5The FastJet package, written by Matteo Cacciari and Gavin Salam and
6Gregory Soyez, provides a fast implementation of several
7longitudinally invariant sequential recombination jet algorithms, in
8particular the longitudinally invariant kt jet algorithm, the
9inclusive longitudinally invariant version of the Cambridge/Aachen
10jet-algorithm, and the inclusive anti-kt algorithm.
12The implementation is based on the geometrical methods described in
13M. Cacciari and G.P. Salam, Phys. Lett. B 641 (2006) 57
14[hep-ph/0512210]. The full FastJet manual is available as
15doc/fastjet-doc.tex and also as arXiv:1111.6097.
17Means are also provided for accessing external jet-algorithm software
18via a common (plugin) interface and the package notably includes
19SISCone, an infrared safe seedless stable-cone type algorithm introduced
20in G.P. Salam and G. Soyez, JHEP 0705 (2007) 086 [arXiv:0704.0292].
22Various tools are also provided related to jet areas and
23subtraction. They can be used with any infrared safe jet algorithm,
24both native and plugin. The ideas behind them are described in
25M. Cacciari, G.P. Salam, Phys.Lett.B 659 (2008) 119 [arXiv:0707.1378], and
26M. Cacciari, G.P. Salam and G. Soyez, JHEP 0804 (2008) 005 [arXiv:0802.1188]
28Tools are also provided to facilitate jet substructure analyses.
33Installation instructions are provided in the INSTALL file.
35Note that to benefit from NlnN implementation (relevant for a number
36of particles N greater than 15000 roughly) of the kt (and anti-kt) jet
37algorithm , you will need to download CGAL from http://www.cgal.org/
38and compile it before compiling the FastJet library. The NlnN
39implementation of the Cambridge/Aachen jet-algorithm is independent of
42Automatic documentation can be generated by running the doxygen command
43(if not installed on your system see www.doxygen.org) in the main
44directory. It will create the html/ and latex/ directories containing
45detailed documentation of all classes etc.. More standard
46documentation is to be found in the doc/ directory.
53src/ the .cc files for the FastJet library
54include/ the include (.hh) files for the FastJet library
55example/ contains example programs (list them with "ls -1 [0-9]*.cc")
56example/data/ contains files with data for example events
57example/root/ an example root script to show jets as calorimeter towers
58plugins/ the various plugin jet algorithms
59tools/ location for a number of the tools (substructure, etc.)
60fortran_wrapper/ an illustration of how to use fastjet from fortran
66See the BUGS file as well as the web page, http://fastjet.fr/ for
67information discovered subsequent to the release.