FastJet 3.0.2
00001 #ifndef __SELECTOR_HH__
00002 #define __SELECTOR_HH__
00005 // $Id: Selector.hh 2687 2011-11-14 11:17:51Z soyez $
00006 //
00007 // Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Matteo Cacciari, Gavin P. Salam and Gregory Soyez
00008 //
00009 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00010 // This file is part of FastJet.
00011 //
00012 //  FastJet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00013 //  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00014 //  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00015 //  (at your option) any later version.
00016 //
00017 //  The algorithms that underlie FastJet have required considerable
00018 //  development and are described in hep-ph/0512210. If you use
00019 //  FastJet as part of work towards a scientific publication, please
00020 //  include a citation to the FastJet paper.
00021 //
00022 //  FastJet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00023 //  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00025 //  GNU General Public License for more details.
00026 //
00027 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00028 //  along with FastJet. If not, see <>.
00029 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00032 #include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
00033 #include "fastjet/RangeDefinition.hh"  // for initialisation from a RangeDefinition
00034 #include <limits>
00035 #include <cmath>
00037 FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE      // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
00039 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00040 /// @ingroup selectors
00041 /// \class Selector
00042 /// Class that encodes information about cuts and other selection
00043 /// criteria that can be applied to PseudoJet(s).
00044 ///
00045 class Selector;
00046 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00048 /// @ingroup selectors
00049 /// \class SelectorWorker
00050 /// default selector worker is an abstract virtual base class
00051 ///
00052 /// The Selector class is only an interface, it is the SelectorWorker
00053 /// that really does the work. To implement various selectors, one
00054 /// thus has to overload this class.
00055 class SelectorWorker {
00056 public:
00057   //----------------------------------------------------------
00058   // fundamental info
00059   //----------------------------------------------------------
00060   /// default dtor
00061   virtual ~SelectorWorker() {}
00063   //----------------------------------------------------------
00064   // basic operations for checking what gets selected
00065   //----------------------------------------------------------
00067   /// returns true if a given object passes the selection criterion.
00068   /// This has to be overloaded by derived workers
00069   virtual bool pass(const PseudoJet & jet) const = 0;
00071   /// For each jet that does not pass the cuts, this routine sets the 
00072   /// pointer to 0. 
00073   ///
00074   /// It does not assume that the PseudoJet* passed as argumetn are not NULL
00075   virtual void terminator(std::vector<const PseudoJet *> & jets) const {
00076     for (unsigned i = 0; i < jets.size(); i++) {
00077       if (jets[i] && !pass(*jets[i])) jets[i] = NULL;
00078     }
00079   }
00081   /// returns true if this can be applied jet by jet
00082   virtual bool applies_jet_by_jet() const {return true;}
00084   /// returns a description of the worker
00085   virtual std::string description() const {return "missing description";}
00088   //----------------------------------------------------------
00089   // operations for dealing with reference jets
00090   //----------------------------------------------------------
00092   /// returns true if the worker is defined with respect to a reference jet
00093   virtual bool takes_reference() const { return false;}
00095   /// sets the reference jet for the selector
00096   /// NB: "reference" is commented to avoid unused-variable compiler warnings
00097   virtual void set_reference(const PseudoJet & /*reference*/){
00098     throw Error("set_reference(...) cannot be used for a selector worker that does not take a reference");
00099   }
00101   /// return a copy of the current object.
00102   ///
00103   /// This function is only called for objects that take a reference and need
00104   /// not be reimplemented otherwise.
00105   virtual SelectorWorker* copy(){ 
00106     throw Error("this SelectorWorker has nothing to copy");
00107   }
00109   //----------------------------------------------------------
00110   // operations for area and extent
00111   //----------------------------------------------------------
00113   /// returns the rapidity range for which it may return "true"
00114   virtual void get_rapidity_extent(double & rapmin, double & rapmax) const {
00115     rapmax = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
00116     rapmin = -rapmax; 
00117   }
00119   /// check if it is a geometric selector (i.e. only puts constraints
00120   /// on rapidity and azimuthal angle)
00121   virtual bool is_geometric() const { return false;}
00123   /// check if it has a finite area
00124   virtual bool has_finite_area() const;
00126   /// check if it has an analytically computable area
00127   virtual bool has_known_area() const { return false;}
00129   /// if it has a computable area, return it
00130   virtual double known_area() const{
00131     throw Error("this selector has no computable area");
00132   }
00133 };
00135 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00136 // class Selector
00137 //
00138 // Class that encodes information about cuts that 
00139 class Selector{
00140 public:
00141   /// default constructor produces a Selector whose action is undefined
00142   /// (any attempt to use it will lead to an error)
00143   Selector() {}
00145   /// constructor that causes the Selector to use the supplied worker
00146   ///
00147   /// Note that the Selector takes ownership of the pointer to the
00148   /// worker (and so will delete automatically when appropriate).
00149   Selector(SelectorWorker * worker_in) {_worker.reset(worker_in);}
00152   /// ctor from a RangeDefinition
00153   ///
00154   /// This is provided for backward compatibility and will be removed in
00155   /// a future major release of FastJet
00156   ///
00157   /// Watch out that the Selector will only hold a pointer to the
00158   /// range so the selector will crash if one tries to use it after
00159   /// the range has gone out of scope. We thus strongly advise against
00160   /// the direct use of this constructor.
00161   Selector(const RangeDefinition &range);
00163   /// dummy virtual dtor
00164   virtual ~Selector(){}
00166   /// return true if the jet passes the selection
00167   bool pass(const PseudoJet & jet) const {
00168     if (!validated_worker()->applies_jet_by_jet()) {
00169       throw Error("Cannot apply this selector to an individual jet");
00170     }
00171     return _worker->pass(jet);
00172   }
00174   /// an operator way of knowing whether a given jet passes the selection or not
00175   bool operator()(const PseudoJet & jet) const {
00176     return pass(jet);
00177   }
00179   /// Return a count of the objects that pass the selection.
00180   ///
00181   /// This will often be more efficient that getting the vector of objects that
00182   /// passes and then evaluating the size of the vector
00183   unsigned int count(const std::vector<PseudoJet> & jets) const;
00185   /// sift the input jets into two vectors -- those that pass the selector
00186   /// and those that do not
00187   void sift(const std::vector<PseudoJet> & jets,
00188                   std::vector<PseudoJet> & jets_that_pass,
00189                   std::vector<PseudoJet> & jets_that_fail) const;
00191   /// returns true if this can be applied jet by jet
00192   bool applies_jet_by_jet() const {
00193     return validated_worker()->applies_jet_by_jet();
00194   }
00196   /// returns a vector with the jets that pass the selection
00197   std::vector<PseudoJet> operator()(const std::vector<PseudoJet> & jets) const;
00199   /// For each jet that does not pass the cuts, this routine sets the 
00200   /// pointer to 0. 
00201   ///
00202   /// It is legitimate for some (or all) of the pointers that are
00203   /// passed to already be NULL.
00204   virtual void nullify_non_selected(std::vector<const PseudoJet *> & jets) const {
00205     validated_worker()->terminator(jets);
00206   }
00208   /// returns the rapidity range for which it may return "true"
00209   void get_rapidity_extent(double &rapmin, double &rapmax) const {
00210     return validated_worker()->get_rapidity_extent(rapmin, rapmax);
00211   }
00213   /// returns a textual description of the selector
00214   std::string description() const {
00215     return validated_worker()->description();
00216   }
00218   /// returns true if it is a geometric selector (i.e. one that only puts
00219   /// constraints on rapidities and azimuthal angles)
00220   bool is_geometric() const{
00221     return validated_worker()->is_geometric();
00222   }
00224   /// returns true if it has a meaningful and finite area (i.e. the
00225   /// Selector has the property that is_geometric() returns true and
00226   /// the rapidity extent is finite).
00227   bool has_finite_area() const{
00228     return validated_worker()->has_finite_area();
00229   }
00231   /// returns the rapidity-phi area associated with the Selector
00232   /// (throws InvalidArea if the area does not make sense).
00233   ///
00234   /// If the result is not known analytically, the area will be
00235   /// estimated using a pseudo Monte Carlo method (as for jet areas),
00236   /// using the default ghost area from the GhostedAreaSpec class
00237   /// (0.01). The Monte Carlo estimate involves a time penalty
00238   /// proportional to the ratio of the rapidity extent of the Selector
00239   /// divided by the ghost area.
00240   double area() const;
00242   /// returns the rapidity-phi area associated with the Selector
00243   /// (throws InvalidArea if the area does not make sense).
00244   ///
00245   /// The behaviour is the as with the area() call, but with the
00246   /// ability to additionally specify the ghost area to be used in the
00247   /// case of a Monte Carlo area evaluation.
00248   ///
00249   double area(double ghost_area) const;
00251   /// returns a (reference to) the underlying worker's shared pointer
00252   const SharedPtr<SelectorWorker> & worker() const {return _worker;}
00254   /// returns a worker if there is a valid one, otherwise throws an InvalidWorker error
00255   const SelectorWorker* validated_worker() const {
00256     const SelectorWorker* worker_ptr = _worker.get();
00257     if (worker_ptr == 0) throw InvalidWorker();
00258     return worker_ptr;
00259   }
00261   /// returns true if this can be applied jet by jet
00262   bool takes_reference() const {
00263     return validated_worker()->takes_reference();
00264   }
00266   /// set the reference jet for this Selector
00267   const Selector & set_reference(const PseudoJet &reference){
00269     // if the worker does not take a reference jet, do nothing 
00270     if (! validated_worker()->takes_reference()){
00271       return *this;
00272     }
00274     // since this is a non-const operation, make sure we have a
00275     // correct behaviour with respect to shared workers
00276     _copy_worker_if_needed();
00278     _worker->set_reference(reference);
00279     return *this;
00280   }
00282   /// class that gets throw when a Selector is applied despite it not
00283   /// having a valid underlying worker.
00284   class InvalidWorker : public Error {
00285   public:
00286     InvalidWorker() : Error("Attempt to use Selector with no valid underlying worker") {}
00287   };
00289   /// class that gets throw when a Selector is applied despite it not
00290   /// having a valid underlying worker.
00291   class InvalidArea : public Error {
00292   public:
00293     InvalidArea() : Error("Attempt to obtain area from Selector for which this is not meaningful") {}
00294   };
00296   // some operators (applying directly on a Selector)
00297   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00298   /// For 2 Selectors a and b, a &= b is eauivalent to a = a && b;
00299   Selector & operator &=(const Selector & b);
00301   /// For 2 Selectors a and b, a |= b is eauivalent to a = a || b;
00302   Selector & operator |=(const Selector & b);
00305 protected:
00306   /// Helper for copying selector workers if needed
00307   ///
00308   /// The following is needed if we want to modify a selectors that
00309   /// shares a worker with another selector. In that case, we need to
00310   /// get another copy of the worker to avoid interferences
00311   ///
00312   /// Note that any non-const operation has to call this to behave
00313   /// correctly w.r.t shared workers!
00314   void _copy_worker_if_needed(){
00315     // do nothing if there's a sinlge user of the worker
00316     if (_worker.unique()) return;
00318     // call the worker's copy
00319     //std::cout << "will make a copy of " << description() << std::endl;
00320     _worker.reset(_worker->copy());
00321   }
00323 private:
00324   SharedPtr<SelectorWorker> _worker; ///< the underlying worker
00325 };
00328 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00329 // a list of specific selectors
00330 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00332 /// \addtogroup selectors
00333 /// @{
00336 // fundamental selectors
00337 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00339 // "identity" selector that lets everything pass
00340 Selector SelectorIdentity();
00342 // logical operations
00343 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00345 /// logical not applied on a selector
00346 ///
00347 /// This will keep objects that do not pass the 's' selector
00348 Selector operator!(const Selector & s);
00350 /// logical or between two selectors
00351 ///
00352 /// this will keep the objects that are selected by s1 or s2
00353 Selector operator ||(const Selector & s1, const Selector & s2);
00356 /// logical and between two selectors
00357 ///
00358 /// this will keep the objects that are selected by both s1 and s2
00359 /// 
00360 /// watch out: for both s1 and s2, the selection is applied on the
00361 ///   original list of objects. For successive applications of two
00362 ///   selectors (convolution/multiplication) see the operator *
00363 Selector operator&&(const Selector & s1, const Selector & s2);
00365 /// successive application of 2 selectors
00366 ///
00367 /// Apply the selector s2, then the selector s1.
00368 ///
00369 /// watch out: the operator * acts like an operator product i.e. does
00370 ///   not commute. The order of its arguments is therefore important.
00371 ///   Whenever they commute (in particluar, when they apply jet by
00372 ///   jet), this would have the same effect as the logical &&.
00373 Selector operator*(const Selector & s1, const Selector & s2);
00376 // selection with kinematic cuts
00377 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00378 Selector SelectorPtMin(double ptmin);                    ///< select objects with pt >= ptmin
00379 Selector SelectorPtMax(double ptmax);                    ///< select objects with pt <= ptmax
00380 Selector SelectorPtRange(double ptmin, double ptmax);    ///< select objects with ptmin <= pt <= ptmax
00382 Selector SelectorEtMin(double Etmin);                    ///< select objects with Et >= Etmin
00383 Selector SelectorEtMax(double Etmax);                    ///< select objects with Et <= Etmax
00384 Selector SelectorEtRange(double Etmin, double Etmax);    ///< select objects with Etmin <= Et <= Etmax
00386 Selector SelectorEMin(double Emin);                      ///< select objects with E >= Emin
00387 Selector SelectorEMax(double Emax);                      ///< select objects with E <= Emax
00388 Selector SelectorERange(double Emin, double Emax);       ///< select objects with Emin <= E <= Emax
00390 Selector SelectorMassMin(double Mmin);                      ///< select objects with Mass >= Mmin
00391 Selector SelectorMassMax(double Mmax);                      ///< select objects with Mass <= Mmax
00392 Selector SelectorMassRange(double Mmin, double Mmax);       ///< select objects with Mmin <= Mass <= Mmax
00394 Selector SelectorRapMin(double rapmin);                  ///< select objects with rap >= rapmin
00395 Selector SelectorRapMax(double rapmax);                  ///< select objects with rap <= rapmax
00396 Selector SelectorRapRange(double rapmin, double rapmax); ///< select objects with rapmin <= rap <= rapmax
00398 Selector SelectorAbsRapMin(double absrapmin);                     ///< select objects with |rap| >= absrapmin
00399 Selector SelectorAbsRapMax(double absrapmax);                     ///< select objects with |rap| <= absrapmax
00400 Selector SelectorAbsRapRange(double absrapmin, double absrapmax); ///< select objects with absrapmin <= |rap| <= absrapmax
00402 Selector SelectorEtaMin(double etamin);                  ///< select objects with eta >= etamin
00403 Selector SelectorEtaMax(double etamax);                  ///< select objects with eta <= etamax
00404 Selector SelectorEtaRange(double etamin, double etamax); ///< select objects with etamin <= eta <= etamax
00406 Selector SelectorAbsEtaMin(double absetamin);                     ///< select objects with |eta| >= absetamin
00407 Selector SelectorAbsEtaMax(double absetamax);                     ///< select objects with |eta| <= absetamax
00408 Selector SelectorAbsEtaRange(double absetamin, double absetamax); ///< select objects with absetamin <= |eta| <= absetamax
00410 Selector SelectorPhiRange(double phimin, double phimax); ///< select objects with phimin <= phi <= phimax
00412 /// select objects with rapmin <= rap <= rapmax  &&  phimin <= phi <= phimax
00413 ///
00414 /// Note that this is essentially a combination of SelectorRapRange
00415 /// and SelectorPhiRange. We provide it as a Selector on its own in
00416 /// order to use the known area (which would otherwise be lost by the &&
00417 /// operator)
00418 Selector SelectorRapPhiRange(double rapmin, double rapmax, double phimin, double phimax);
00420 /// select the n hardest objects 
00421 Selector SelectorNHardest(unsigned int n); 
00424 // Selectors that take (require) a reference jet.
00425 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00427 /// select objets within a distance 'radius' from the location of the
00428 /// reference jet, set by Selector::set_reference(...)
00429 Selector SelectorCircle(const double & radius); 
00431 /// select objets with distance from the reference jet is between 'radius_in'
00432 /// and 'radius_out'; the reference jet is set by Selector::set_reference(...)
00433 Selector SelectorDoughnut(const double & radius_in, const double & radius_out); 
00435 /// select objets within a rapidity distance 'half_width' from the
00436 /// location of the reference jet, set by Selector::set_reference(...)
00437 Selector SelectorStrip(const double & half_width);
00439 /// select objets within rapidity distance 'half_rap_width' from the
00440 /// reference jet and azimuthal-angle distance within 'half_phi_width'; the
00441 /// reference jet is set by Selector::set_reference(...)
00442 Selector SelectorRectangle(const double & half_rap_width, const double & half_phi_width);
00445 /// select objects that carry at least a fraction "fraction" of the
00446 /// reference jet. The reference jet must have been set with
00447 /// Selector::set_reference(...)
00448 Selector SelectorPtFractionMin(double fraction);
00451 // additional (mostly helper) selectors
00452 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00454 /// select PseudoJet with 0 momentum
00455 Selector SelectorIsZero();
00457 /// select objects that are (or are only made of) ghosts.
00458 /// PseudoJets for which has_area() are considered non-pure-ghost.
00459 Selector SelectorIsPureGhost();
00461 /// @}
00463 FASTJET_END_NAMESPACE      // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
00465 #endif // __SELECTOR_HH__
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