68 atlas::JetConeFinderTool::jetcollection_t jets_ptr;
69 vector<atlas::Jet*> particles_ptr;
71 for (
unsigned int i=0 ; i<clust_seq.
jets().size() ; i++) {
75 atlas::Jet *particle =
new atlas::Jet(mom.px(), mom.py(), mom.pz(), mom.E(), i);
76 particles_ptr.push_back(particle);
79 atlas::Jet *jet =
new atlas::Jet;
80 jet->set_index(particle->index());
81 jet->addConstituent(particle);
84 jets_ptr.push_back(jet);
91 atlas::JetConeFinderTool stable_cone_finder;
94 stable_cone_finder.m_coneR = _radius;
95 stable_cone_finder.m_seedPt = _seedPt;
100 stable_cone_finder.execute(jets_ptr);
106 atlas::JetSplitMergeTool split_merge;
109 split_merge.m_f = _f;
113 split_merge.execute(&jets_ptr);
119 for (atlas::Jet::jet_list_t::iterator jet_it = jets_ptr.begin() ;
120 jet_it != jets_ptr.end(); jet_it++){
123 atlas::Jet::constit_vect_t::iterator constit_it = (*jet_it)->firstConstituent();
125 int jet_k = (*constit_it)->index();
129 while (constit_it != (*jet_it)->lastConstituent()){
133 int jet_j = (*constit_it)->index();
149 double d_iB = clust_seq.
154 clear_list(particles_ptr);
155 clear_list(jets_ptr);
void plugin_record_ij_recombination(int jet_i, int jet_j, double dij, int &newjet_k)
record the fact that there has been a recombination between jets()[jet_i] and jets()[jet_k],...