FastJet  3.4.0
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // File: //
3 // Part of the CmdLine library //
4 // //
5 // Copyright (c) 2007 Gavin Salam //
6 // //
7 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
8 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
9 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //
10 // (at your option) any later version. //
11 // //
12 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
13 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
15 // GNU General Public License for more details. //
16 // //
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
18 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //
19 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA //
20 // //
21 // $Revision:: 139 $//
22 // $Date:: 2007-01-23 16:09:23 +0100 (Tue, 23 Jan 2007) $//
23 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 #include "CmdLine.hh"
28 #include<string>
29 #include<sstream>
30 #include<iostream> // testing
31 #include<vector>
32 #include<cstddef> // for size_t
33 #include<cstdlib> // for exit
34 using namespace std;
36 // initialise the various structures that we shall
37 // use to access the command-line options;
38 //
39 // If an option appears several times, it is its LAST value
40 // that will be used in searching for option values (opposite of f90)
41 CmdLine::CmdLine (const int argc, char** argv) {
42  __arguments.resize(argc);
43  for(int iarg = 0; iarg < argc; iarg++){
44  __arguments[iarg] = argv[iarg];
45  }
46  this->init();
47 }
49 /// constructor from a vector of strings, one argument per string
50 CmdLine::CmdLine (const vector<string> & args) {
51  __arguments = args;
52  this->init();
53 }
55 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
56 void CmdLine::init (){
57  __command_line = "";
58  for(size_t iarg = 0; iarg < __arguments.size(); iarg++){
59  __command_line += __arguments[iarg];
60  __command_line += " ";
61  }
63  // group things into options
64  bool next_may_be_val = false;
65  string currentopt;
66  for(size_t iarg = 1; iarg < __arguments.size(); iarg++){
67  // if expecting an option value, then take it (even if
68  // it is actually next option...)
69  if (next_may_be_val) {__options[currentopt] = iarg;}
70  // now see if it might be an option itself
71  string arg = __arguments[iarg];
72  bool thisisopt = (,1,"-") == 0);
73  if (thisisopt) {
74  // set option to a standard undefined value and say that
75  // we expect (possibly) a value on next round
76  currentopt = arg;
77  __options[currentopt] = -1;
78  __options_used[currentopt] = false;
79  next_may_be_val = true;}
80  else {
81  // otherwise throw away the argument for now...
82  next_may_be_val = false;
83  currentopt = "";
84  }
85  }
86 }
88 // indicates whether an option is present
89 bool CmdLine::present(const string & opt) const {
90  bool result = (__options.find(opt) != __options.end());
91  if (result) __options_used[opt] = true;
92  return result;
93 }
95 // indicates whether an option is present and has a value associated
96 bool CmdLine::present_and_set(const string & opt) const {
97  bool result = present(opt) && __options[opt] > 0;
98  return result;
99 }
102 // return the string value corresponding to the specified option
103 string CmdLine::string_val(const string & opt) const {
104  if (!this->present_and_set(opt)) {
105  cerr << "Error: Option "<<opt
106  <<" is needed but is not present_and_set"<<endl;
107  exit(-1);
108  }
109  string arg = __arguments[__options[opt]];
110  // this may itself look like an option -- if that is the case
111  // declare the option to have been used
112  if (,1,"-") == 0) {__options_used[arg] = true;}
113  return arg;
114 }
116 // as above, but if opt is not present_and_set, return default
117 string CmdLine::string_val(const string & opt, const string & defval) const {
118  if (this->present_and_set(opt)) {return string_val(opt);}
119  else {return defval;}
120 }
122 // Return the integer value corresponding to the specified option;
123 // Not too sure what happens if option is present_and_set but does not
124 // have string value...
125 int CmdLine::int_val(const string & opt) const {
126  int result;
127  string optstring = string_val(opt);
128  istringstream optstream(optstring);
129  optstream >> result;
130  if ( {
131  cerr << "Error: could not convert option ("<<opt<<") value ("
132  <<optstring<<") to int"<<endl;
133  exit(-1);}
134  return result;
135 }
137 // as above, but if opt is not present_and_set, return default
138 int CmdLine::int_val(const string & opt, const int & defval) const {
139  if (this->present_and_set(opt)) {return int_val(opt);}
140  else {return defval;}
141 }
144 // Return the integer value corresponding to the specified option;
145 // Not too sure what happens if option is present_and_set but does not
146 // have string value...
147 double CmdLine::double_val(const string & opt) const {
148  double result;
149  string optstring = string_val(opt);
150  istringstream optstream(optstring);
151  optstream >> result;
152  if ( {
153  cerr << "Error: could not convert option ("<<opt<<") value ("
154  <<optstring<<") to double"<<endl;
155  exit(-1);}
156  return result;
157 }
159 // as above, but if opt is not present_and_set, return default
160 double CmdLine::double_val(const string & opt, const double & defval) const {
161  if (this->present_and_set(opt)) {return double_val(opt);}
162  else {return defval;}
163 }
166 // return the full command line including the command itself
167 string CmdLine::command_line() const {
168  return __command_line;
169 }
172 // return true if all options have been asked for at some point or other
173 bool CmdLine::all_options_used() const {
174  bool result = true;
175  for(map<string,bool>::const_iterator opt = __options_used.begin();
176  opt != __options_used.end(); opt++) {
177  bool this_one = opt->second;
178  if (! this_one) {cerr << "Option "<<opt->first<<" unused/unrecognized"<<endl;}
179  result = result && this_one;
180  }
181  return result;
182 }
185 /// report failure of conversion
186 void CmdLine::_report_conversion_failure(const string & opt,
187  const string & optstring) const {
188  cerr << "Error: could not convert option ("<<opt<<") value ("
189  <<optstring<<") to requested type"<<endl;
190  exit(-1);
191 }