FastJet  3.4.0
2 // actual physical parameters:
3 //
4 // coner
5 // epsilon
6 // ovlim
8 extern "C" {
9 #ifdef WIN32
10  void _stdcall PXCONE
11 #else
12  void pxcone_
13 #endif
14  (
15  const int & mode , // 1=>e+e-, 2=>hadron-hadron
16  const int & ntrak , // Number of particles
17  const int & itkdm , // First dimension of PTRAK array:
18  const double * ptrak , // Array of particle 4-momenta (Px,Py,Pz,E)
19  const double & coner , // Cone size (half angle) in radians
20  const double & epslon , // Minimum Jet energy (GeV)
21  const double & ovlim , // Maximum fraction of overlap energy in a jet
22  const int & mxjet , // Maximum possible number of jets
23  int & njet , // Number of jets found
24  double * pjet, // 5-vectors of jets
25  int * ipass, // Particle k belongs to jet number IPASS(k)-1
26  // IPASS = -1 if not assosciated to a jet
27  int * ijmul, // Jet i contains IJMUL[i] particles
28  int & ierr // = 0 if all is OK ; = -1 otherwise
29  );
30 }
32 #ifdef WIN32
33 #define pxcone PXCONE
34 #else
35 #define pxcone pxcone_
36 #endif