FastJet 3.0.2
Classes | Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes
fastjet::PseudoJet Class Reference

Class to contain pseudojets, including minimal information of use to jet-clustering routines. More...

#include <fastjet/PseudoJet.hh>

Inherited by fastjet::ClusterSequenceActiveArea::GhostJet.

Collaboration diagram for fastjet::PseudoJet:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.


class  InexistentUserInfo
 error class to be thrown if accessing user info when it doesn't exist More...
class  UserInfoBase
 a base class to hold extra user information in a PseudoJet More...

Public Types

enum  {
  X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 2, T = 3,

Public Member Functions

 PseudoJet (const siscone::Cmomentum &four_vector)
 shortcut for converting siscone Cmomentum into PseudoJet
 PseudoJet (const siscone_spherical::CSphmomentum &four_vector)
 shortcut for converting siscone CSphmomentum into PseudoJet
Constructors and destructor
 PseudoJet ()
 default constructor, which as of FJ3.0 provides an object for which all operations are now valid and which has zero momentum
 PseudoJet (const double px, const double py, const double pz, const double E)
 construct a pseudojet from explicit components
template<class L >
 PseudoJet (const L &some_four_vector)
 constructor from any object that has px,py,pz,E = some_four_vector[0--3],
 PseudoJet (bool)
virtual ~PseudoJet ()
 default (virtual) destructor
Kinematic access functions
double E () const
double e () const
double px () const
double py () const
double pz () const
double phi () const
 returns phi (in the range 0..2pi)
double phi_std () const
 returns phi in the range -pi..pi
double phi_02pi () const
 returns phi in the range 0..2pi
double rap () const
 returns the rapidity or some large value when the rapidity is infinite
double rapidity () const
 the same as rap()
double pseudorapidity () const
 returns the pseudo-rapidity or some large value when the rapidity is infinite
double eta () const
double pt2 () const
 returns the squared transverse momentum
double pt () const
 returns the scalar transverse momentum
double perp2 () const
 returns the squared transverse momentum
double perp () const
 returns the scalar transverse momentum
double kt2 () const
 returns the squared transverse momentum
double m2 () const
 returns the squared invariant mass // like CLHEP
double m () const
 returns the invariant mass (If m2() is negative then -sqrt(-m2()) is returned, as in CLHEP)
double mperp2 () const
 returns the squared transverse mass = kt^2+m^2
double mperp () const
 returns the transverse mass = sqrt(kt^2+m^2)
double mt2 () const
 returns the squared transverse mass = kt^2+m^2
double mt () const
 returns the transverse mass = sqrt(kt^2+m^2)
double modp2 () const
 return the squared 3-vector modulus = px^2+py^2+pz^2
double modp () const
 return the 3-vector modulus = sqrt(px^2+py^2+pz^2)
double Et () const
 return the transverse energy
double Et2 () const
 return the transverse energy squared
double operator() (int i) const
 returns component i, where X==0, Y==1, Z==2, E==3
double operator[] (int i) const
 returns component i, where X==0, Y==1, Z==2, E==3
double kt_distance (const PseudoJet &other) const
 returns kt distance (R=1) between this jet and another
double plain_distance (const PseudoJet &other) const
 returns squared cylinder (rap-phi) distance between this jet and another
double squared_distance (const PseudoJet &other) const
 returns squared cylinder (rap-phi) distance between this jet and another
double delta_R (const PseudoJet &other) const
 return the cylinder (rap-phi) distance between this jet and another, $\Delta_R = \sqrt{\Delta y^2 + \Delta \phi^2}$.
double delta_phi_to (const PseudoJet &other) const
 returns other.phi() - this.phi(), constrained to be in range -pi .
double beam_distance () const
 returns distance between this jet and the beam
std::valarray< double > four_mom () const
 return a valarray containing the four-momentum (components 0-2 are 3-mom, component 3 is energy).
Kinematic modification functions
PseudoJetboost (const PseudoJet &prest)
 transform this jet (given in the rest frame of prest) into a jet in the lab frame [NOT FULLY TESTED]
PseudoJetunboost (const PseudoJet &prest)
 transform this jet (given in lab) into a jet in the rest frame of prest [NOT FULLY TESTED]
void operator*= (double)
 multiply the jet's momentum by the coefficient
void operator/= (double)
 divide the jet's momentum by the coefficient
void operator+= (const PseudoJet &)
 add the other jet's momentum to this jet
void operator-= (const PseudoJet &)
 subtract the other jet's momentum from this jet
void reset (double px, double py, double pz, double E)
 reset the 4-momentum according to the supplied components and put the user and history indices back to their default values
void reset (const PseudoJet &psjet)
 reset the PseudoJet to be equal to psjet (including its indices); NB if the argument is derived from a PseudoJet then the "reset" used will be the templated version
template<class L >
void reset (const L &some_four_vector)
 reset the 4-momentum according to the supplied generic 4-vector (accessible via indexing, [0]==px,...[3]==E) and put the user and history indices back to their default values.
void reset_PtYPhiM (double pt_in, double y_in, double phi_in, double m_in=0.0)
 reset the PseudoJet according to the specified pt, rapidity, azimuth and mass (also resetting indices, etc.) (phi should satisfy -2pi<phi<4pi)
void reset_momentum (double px, double py, double pz, double E)
 reset the 4-momentum according to the supplied components but leave all other information (indices, user info, etc.) untouched
void reset_momentum (const PseudoJet &pj)
 reset the 4-momentum according to the components of the supplied PseudoJet, including cached components; note that the template version (below) will be called for classes derived from PJ.
void reset_momentum_PtYPhiM (double pt, double y, double phi, double m=0.0)
 reset the 4-momentum according to the specified pt, rapidity, azimuth and mass (phi should satisfy -2pi<phi<4pi)
template<class L >
void reset_momentum (const L &some_four_vector)
 reset the 4-momentum according to the supplied generic 4-vector (accessible via indexing, [0]==px,...[3]==E), but leave all other information (indices, user info, etc.) untouched
void set_cached_rap_phi (double rap, double phi)
 in some cases when setting a 4-momentum, the user/program knows what rapidity and azimuth are associated with that 4-momentum; by calling this routine the user can provide the information directly to the PseudoJet and avoid expensive rap-phi recalculations.
User index functions

To allow the user to set and access an integer index which can be exploited by the user to associate extra information with a particle/jet (for example pdg id, or an indication of a particle's origin within the user's analysis)

int user_index () const
 return the user_index,
void set_user_index (const int index)
 set the user_index, intended to allow the user to add simple identifying information to a particle/jet
User information types and functions

Allows PseudoJet to carry extra user info (as an object derived from UserInfoBase).

void set_user_info (UserInfoBase *user_info_in)
 sets the internal shared pointer to the user information.
template<class L >
const L & user_info () const
 returns a reference to the dynamic cast conversion of user_info to type L.
bool has_user_info () const
 returns true if the PseudoJet has user information
template<class L >
bool has_user_info () const
 returns true if the PseudoJet has user information than can be cast to the template argument type.
const UserInfoBaseuser_info_ptr () const
 retrieve a pointer to the (const) user information
const SharedPtr< UserInfoBase > & user_info_shared_ptr () const
 retrieve a (const) shared pointer to the user information
SharedPtr< UserInfoBase > & user_info_shared_ptr ()
 retrieve a (non-const) shared pointer to the user information; you can use this, for example, to set the shared pointer, eg

Since a PseudoJet can have a structure that contains a variety of information, we provide a description that allows one to check exactly what kind of PseudoJet we are dealing with

std::string description () const
 return a string describing what kind of PseudoJet we are dealing with
Access to the associated ClusterSequence object.

In addition to having kinematic information, jets may contain a reference to an associated ClusterSequence (this is the case, for example, if the jet has been returned by a ClusterSequence member function).

bool has_associated_cluster_sequence () const
 returns true if this PseudoJet has an associated ClusterSequence.
bool has_associated_cs () const
 shorthand for has_associated_cluster_sequence()
bool has_valid_cluster_sequence () const
 returns true if this PseudoJet has an associated and still valid(ated) ClusterSequence.
bool has_valid_cs () const
 shorthand for has_valid_cluster_sequence()
const ClusterSequenceassociated_cluster_sequence () const
 get a (const) pointer to the parent ClusterSequence (NULL if inexistent)
const ClusterSequenceassociated_cs () const
const ClusterSequencevalidated_cluster_sequence () const
 if the jet has a valid associated cluster sequence then return a pointer to it; otherwise throw an error
const ClusterSequencevalidated_cs () const
 shorthand for validated_cluster_sequence()
const ClusterSequenceAreaBasevalidated_cluster_sequence_area_base () const
 if the jet has valid area information then return a pointer to the associated ClusterSequenceAreaBase object; otherwise throw an error
const ClusterSequenceAreaBasevalidated_csab () const
 shorthand for validated_cluster_sequence_area_base()
Access to the associated PseudoJetStructureBase object.

In addition to having kinematic information, jets may contain a reference to an associated ClusterSequence (this is the case, for example, if the jet has been returned by a ClusterSequence member function).

void set_structure_shared_ptr (const SharedPtr< PseudoJetStructureBase > &structure)
 set the associated structure
bool has_structure () const
 return true if there is some structure associated with this PseudoJet
const PseudoJetStructureBasestructure_ptr () const
 return a pointer to the structure (of type PseudoJetStructureBase*) associated with this PseudoJet.
PseudoJetStructureBasestructure_non_const_ptr ()
 return a non-const pointer to the structure (of type PseudoJetStructureBase*) associated with this PseudoJet.
const PseudoJetStructureBasevalidated_structure_ptr () const
 return a pointer to the structure (of type PseudoJetStructureBase*) associated with this PseudoJet.
const SharedPtr
< PseudoJetStructureBase > & 
structure_shared_ptr () const
 return a reference to the shared pointer to the PseudoJetStructureBase associated with this PseudoJet
template<typename StructureType >
const StructureType & structure () const
 returns a reference to the structure casted to the requested structure type
template<typename TransformerType >
bool has_structure_of () const
 check if the PseudoJet has the structure resulting from a Transformer (that is, its structure is compatible with a Transformer::StructureType).
template<typename TransformerType >
TransformerType::StructureType & 
structure_of () const
 this is a helper to access any structure created by a Transformer (that is, of type Transformer::StructureType).
Methods for access to information about jet structure

These allow access to jet constituents, and other jet subtructure information.

They only work if the jet is associated with a ClusterSequence.

virtual bool has_partner (PseudoJet &partner) const
 check if it has been recombined with another PseudoJet in which case, return its partner through the argument.
virtual bool has_child (PseudoJet &child) const
 check if it has been recombined with another PseudoJet in which case, return its child through the argument.
virtual bool has_parents (PseudoJet &parent1, PseudoJet &parent2) const
 check if it is the product of a recombination, in which case return the 2 parents through the 'parent1' and 'parent2' arguments.
virtual bool contains (const PseudoJet &constituent) const
 check if the current PseudoJet contains the one passed as argument.
virtual bool is_inside (const PseudoJet &jet) const
 check if the current PseudoJet is contained the one passed as argument.
virtual bool has_constituents () const
 returns true if the PseudoJet has constituents
virtual std::vector< PseudoJetconstituents () const
 retrieve the constituents.
virtual bool has_exclusive_subjets () const
 returns true if the PseudoJet has support for exclusive subjets
std::vector< PseudoJetexclusive_subjets (const double &dcut) const
 return a vector of all subjets of the current jet (in the sense of the exclusive algorithm) that would be obtained when running the algorithm with the given dcut.
int n_exclusive_subjets (const double &dcut) const
 return the size of exclusive_subjets(...); still n ln n with same coefficient, but marginally more efficient than manually taking exclusive_subjets.size()
std::vector< PseudoJetexclusive_subjets (int nsub) const
 return the list of subjets obtained by unclustering the supplied jet down to nsub subjets.
std::vector< PseudoJetexclusive_subjets_up_to (int nsub) const
 return the list of subjets obtained by unclustering the supplied jet down to nsub subjets (or all constituents if there are fewer than nsub).
double exclusive_subdmerge (int nsub) const
 return the dij that was present in the merging nsub+1 -> nsub subjets inside this jet.
double exclusive_subdmerge_max (int nsub) const
 return the maximum dij that occurred in the whole event at the stage that the nsub+1 -> nsub merge of subjets occurred inside this jet.
virtual bool has_pieces () const
 returns true if a jet has pieces
virtual std::vector< PseudoJetpieces () const
 retrieve the pieces that make up the jet.
virtual bool has_area () const
 check if it has a defined area
virtual double area () const
 return the jet (scalar) area.
virtual double area_error () const
 return the error (uncertainty) associated with the determination of the area of this jet.
virtual PseudoJet area_4vector () const
 return the jet 4-vector area.
virtual bool is_pure_ghost () const
 true if this jet is made exclusively of ghosts.
Members mainly intended for internal use
int cluster_hist_index () const
 return the cluster_hist_index, intended to be used by clustering routines.
void set_cluster_hist_index (const int index)
 set the cluster_hist_index, intended to be used by clustering routines.
int cluster_sequence_history_index () const
 alternative name for cluster_hist_index() [perhaps more meaningful]
void set_cluster_sequence_history_index (const int index)
 alternative name for set_cluster_hist_index(...) [perhaps more meaningful]

Protected Attributes

SharedPtr< PseudoJetStructureBase_structure
SharedPtr< UserInfoBase_user_info

Detailed Description

Class to contain pseudojets, including minimal information of use to jet-clustering routines.

Definition at line 62 of file PseudoJet.hh.

Member Function Documentation

double fastjet::PseudoJet::delta_R ( const PseudoJet other) const [inline]

return the cylinder (rap-phi) distance between this jet and another, $\Delta_R = \sqrt{\Delta y^2 + \Delta \phi^2}$.

Definition at line 185 of file PseudoJet.hh.

double fastjet::PseudoJet::delta_phi_to ( const PseudoJet other) const

returns other.phi() - this.phi(), constrained to be in range -pi .

returns other.phi() - this.phi(), i.e.

. pi

the phi distance to other, constrained to be in range -pi .. pi

Definition at line 377 of file

valarray< double > fastjet::PseudoJet::four_mom ( ) const

return a valarray containing the four-momentum (components 0-2 are 3-mom, component 3 is energy).

Definition at line 104 of file

PseudoJet & fastjet::PseudoJet::boost ( const PseudoJet prest)

transform this jet (given in the rest frame of prest) into a jet in the lab frame [NOT FULLY TESTED]

transform this jet (given in lab) into a jet in the rest frame of prest

Definition at line 258 of file

PseudoJet & fastjet::PseudoJet::unboost ( const PseudoJet prest)

transform this jet (given in lab) into a jet in the rest frame of prest [NOT FULLY TESTED]

transform this jet (given in the rest frame of prest) into a jet in the lab frame;

Definition at line 285 of file

void fastjet::PseudoJet::reset ( const PseudoJet psjet) [inline]

reset the PseudoJet to be equal to psjet (including its indices); NB if the argument is derived from a PseudoJet then the "reset" used will be the templated version

Note: this is included on top of the templated version because PseudoJet is not "derived" from PseudoJet, so the templated reset would not handle this case properly.

Definition at line 238 of file PseudoJet.hh.

template<class L >
void fastjet::PseudoJet::reset ( const L &  some_four_vector) [inline]

reset the 4-momentum according to the supplied generic 4-vector (accessible via indexing, [0]==px,...[3]==E) and put the user and history indices back to their default values.

Definition at line 245 of file PseudoJet.hh.

void fastjet::PseudoJet::reset_momentum ( const PseudoJet pj) [inline]

reset the 4-momentum according to the components of the supplied PseudoJet, including cached components; note that the template version (below) will be called for classes derived from PJ.

Definition at line 919 of file PseudoJet.hh.

void fastjet::PseudoJet::set_cached_rap_phi ( double  rap,
double  phi 

in some cases when setting a 4-momentum, the user/program knows what rapidity and azimuth are associated with that 4-momentum; by calling this routine the user can provide the information directly to the PseudoJet and avoid expensive rap-phi recalculations.

  • Parameters:
  • Parameters:
    phi(in range -twopi...4*pi)
    USE WITH CAUTION: there are no checks that the rapidity and azimuth supplied are sensible, nor does this reset the 4-momentum components if things don't match.

Definition at line 316 of file

void fastjet::PseudoJet::set_user_info ( UserInfoBase user_info_in) [inline]

sets the internal shared pointer to the user information.

Note that the PseudoJet will now _own_ the pointer, and delete the corresponding object when it (the jet, and any copies of the jet) goes out of scope.

Definition at line 377 of file PseudoJet.hh.

template<class L >
const L& fastjet::PseudoJet::user_info ( ) const [inline]

returns a reference to the dynamic cast conversion of user_info to type L.

Usage: suppose you have previously set the user info with a pointer to an object of type MyInfo,

class MyInfo: public PseudoJet::UserInfoBase { MyInfo(int id) : _pdg_id(id); int pdg_id() const {return _pdg_id;} int _pdg_id; };

PseudoJet particle(...); particle.set_user_info(new MyInfo(its_pdg_id));

Then you would access that pdg_id() as


It's overkill for just a single integer, but scales easily to more extensive information.

Note that user_info() throws an InexistentUserInfo() error if there is no user info; throws a std::bad_cast if the conversion doesn't work

If this behaviour does not fit your needs, use instead the the user_info_ptr() or user_info_shared_ptr() member functions.

Definition at line 410 of file PseudoJet.hh.

template<class L >
bool fastjet::PseudoJet::has_user_info ( ) const [inline]

returns true if the PseudoJet has user information than can be cast to the template argument type.

Definition at line 423 of file PseudoJet.hh.

SharedPtr<UserInfoBase>& fastjet::PseudoJet::user_info_shared_ptr ( ) [inline]

retrieve a (non-const) shared pointer to the user information; you can use this, for example, to set the shared pointer, eg

   p2.user_info_shared_ptr() = p1.user_info_shared_ptr();


   SharedPtr<PseudoJet::UserInfoBase> info_shared(new MyInfo(...));
   p2.user_info_shared_ptr() = info_shared;

Definition at line 452 of file PseudoJet.hh.

bool fastjet::PseudoJet::has_valid_cluster_sequence ( ) const

returns true if this PseudoJet has an associated and still valid(ated) ClusterSequence.

Definition at line 423 of file

const PseudoJetStructureBase * fastjet::PseudoJet::structure_ptr ( ) const

return a pointer to the structure (of type PseudoJetStructureBase*) associated with this PseudoJet.

return NULL if there is no associated structure

Definition at line 455 of file

PseudoJetStructureBase * fastjet::PseudoJet::structure_non_const_ptr ( )

return a non-const pointer to the structure (of type PseudoJetStructureBase*) associated with this PseudoJet.

return NULL if there is no associated structure

Only use this if you know what you are doing. In any case, prefer the 'structure_ptr()' (the const version) to this method, unless you really need a write access to the PseudoJet's underlying structure.

Definition at line 470 of file

const PseudoJetStructureBase * fastjet::PseudoJet::validated_structure_ptr ( ) const

return a pointer to the structure (of type PseudoJetStructureBase*) associated with this PseudoJet.

throw an error if there is no associated structure

Definition at line 480 of file

template<typename StructureType >
const StructureType & fastjet::PseudoJet::structure ( ) const

returns a reference to the structure casted to the requested structure type

If there is no sructure associated, an Error is thrown. If the type is not met, a std::bad_cast error is thrown.

Definition at line 939 of file PseudoJet.hh.

template<typename TransformerType >
bool fastjet::PseudoJet::has_structure_of ( ) const

check if the PseudoJet has the structure resulting from a Transformer (that is, its structure is compatible with a Transformer::StructureType).

If there is no structure, false is returned.

Definition at line 947 of file PseudoJet.hh.

template<typename TransformerType >
const TransformerType::StructureType & fastjet::PseudoJet::structure_of ( ) const

this is a helper to access any structure created by a Transformer (that is, of type Transformer::StructureType).

If there is no structure, or if the structure is not compatible with TransformerType, an error is thrown.

Definition at line 957 of file PseudoJet.hh.

bool fastjet::PseudoJet::has_partner ( PseudoJet partner) const [virtual]

check if it has been recombined with another PseudoJet in which case, return its partner through the argument.

Otherwise, 'partner' is set to 0.

an Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid associated ClusterSequence

Definition at line 501 of file

bool fastjet::PseudoJet::has_child ( PseudoJet child) const [virtual]

check if it has been recombined with another PseudoJet in which case, return its child through the argument.

Otherwise, 'child' is set to 0.

an Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid associated ClusterSequence

Definition at line 512 of file

bool fastjet::PseudoJet::has_parents ( PseudoJet parent1,
PseudoJet parent2 
) const [virtual]

check if it is the product of a recombination, in which case return the 2 parents through the 'parent1' and 'parent2' arguments.

Otherwise, set these to 0.

an Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid associated ClusterSequence

Definition at line 523 of file

bool fastjet::PseudoJet::contains ( const PseudoJet constituent) const [virtual]

check if the current PseudoJet contains the one passed as argument.

an Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid associated ClusterSequence

Definition at line 533 of file

bool fastjet::PseudoJet::is_inside ( const PseudoJet jet) const [virtual]

check if the current PseudoJet is contained the one passed as argument.

an Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid associated ClusterSequence

Definition at line 543 of file

vector< PseudoJet > fastjet::PseudoJet::constituents ( ) const [virtual]

retrieve the constituents.

an Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid associated ClusterSequence or other substructure information

Definition at line 556 of file

std::vector< PseudoJet > fastjet::PseudoJet::exclusive_subjets ( const double &  dcut) const

return a vector of all subjets of the current jet (in the sense of the exclusive algorithm) that would be obtained when running the algorithm with the given dcut.

Time taken is O(m ln m), where m is the number of subjets that are found. If m gets to be of order of the total number of constituents in the jet, this could be substantially slower than just getting that list of constituents.

an Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid associated ClusterSequence

Definition at line 579 of file

int fastjet::PseudoJet::n_exclusive_subjets ( const double &  dcut) const

return the size of exclusive_subjets(...); still n ln n with same coefficient, but marginally more efficient than manually taking exclusive_subjets.size()

an Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid associated ClusterSequence

Definition at line 590 of file

std::vector< PseudoJet > fastjet::PseudoJet::exclusive_subjets ( int  nsub) const

return the list of subjets obtained by unclustering the supplied jet down to nsub subjets.

Throws an error if there are fewer than nsub particles in the jet.

For ClusterSequence type jets, requires nsub ln nsub time

An Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid associated ClusterSequence

Definition at line 610 of file

std::vector< PseudoJet > fastjet::PseudoJet::exclusive_subjets_up_to ( int  nsub) const

return the list of subjets obtained by unclustering the supplied jet down to nsub subjets (or all constituents if there are fewer than nsub).

For ClusterSequence type jets, requires nsub ln nsub time

An Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid associated ClusterSequence

Definition at line 603 of file

double fastjet::PseudoJet::exclusive_subdmerge ( int  nsub) const

return the dij that was present in the merging nsub+1 -> nsub subjets inside this jet.

an Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid associated ClusterSequence

Definition at line 627 of file

double fastjet::PseudoJet::exclusive_subdmerge_max ( int  nsub) const

return the maximum dij that occurred in the whole event at the stage that the nsub+1 -> nsub merge of subjets occurred inside this jet.

an Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid associated ClusterSequence

Definition at line 638 of file

bool fastjet::PseudoJet::has_pieces ( ) const [virtual]

returns true if a jet has pieces

By default a single particle or a jet coming from a ClusterSequence have no pieces and this methos will return false.

In practice, this is equivalent to have an structure of type CompositeJetStructure.

Definition at line 647 of file

std::vector< PseudoJet > fastjet::PseudoJet::pieces ( ) const [virtual]

retrieve the pieces that make up the jet.

If the jet does not support pieces, an error is throw

Definition at line 656 of file

double fastjet::PseudoJet::area ( ) const [virtual]

return the jet (scalar) area.

throws an Error if there is no support for area in the parent CS

Definition at line 691 of file

double fastjet::PseudoJet::area_error ( ) const [virtual]

return the error (uncertainty) associated with the determination of the area of this jet.

throws an Error if there is no support for area in the parent CS

Definition at line 699 of file

PseudoJet fastjet::PseudoJet::area_4vector ( ) const [virtual]

return the jet 4-vector area.

throws an Error if there is no support for area in the parent CS

Definition at line 706 of file

bool fastjet::PseudoJet::is_pure_ghost ( ) const [virtual]

true if this jet is made exclusively of ghosts.

throws an Error if there is no support for area in the parent CS

Definition at line 713 of file

int fastjet::PseudoJet::cluster_hist_index ( ) const [inline]

return the cluster_hist_index, intended to be used by clustering routines.

Definition at line 751 of file PseudoJet.hh.

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