_range), _jet_def(JetDefinition()),
126  _enable_rho_m(true){ reset(); }
129  /// default dtor
132  //\}
135  /// @name setting a new event
136  //\{
137  //----------------------------------------------------------------
139  /// tell the background estimator that it has a new event, composed
140  /// of the specified particles.
141  virtual void set_particles(const std::vector<PseudoJet> & particles);
143  /// (re)set the cluster sequence (with area support) to be used by
144  /// future calls to rho() etc.
145  ///
146  /// \param csa the cluster sequence area
147  ///
148  /// Pre-conditions:
149  /// - one should be able to estimate the "empty area" (i.e. the area
150  /// not occupied by jets). This is feasible if at least one of the following
151  /// conditions is satisfied:
152  /// ( i) the ClusterSequence has explicit ghosts
153  /// (ii) the range selected has a computable area.
154  /// - the jet algorithm must be suited for median computation
155  /// (otherwise a warning will be issues)
156  ///
157  /// Note that selectors with e.g. hardest-jets exclusion do not have
158  /// a well-defined area. For this reasons, it is STRONGLY advised to
159  /// use an area with explicit ghosts.
160  void set_cluster_sequence(const ClusterSequenceAreaBase & csa);
162  /// (re)set the jets (which must have area support) to be used by future
163  /// calls to rho() etc.; for the conditions that must be satisfied
164  /// by the jets, see the Constructor that takes jets.
165  void set_jets(const std::vector<PseudoJet> &jets);
167  /// (re)set the selector to be used for future calls to rho() etc.
168  void set_selector(const Selector & rho_range_selector) {
169  _rho_range = rho_range_selector;
170  _uptodate = false;
171  }
173  /// determine whether the automatic calculation of rho_m and sigma_m
174  /// is enabled (by default true)
175  void set_compute_rho_m(bool enable){ _enable_rho_m = enable;}
177  //\}
180  /// @name retrieving fundamental information
181  //\{
182  //----------------------------------------------------------------
184  /// get rho, the median background density per unit area
185  double rho() const;
187  /// get sigma, the background fluctuations per unit area
188  double sigma() const;
190  /// get rho, the median background density per unit area, locally at
191  /// the position of a given jet.
192  ///
193  /// If the Selector associated with the range takes a reference jet
194  /// (i.e. is relocatable), then for subsequent operations the
195  /// Selector has that jet set as its reference.
196  double rho(const PseudoJet & jet);
198  /// get sigma, the background fluctuations per unit area,
199  /// locally at the position of a given jet.
200  ///
201  /// If the Selector associated with the range takes a reference jet
202  /// (i.e. is relocatable), then for subsequent operations the
203  /// Selector has that jet set as its reference.
204  double sigma(const PseudoJet &jet);
206  /// returns true if this background estimator has support for
207  /// determination of sigma
208  virtual bool has_sigma() {return true;}
210  //----------------------------------------------------------------
211  // now do the same thing for rho_m and sigma_m
213  /// returns rho_m, the purely longitudinal, particle-mass-induced
214  /// component of the background density per unit area
215  virtual double rho_m() const;
217  /// returns sigma_m, a measure of the fluctuations in the purely
218  /// longitudinal, particle-mass-induced component of the background
219  /// density per unit area; must be multipled by sqrt(area) to get
220  /// fluctuations for a region of a given area.
221  virtual double sigma_m() const;
223  /// Returns rho_m locally at the jet position. As for rho(jet), it is non-const.
224  virtual double rho_m(const PseudoJet & /*jet*/);
226  /// Returns sigma_m locally at the jet position. As for rho(jet), it is non-const.
227  virtual double sigma_m(const PseudoJet & /*jet*/);
229  /// Returns true if this background estimator has support for
230  /// determination of rho_m.
231  ///
232  /// In te presence of a density class, support for rho_m is
233  /// automatically disabled
234  ///
235  /// Note that support for sigma_m is automatic is one has sigma and
236  /// rho_m support.
237  virtual bool has_rho_m() const {return _enable_rho_m && (_jet_density_class == 0);}
238  //\}
240  /// @name retrieving additional useful information
241  //\{
242  //----------------------------------------------------------------
243  /// Returns the mean area of the jets used to actually compute the
244  /// background properties in the last call of rho() or sigma()
245  /// If the configuration has changed in the meantime, throw an error.
246  double mean_area() const{
247  if (!_uptodate)
248  throw Error("JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::mean_area(): one may not retrieve information about the last call to rho() or sigma() when the configuration has changed in the meantime.");
249  //_recompute_if_needed();
250  return _mean_area;
251  }
253  /// returns the number of jets used to actually compute the
254  /// background properties in the last call of rho() or sigma()
255  /// If the configuration has changed in the meantime, throw an error.
256  unsigned int n_jets_used() const{
257  if (!_uptodate)
258  throw Error("JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::n_jets_used(): one may not retrieve information about the last call to rho() or sigma() when the configuration has changed in the meantime.");
259  //_recompute_if_needed();
260  return _n_jets_used;
261  }
263  /// returns the jets used to actually compute the background
264  /// properties
265  std::vector<PseudoJet> jets_used() const{
266  if (!_uptodate) throw Error("JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::n_jets_used(): one may not retrieve information about the last call to rho() or sigma() when the configuration has changed in the meantime.");
267  _check_csa_alive();
268  std::vector<PseudoJet> tmp_jets = _rho_range(_included_jets);
269  std::vector<PseudoJet> used_jets;
270  for (unsigned int i=0; i<tmp_jets.size(); i++){
271  if (tmp_jets[i].area()>0) used_jets.push_back(tmp_jets[i]);
272  }
273  return used_jets;
274  }
276  /// Returns the estimate of the area (within the range defined by
277  /// the selector) that is not occupied by jets. The value is that
278  /// for the last call of rho() or sigma()
279  /// If the configuration has changed in the meantime, throw an error.
280  ///
281  /// The answer is defined to be zero if the area calculation
282  /// involved explicit ghosts; if the area calculation was an active
283  /// area, then use is made of the active area's internal list of
284  /// pure ghost jets (taking those that pass the selector); otherwise
285  /// it is based on the difference between the selector's total area
286  /// and the area of the jets that pass the selector.
287  ///
288  /// The result here is just the cached result of the corresponding
289  /// call to the ClusterSequenceAreaBase function.
290  double empty_area() const{
291  if (!_uptodate)
292  throw Error("JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::empty_area(): one may not retrieve information about the last call to rho() or sigma() when the configuration has changed in the meantime.");
293  //_recompute_if_needed();
294  return _empty_area;
295  }
297  /// Returns the number of empty jets used when computing the
298  /// background properties. The value is that for the last call of
299  /// rho() or sigma().
300  /// If the configuration has changed in the meantime, throw an error.
301  ///
302  /// If the area has explicit ghosts the result is zero; for active
303  /// areas it is the number of internal pure ghost jets that pass the
304  /// selector; otherwise it is deduced from the empty area, divided by
305  /// \f$ 0.55 \pi R^2 \f$ (the average pure-ghost-jet area).
306  ///
307  /// The result here is just the cached result of the corresponding
308  /// call to the ClusterSequenceAreaBase function.
309  double n_empty_jets() const{
310  if (!_uptodate)
311  throw Error("JetMedianBackgroundEstimator::n_empty_jets(): one may not retrieve information about the last call to rho() or sigma() when the configuration has changed in the meantime.");
312  //_recompute_if_needed();
313  return _n_empty_jets;
314  }
316  //}
319  /// @name configuring behaviour
320  //\{
321  //----------------------------------------------------------------
323  /// Resets the class to its default state, including the choice to
324  /// use 4-vector areas.
325  ///
326  void reset();
328  /// By default when calculating pt/Area for a jet, it is the
329  /// transverse component of the 4-vector area that is used in the ratiof \f$p_t/A\f$.
330  /// Calling this function with a "false" argument causes the scalar area to
331  /// be used instead.
332  ///
333  /// While the difference between the two choices is usually small,
334  /// for high-precision work it is usually the 4-vector area that is
335  /// to be preferred.
336  ///
337  /// \param use_it whether one uses the 4-vector area or not (true by default)
338  void set_use_area_4vector(bool use_it = true){
339  _use_area_4vector = use_it;
340  _uptodate = false;
341  }
343  /// check if the estimator uses the 4-vector area or the scalar area
344  bool use_area_4vector() const{ return _use_area_4vector;}
346  /// The FastJet v2.X sigma calculation had a small spurious offset
347  /// in the limit of a small number of jets. This is fixed by default
348  /// in versions 3 upwards. The old behaviour can be obtained with a
349  /// call to this function.
350  void set_provide_fj2_sigma(bool provide_fj2_sigma = true) {
351  _provide_fj2_sigma = provide_fj2_sigma;
352  _uptodate = false;
353  }
355  /// Set a pointer to a class that calculates the quantity whose
356  /// median will be calculated; if the pointer is null then pt/area
357  /// is used (as occurs also if this function is not called).
358  ///
359  /// Note that this is still <i>preliminary</i> in FastJet 3.0 and
360  /// that backward compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases
361  /// of FastJet
362  void set_jet_density_class(const FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> * jet_density_class);
364  /// return the pointer to the jet density class
366  return _jet_density_class;
367  }
369  /// Set a pointer to a class that calculates the rescaling factor as
370  /// a function of the jet (position). Note that the rescaling factor
371  /// is used both in the determination of the "global" rho (the pt/A
372  /// of each jet is divided by this factor) and when asking for a
373  /// local rho (the result is multiplied by this factor).
374  ///
375  /// The BackgroundRescalingYPolynomial class can be used to get a
376  /// rescaling that depends just on rapidity.
377  virtual void set_rescaling_class(const FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> * rescaling_class_in) {
378  BackgroundEstimatorBase::set_rescaling_class(rescaling_class_in);
379  _uptodate = false;
380  }
382  //\}
384  /// @name description
385  //\{
386  //----------------------------------------------------------------
388  /// returns a textual description of the background estimator
389  std::string description() const;
391  //\}
394 private:
396  /// do the actual job
397  void _compute() const;
399  /// check if the properties need to be recomputed
400  /// and do so if needed
401  void _recompute_if_needed() const {
402  if (!_uptodate) _compute();
403  _uptodate = true;
404  }
406  /// for estimation using a selector that takes a reference jet
407  /// (i.e. a selector that can be relocated) this function allows one
408  /// to set its position.
409  ///
410  /// Note that this HAS to be called before any attempt to compute
411  /// the background properties. The call is, however, performed
412  /// automatically by the functions rho(jet) and sigma(jet).
413  void _recompute_if_needed(const PseudoJet &jet);
415  /// check that the underlying structure is still alive
416  /// throw an error otherwise
417  void _check_csa_alive() const;
419  /// check that the algorithm used for the clustering is adapted for
420  /// background estimation (i.e. either kt or C/A)
421  /// Issue a warning otherwise
422  void _check_jet_alg_good_for_median() const;
424  // the basic parameters of this class (passed through the variou ctors)
425  Selector _rho_range; ///< range to compute the background in
426  JetDefinition _jet_def; ///< the jet def to use for teh clustering
427  AreaDefinition _area_def; ///< the area def to use for teh clustering
428  std::vector<PseudoJet> _included_jets; ///< jets to be used
430  // the tunable parameters of the class
431  bool _use_area_4vector;
432  bool _provide_fj2_sigma;
433  const FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> * _jet_density_class;
434  //SharedPtr<BackgroundRescalingBase> _rescaling_class_sharedptr;
435  bool _enable_rho_m;
437  // the actual results of the computation
438  mutable double _rho; ///< background estimated density per unit area
439  mutable double _sigma; ///< background estimated fluctuations
440  mutable double _rho_m; ///< "mass" background estimated density per unit area
441  mutable double _sigma_m; ///< "mass" background estimated fluctuations
442  mutable double _mean_area; ///< mean area of the jets used to estimate the background
443  mutable unsigned int _n_jets_used; ///< number of jets used to estimate the background
444  mutable double _n_empty_jets; ///< number of empty (pure-ghost) jets
445  mutable double _empty_area; ///< the empty (pure-ghost/unclustered) area!
447  // internal variables
448  SharedPtr<PseudoJetStructureBase> _csi; ///< allows to check if _csa is still valid
449  PseudoJet _current_reference; ///< current reference jet
450  mutable bool _uptodate; ///< true when the background computation is up-to-date
452  /// handle warning messages
453  static LimitedWarning _warnings;
454  static LimitedWarning _warnings_zero_area;
455  static LimitedWarning _warnings_preliminary;
456 };
461 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
462 /// @ingroup tools_background
463 /// \class BackgroundJetPtDensity
464 /// Class that implements pt/area_4vector.perp() for background estimation
465 /// <i>(this is a preliminary class)</i>.
467 public:
468  virtual double result(const PseudoJet & jet) const {
469  return jet.perp() / jet.area_4vector().perp();
470  }
471  virtual std::string description() const {return "BackgroundJetPtDensity";}
472 };
475 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
476 /// @ingroup tools_background
477 /// \class BackgroundJetScalarPtDensity
478 /// Class that implements (scalar pt sum of jet)/(scalar area of jet)
479 /// for background estimation <i>(this is a preliminary class)</i>.
480 ///
481 /// Optionally it can return a quantity based on the sum of pt^n,
482 /// e.g. for use in subtracting fragementation function moments.
484 public:
485  /// Default constructor provides background estimation with scalar pt sum
486  BackgroundJetScalarPtDensity() : _pt_power(1) {}
488  /// Constructor to provide background estimation based on
489  /// \f$ sum_{i\in jet} p_{ti}^{n} \f$
490  BackgroundJetScalarPtDensity(double n) : _pt_power(n) {}
492  virtual double result(const PseudoJet & jet) const;
494  virtual std::string description() const;
496 private:
497  double _pt_power;
498 };
500 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
501 /// @ingroup tools_background
502 /// \class BackgroundJetPtMDensity
503 /// Class that implements
504 /// \f$ \frac{1}{A} \sum_{i \in jet} (\sqrt{p_{ti}^2+m^2} - p_{ti}) \f$
505 /// for background estimation <i>(this is a preliminary class)</i>.
506 ///
507 ///
508 /// This is useful for correcting jet masses in cases where the event
509 /// involves massive particles.
511 public:
512  virtual double result(const PseudoJet & jet) const {
513  std::vector<PseudoJet> constituents = jet.constituents();
514  double scalar_ptm = 0;
515  for (unsigned i = 0; i < constituents.size(); i++) {
516  scalar_ptm += constituents[i].mperp() - constituents[i].perp();
517  }
518  return scalar_ptm / jet.area();
519  }
521  virtual std::string description() const {return "BackgroundPtMDensity";}
522 };