▼Nfastjet | FastJet namespace |
C_NoInfo | Internal dummy class, used as a default template argument |
CAreaDefinition | Class that holds a generic area definition |
CATLASConePlugin | Implementation of the ATLAS Cone (plugin for fastjet v2.4 upwards) |
CBackgroundEstimatorBase | Abstract base class that provides the basic interface for classes that estimate levels of background radiation in hadron and heavy-ion collider events |
CBackgroundJetPtDensity | Class that implements pt/area_4vector.perp() for background estimation (this is a preliminary class) |
CBackgroundJetPtMDensity | Class that implements ![]() |
CBackgroundJetScalarPtDensity | Class that implements (scalar pt sum of jet)/(scalar area of jet) for background estimation (this is a preliminary class) |
CBackgroundRescalingYPolynomial | A background rescaling that is a simple polynomial in y |
CBoost | Class to boost a PseudoJet |
▼CCASubJetTagger | Clean (almost parameter-free) tagger searching for the element in the clustering history that maximises a chosen distance |
CJetAux | Class that contains the result internally |
CCASubJetTaggerStructure | Structure returned by a CASubJetTagger |
CCDFJetCluPlugin | Implementation of the JetClu algorithm from CDF (plugin for fastjet-v2.1 upwards) |
CCDFMidPointPlugin | Implementation of the MidPoint algorithm from CDF (plugin for fastjet-v2.1 upwards) |
▼CClusterSequence | Deals with clustering |
CExtras | Base class to store extra information that plugins may provide |
Chistory_element | Single element in the clustering history |
CClusterSequence1GhostPassiveArea | Like ClusterSequence with computation of the passive jet area by adding a single ghost |
CClusterSequenceActiveArea | Like ClusterSequence with computation of the active jet area |
CClusterSequenceActiveAreaExplicitGhosts | Like ClusterSequence with computation of the active jet area with the addition of explicit ghosts |
CClusterSequenceArea | General class for user to obtain ClusterSequence with additional area information |
CClusterSequenceAreaBase | Base class that sets interface for extensions of ClusterSequence that provide information about the area of each jet |
CClusterSequencePassiveArea | Like ClusterSequence with computation of the passive jet area |
CClusterSequenceStructure | Contains any information related to the clustering that should be directly accessible to PseudoJet |
CClusterSequenceVoronoiArea | Like ClusterSequence with computation of the Voronoi jet area |
CCMSIterativeConePlugin | Implementation of the CMS Iterative Cone (plugin for fastjet v2.4 upwards) |
CCompositeJetStructure | The structure for a jet made of pieces |
CD0RunIBaseConePlugin | D0RunIBaseConePlugin is base class for a plugin for FastJet (v3.0 or later) that provides an interface to the D0 version of Run-I cone algorithm |
CD0RunIConePlugin | A plugin for FastJet (v3.0 or later) that provides an interface to the D0 version of Run-I cone algorithm |
CD0RunIIConePlugin | Implementation of the D0 Run II Cone (plugin for fastjet v2.1 upwards) |
CD0RunIpre96ConePlugin | A plugin for FastJet (v3.0 or later) that provides an interface to the pre 1996 D0 version of Run-I cone algorithm |
CEECambridgePlugin | Implementation of the e+e- Cambridge algorithm (plugin for fastjet v2.4 upwards) |
CError | Base class corresponding to errors that can be thrown by FastJet |
CEtaPhi | Shortcut for dealing with eta-phi coordinates |
CFilter | Class that helps perform filtering (Butterworth, Davison, Rubin and Salam, arXiv:0802.2470) and trimming (Krohn, Thaler and Wang, arXiv:0912.1342) on jets, optionally in conjunction with subtraction (Cacciari and Salam, arXiv:0707.1378) |
CFilterStructure | Class to contain structure information for a filtered jet |
CFunctionOfPseudoJet | Base class providing interface for a generic function of a PseudoJet |
CGhostedAreaSpec | Parameters to configure the computation of jet areas using ghosts |
CGridJetPlugin | Plugin for fastjet (v3.0 upwards) that clusters particles such that all particles in a given cell of a rectangular rapidity-phi grid end up in a common "jet" |
CGridMedianBackgroundEstimator | Background Estimator based on the median pt/area of a set of grid cells |
CInternalError | Class corresponding to critical internal errors |
CJadePlugin | Implementation of the e+e- Jade algorithm (plugin for fastjet v2.4 upwards) |
▼CJetDefinition | Class that is intended to hold a full definition of the jet clusterer |
CDefaultRecombiner | A class that will provide the recombination scheme facilities and/or allow a user to extend these facilities |
CPlugin | Class that allows a user to introduce their own "plugin" jet finder |
CRecombiner | An abstract base class that will provide the recombination scheme facilities and/or allow a user to extend these facilities |
CJetMedianBackgroundEstimator | Class to estimate the pt density of the background per unit area, using the median of the distribution of pt/area from jets that pass some selection criterion |
CJHTopTagger | Class that helps perform boosted top tagging using the "Johns Hopkins" method from arXiv:0806.0848 (Kaplan, Rehermann, Schwartz and Tweedie) |
CJHTopTaggerStructure | Structure returned by the JHTopTagger transformer |
CLimitedWarning | Class to provide facilities for giving warnings up to some maximum number of times and to provide global summaries of warnings that have been issued |
CMassDropTagger | Class that helps perform 2-pronged boosted tagging using the "mass-drop" technique (with asymmetry cut) introduced by Jonathan Butterworth, Adam Davison, Mathieu Rubin and Gavin Salam in arXiv:0802.2470 in the context of a boosted Higgs search |
CMassDropTaggerStructure | Structure returned by the MassDropTagger transformer |
CNestedDefsPlugin | Plugin to run multiple jet definitions successively (plugin for fastjet v2.4 upwards) |
CNNBase | Helps solve closest pair problems with generic interparticle and particle-beam distances |
CNNFJN2Plain | Helps solve closest pair problems with factorised interparticle and beam distances (ie satisfying the FastJet lemma) |
CNNFJN2Tiled | Helps solve closest pair problems with factorised interparticle and beam distances (ie satisfying the FastJet lemma) that are on a cylindrical geometry and allow tiling |
CNNH | Help solve closest pair problems with generic interparticle and beam distance (generic case) |
CNNInfo | Internal helper template class to facilitate initialisation of a BJ with a PseudoJet and extra information |
CNNInfo< _NoInfo > | for cases where there is no extra info |
CPruner | Transformer that prunes a jet |
CPrunerStructure | The structure associated with a PseudoJet thas has gone through a Pruner transformer |
▼CPseudoJet | Class to contain pseudojets, including minimal information of use to jet-clustering routines |
CInexistentUserInfo | Error class to be thrown if accessing user info when it doesn't exist |
CUserInfoBase | Base class to hold extra user information in a PseudoJet |
CPseudoJetStructureBase | Contains any information related to the clustering that should be directly accessible to PseudoJet |
CPxConePlugin | Implementation of the PxCone algorithm (plugin for fastjet v2.1 upwards) |
CRangeDefinition | Class for holding a range definition specification, given by limits on rapidity and azimuth |
CRecluster | Recluster a jet's constituents with a new jet definition |
CRectangularGrid | Class that holds a generic rectangular tiling |
CRestFrameNSubjettinessTagger | Class that helps perform 2-pronged boosted tagging using a reclustering in the jet's rest frame, supplemented with a cut on N-subjettiness (and a decay angle), as discussed by Ji-Hun Kim in arXiv:1011.1493 |
CRestFrameNSubjettinessTaggerStructure | Structure returned by the RestFrameNSubjettinessTagger transformer |
▼CSelector | Class that encodes information about cuts and other selection criteria that can be applied to PseudoJet(s) |
CInvalidArea | Class that gets thrown when the area is requested from a Selector for which the area is not meaningful |
CInvalidWorker | Class that gets thrown when a Selector is applied despite it not having a valid underlying worker |
CSelectorWorker | Default selector worker is an abstract virtual base class |
CSharedPtr | Implementation of C++0x shared pointers (or boost's) |
CSISConeBaseExtras | Class that provides extra information about a SISCone clustering |
CSISConeExtras | Class that provides extra information about a SISCone clustering |
CSISConePlugin | Implementation of the SISCone algorithm (plugin for fastjet v2.1 upwards) |
CSISConeSphericalExtras | Class that provides extra information about a SISCone clustering |
CSISConeSphericalPlugin | Implementation of the spherical version of the SISCone algorithm (plugin for fastjet v2.1 upwards) |
CSubtractor | Class that helps perform jet background subtraction |
CTiledJet | Structure analogous to BriefJet, but with the extra information needed for dealing with tiles |
CTilingBase | Class to indicate generic structure of tilings |
CTilingExtent | Class to perform a fast analysis of the appropriate rapidity range in which to perform tiling |
CTopTaggerBase | A base class that provides a common interface for top taggers that are able to return a W (in addition to the top itself) |
CTopTaggerBaseStructure | Class that specifies the structure common to all top taggers |
CTrackJetPlugin | Implementation of the TrackJet algorithm (plugin for fastjet v2.4 upwards) |
CTransformer | Base (abstract) class for a jet transformer |
CUnboost | Class to un-boost a PseudoJet |
CVoronoiAreaSpec | Specification for the computation of the Voronoi jet area |
CWrappedStructure | This wraps a (shared) pointer to an underlying structure |