FastJet  3.1.0-beta.1
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2 // $Id: 3594 2014-08-12 15:25:11Z soyez $
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2005-2014, Matteo Cacciari, Gavin P. Salam and Gregory Soyez
5 //
6 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
7 // This file is part of FastJet.
8 //
9 // FastJet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12 // (at your option) any later version.
13 //
14 // The algorithms that underlie FastJet have required considerable
15 // development. They are described in the original FastJet paper,
16 // hep-ph/0512210 and in the manual, arXiv:1111.6097. If you use
17 // FastJet as part of work towards a scientific publication, please
18 // quote the version you use and include a citation to the manual and
19 // optionally also to hep-ph/0512210.
20 //
21 // FastJet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
22 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24 // GNU General Public License for more details.
25 //
26 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
27 // along with FastJet. If not, see <>.
28 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
31 #include "fastjet/tools/Subtractor.hh"
32 #include <cassert>
33 #include <sstream>
34 #include <limits>
35 using namespace std;
37 FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
39 const double Subtractor::_invalid_rho = -numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
42 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
43 // ctor
44 Subtractor::Subtractor(double rho) : _bge(0), _rho(rho) {
45  assert(_rho>0.0);
46  set_defaults();
47 }
49 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
51  _use_rho_m = false; // likely to change in future releases!!
52  _safe_mass = false; // likely to change in future releases!!
54  _sel_known_vertex = Selector();
55  _sel_leading_vertex = Selector();
56 }
58 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
59 // perform the subtraction of a given jet
60 PseudoJet Subtractor::result(const PseudoJet & jet) const {
61  if (!jet.has_area()){
62  throw Error("Trying to subtract a jet without area support");
63  }
65  PseudoJet known_lv, known_pu;
66  PseudoJet unknown = jet;
67  if (_sel_known_vertex.worker()){
68  // separate the jet constituents in 3 groups:
69  // unknown vertex
70  // known vertex, leading vertex
71  // known vertex, non-leading vertex (PU)
72  vector<PseudoJet> constits_unknown, constits_known;
73  _sel_known_vertex.sift(jet.constituents(),
74  constits_known,
75  constits_unknown);
76  vector<PseudoJet> constits_known_lv, constits_known_pu;
77  _sel_leading_vertex.sift(constits_known,
78  constits_known_lv,
79  constits_known_pu);
81  // For the parts related to the known vertices (LV or PU), we just
82  // sum the 4-momenta. For the unknown part, we assign it the full
83  // jet area.
84  known_lv = (constits_known_lv.size()!=0)
85  ? SelectorIdentity().sum(constits_known_lv) : 0.0*jet;
86  known_pu = (constits_known_pu.size()!=0)
87  ? SelectorIdentity().sum(constits_known_pu) : 0.0*jet;
88  if (constits_unknown.size()==0){
89  // no need for any form of subtraction!
90  PseudoJet subtracted_jet = jet;
91  subtracted_jet.reset_momentum(known_lv);
92  return subtracted_jet;
93  }
94  unknown = jet; // that keeps all info including area
95  unknown.reset_momentum(SelectorIdentity().sum(constits_unknown));
96  } else {
97  known_lv = jet; // ensures correct rap-phi!
98  known_lv *= 0.0;
99  known_pu = known_lv;
100  }
102  // prepare for the subtraction and compute the 4-vector to be
103  // subtracted
104  PseudoJet subtracted_jet = jet;
105  PseudoJet to_subtract = known_pu + _amount_to_subtract(unknown);
107  // sanity check for the transverse momentum
108  if (to_subtract.pt2() < jet.pt2() ) {
109  // this subtraction should retain the jet's structural
110  // information
111  subtracted_jet -= to_subtract;
112  } else {
113  // this sets the jet's momentum while maintaining all of the jet's
114  // structural information
115  subtracted_jet.reset_momentum(known_lv);
116  return subtracted_jet;
117  }
119  // make sure that in the end the pt is at least the one known to
120  // come from the leading vertex
121  if (subtracted_jet.pt2() < known_lv.pt2()){
122  subtracted_jet.reset_momentum(known_lv);
123  return subtracted_jet;
124  }
126  // sanity check for the mass (if needed)
127  if ((_safe_mass) && (subtracted_jet.m2() < known_lv.m2())){
128  // in this case, we keep pt and phi as obtained from the
129  // subtraction above and take rap and m from the part that comes
130  // from the leading vertex (or the original jet if nothing comes
131  // from the leading vertex)
132  subtracted_jet.reset_momentum(PtYPhiM(,
133  known_lv.rap(),
134  subtracted_jet.phi(),
135  known_lv.m()));
136  }
138  return subtracted_jet;
139 }
141 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
142 std::string Subtractor::description() const{
143  if (_bge != 0) {
144  string desc = "Subtractor that uses the following background estimator to determine rho: "+_bge->description();
145  if (use_rho_m()) desc += "; including the rho_m correction";
146  if (safe_mass()) desc += "; including mass safety tests";
147  if (_sel_known_vertex.worker()){
148  desc += "; using known vertex selection: "+_sel_known_vertex.description()+" and leading vertex selection: "+_sel_leading_vertex.description();
149  }
150  return desc;
151  } else if (_rho != _invalid_rho) {
152  ostringstream ostr;
153  ostr << "Subtractor that uses a fixed value of rho = " << _rho;
154  return ostr.str();
155  } else {
156  return "Uninitialised subtractor";
157  }
158 }
160 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
161 // compute the 4-vector that should be subtracted from the given
162 // jet
163 PseudoJet Subtractor::_amount_to_subtract(const PseudoJet &jet) const{
164  // the "transverse momentum" part
165  double rho;
166  if (_bge != 0) {
167  rho = _bge->rho(jet);
168  } else if (_rho != _invalid_rho) {
169  rho = _rho;
170  } else {
171  throw Error("default Subtractor does not have any information about the background, which is needed to perform the subtraction");
172  }
174  PseudoJet area = jet.area_4vector();
175  PseudoJet to_subtract = rho*area;
177  double const rho_m_warning_threshold = 1e-5;
179  // add an optional contribution from the unknown particles masses
180  if (_use_rho_m){
181  assert(_bge != 0); // test done in "set_use_rho_m()"
182  to_subtract += _bge->rho_m(jet) * PseudoJet(0.0, 0.0, area.pz(), area.E());
183  } else if (_bge &&
184  _bge->has_rho_m() &&
185  _bge->rho_m(jet) > rho_m_warning_threshold * rho) {
186  _unused_rho_m_warning.warn("Background estimator indicates non-zero rho_m, but use_rho_m()==false in subtractor; consider calling set_use_rho_m(true) to include the rho_m information");
187  }
189  return to_subtract;
190 }