FastJet  3.4.0
1 List of the examples enclosed:
3 basic usage example
4 further usage of JetDefinition
5 illustrates the usage of (the SISCone) plugin
6 shows how a PseudoJet accesses its underlying ClusterSequence
7 illustrates the usage of the e+e- algorithms and exclusive jets
8 illustrates the usage of jet areas
9 shows how to estimate the background and subtract it from the jets
10 illustrates the usage of Selector
11 shows how to implement and retrieve extra user info about input particles
12 shows how to extract information about subjets
13 shows how to implement and use various filters
14 shows how to implement boosted Higgs tagging using jet substructure
15 shows how to implement boosted top tagging using jet substructure
16 shows how to use various groomers (filtering, trimming, pruning) in a unified manner