fastjet 2.4.5
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes
fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator Class Reference

#include <Voronoi.hh>

Collaboration diagram for fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 VoronoiDiagramGenerator ()
 ~VoronoiDiagramGenerator ()
bool generateVoronoi (std::vector< Point > *_parent_sites, double minX, double maxX, double minY, double maxY, double minDist=0)
void resetIterator ()
bool getNext (GraphEdge **e)

Public Attributes

std::vector< Point > * parent_sites
int n_parent_sites

Private Member Functions

void cleanup ()
void cleanupEdges ()
char * getfree (Freelist *fl)
HalfedgePQfind ()
int PQempty ()
HalfedgeHEcreate ()
HalfedgeELleft ()
HalfedgeELright ()
HalfedgeELleftbnd ()
HalfedgeHEcreate (Edge *e, int pm)
Point PQ_min ()
HalfedgePQextractmin ()
void freeinit (Freelist *fl, int size)
void makefree (Freenode *curr, Freelist *fl)
void geominit ()
void plotinit ()
bool voronoi (int triangulate)
void ref (Site *v)
void deref (Site *v)
void endpoint (Edge *e, int lr, Site *s)
void ELdelete (Halfedge *he)
HalfedgeELleftbnd (Point *p)
HalfedgeELright (Halfedge *he)
void makevertex (Site *v)
void out_triple (Site *s1, Site *s2, Site *s3)
void PQinsert (Halfedge *he, Site *v, double offset)
void PQdelete (Halfedge *he)
bool ELinitialize ()
void ELinsert (Halfedge *lb, Halfedge *newHe)
HalfedgeELgethash (int b)
HalfedgeELleft (Halfedge *he)
Siteleftreg (Halfedge *he)
void out_site (Site *s)
bool PQinitialize ()
int PQbucket (Halfedge *he)
void clip_line (Edge *e)
char * myalloc (unsigned n)
int right_of (Halfedge *el, Point *p)
Siterightreg (Halfedge *he)
Edgebisect (Site *s1, Site *s2)
double dist (Site *s, Site *t)
Siteintersect (Halfedge *el1, Halfedge *el2, Point *p=0)
void out_bisector (Edge *e)
void out_ep (Edge *e)
void out_vertex (Site *v)
Sitenextone ()
void pushGraphEdge (double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, Site *s1, Site *s2)
void openpl ()
void circle (double x, double y, double radius)
void range (double minX, double minY, double maxX, double maxY)

Private Attributes

Halfedge ** ELhash
Freelist hfl
int ELhashsize
int triangulate
int sorted
int plot
int debug
double xmin
double xmax
double ymin
double ymax
double deltax
double deltay
int nsites
int siteidx
int sqrt_nsites
int nvertices
Freelist sfl
int nedges
Freelist efl
int PQhashsize
int PQcount
int PQmin
int ntry
int totalsearch
double pxmin
double pxmax
double pymin
double pymax
double cradius
int total_alloc
double borderMinX
double borderMaxX
double borderMinY
double borderMaxY
double minDistanceBetweenSites

Static Private Attributes

static LimitedWarning _warning_degeneracy

Detailed Description

Definition at line 195 of file Voronoi.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::VoronoiDiagramGenerator ( )

Definition at line 66 of file

References fastjet::FreeNodeArrayList::memory.

  siteidx = 0;
  sites = NULL;
  parent_sites = NULL;

  allMemoryList = new FreeNodeArrayList;
  allMemoryList->memory = NULL;
  allMemoryList->next = NULL;
  currentMemoryBlock = allMemoryList;
  allEdges = NULL;
  iteratorEdges = 0;
  minDistanceBetweenSites = 0;

  ELhash = NULL;
  PQhash = NULL;
fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::~VoronoiDiagramGenerator ( )

Definition at line 83 of file


  if (allMemoryList != NULL)
    delete allMemoryList;

Member Function Documentation

Edge * fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::bisect ( Site s1,
Site s2 
) [private]

Definition at line 377 of file

References fastjet::Edge::a, fastjet::Edge::b, fastjet::Edge::c, fastjet::Site::coord, fastjet::Edge::edgenbr, fastjet::Edge::ep, fastjet::Edge::reg, fastjet::Point::x, and fastjet::Point::y.

  double dx,dy,adx,ady;
  Edge *newedge;        

  newedge = (Edge*) getfree(&efl);
  newedge->reg[0] = s1; //store the sites that this edge is bisecting
  newedge->reg[1] = s2;

  // to begin with, there are no endpoints on the bisector - it goes
  // to infinity
  newedge->ep[0] = (Site*) NULL;
  newedge->ep[1] = (Site*) NULL;
  // get the difference in x dist between the sites
  dx = s2->coord.x - s1->coord.x;
  dy = s2->coord.y - s1->coord.y;

  // make sure that the difference is positive
  adx = dx>0 ? dx : -dx;
  ady = dy>0 ? dy : -dy;

  // get the slope of the line
  newedge->c = (double)(s1->coord.x * dx + s1->coord.y * dy
                        + (dx*dx + dy*dy)*0.5);

  if (adx>ady){ 
    //set formula of line, with x fixed to 1
    newedge->a = 1.0; newedge->b = dy/dx; newedge->c /= dx;
  } else {      
    //set formula of line, with y fixed to 1
    newedge->b = 1.0; newedge->a = dx/dy; newedge->c /= dy;
  newedge->edgenbr = nedges;

  return newedge;
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::circle ( double  x,
double  y,
double  radius 
) [private]

Definition at line 848 of file

void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::cleanup ( ) [private]

Definition at line 767 of file

References fastjet::FreeNodeArrayList::memory, and fastjet::FreeNodeArrayList::next.

  if(sites != NULL){
    sites = 0;

  FreeNodeArrayList* current=NULL, *prev=NULL;

  current = prev = allMemoryList;

    prev = current;
    current = current->next;
    delete prev;
    prev = NULL;

    if (current->memory!=NULL){
    delete current;

  allMemoryList = new FreeNodeArrayList;
  allMemoryList->next = NULL;
  allMemoryList->memory = NULL;
  currentMemoryBlock = allMemoryList;

  if (ELhash!=NULL)

  if (PQhash!=NULL)
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::cleanupEdges ( ) [private]

Definition at line 805 of file

References fastjet::GraphEdge::next.

  GraphEdge* geCurrent = NULL, *gePrev = NULL;
  geCurrent = gePrev = allEdges;

    gePrev = geCurrent;
    geCurrent = geCurrent->next;
    delete gePrev;

  allEdges = 0;

void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::clip_line ( Edge e) [private]

Definition at line 904 of file

References fastjet::Edge::a, fastjet::Edge::b, fastjet::Edge::c, fastjet::Site::coord, fastjet::Edge::ep, fastjet::Edge::reg, fastjet::Point::x, and fastjet::Point::y.

  Site *s1, *s2;
  double x1=0,x2=0,y1=0,y2=0; //, temp = 0;

  x1 = e->reg[0]->coord.x;
  x2 = e->reg[1]->coord.x;
  y1 = e->reg[0]->coord.y;
  y2 = e->reg[1]->coord.y;

  //if the distance between the two points this line was created from is less than 
  //the square root of 2, then ignore it
  //TODO improve/remove
  //if(sqrt(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1))) < minDistanceBetweenSites)
  //  {
  //    return;
  //  }
  pxmin = borderMinX;
  pxmax = borderMaxX;
  pymin = borderMinY;
  pymax = borderMaxY;

  if(e->a == 1.0 && e ->b >= 0.0)
      s1 = e->ep[1];
      s2 = e->ep[0];
      s1 = e->ep[0];
      s2 = e->ep[1];
  if(e->a == 1.0)
      y1 = pymin;
      if (s1!=(Site *)NULL && s1->coord.y > pymin)
          y1 = s1->coord.y;
          //    printf("\nClipped (1) y1 = %f to %f",y1,pymax);
          y1 = pymax;
      x1 = e->c - e->b * y1;
      y2 = pymax;
      if (s2!=(Site *)NULL && s2->coord.y < pymax) 
        y2 = s2->coord.y;

          //printf("\nClipped (2) y2 = %f to %f",y2,pymin);
          y2 = pymin;
      x2 = (e->c) - (e->b) * y2;
      if (((x1> pxmax) & (x2>pxmax)) | ((x1<pxmin)&(x2<pxmin))) 
          //printf("\nClipLine jumping out(3), x1 = %f, pxmin = %f, pxmax = %f",x1,pxmin,pxmax);
      if(x1> pxmax)
        {       x1 = pxmax; y1 = (e->c - x1)/e->b;};
        {       x1 = pxmin; y1 = (e->c - x1)/e->b;};
        {       x2 = pxmax; y2 = (e->c - x2)/e->b;};
        {       x2 = pxmin; y2 = (e->c - x2)/e->b;};
      x1 = pxmin;
      if (s1!=(Site *)NULL && s1->coord.x > pxmin) 
        x1 = s1->coord.x;
          //printf("\nClipped (3) x1 = %f to %f",x1,pxmin);
          x1 = pxmax;
      y1 = e->c - e->a * x1;
      x2 = pxmax;
      if (s2!=(Site *)NULL && s2->coord.x < pxmax) 
        x2 = s2->coord.x;
          //printf("\nClipped (4) x2 = %f to %f",x2,pxmin);
          x2 = pxmin;
      y2 = e->c - e->a * x2;
      if (((y1> pymax) & (y2>pymax)) | ((y1<pymin)&(y2<pymin))) 
          //printf("\nClipLine jumping out(6), y1 = %f, pymin = %f, pymax = %f",y2,pymin,pymax);
      if(y1> pymax)
        {       y1 = pymax; x1 = (e->c - y1)/e->a;};
        {       y1 = pymin; x1 = (e->c - y1)/e->a;};
        {       y2 = pymax; x2 = (e->c - y2)/e->a;};
        {       y2 = pymin; x2 = (e->c - y2)/e->a;};
  //printf("\nPushing line (%f,%f,%f,%f)",x1,y1,x2,y2);
  //fprintf(stdout, "Line with vertices (%f,%f) and (%f,%f)\n", 
  //    e->reg[0]->coord.x, e->reg[1]->coord.x, e->reg[0]->coord.y, e->reg[1]->coord.y);
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::deref ( Site v) [private]

Definition at line 599 of file

References fastjet::Site::refcnt.

  v->refcnt -= 1;
  if (v->refcnt == 0 ) 
    makefree((Freenode*)v, &sfl);
double fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::dist ( Site s,
Site t 
) [private]

Definition at line 582 of file

References fastjet::Site::coord, fastjet::Point::x, and fastjet::Point::y.

  double dx,dy;
  dx = s->coord.x - t->coord.x;
  dy = s->coord.y - t->coord.y;
  return (double)(sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy));
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELdelete ( Halfedge he) [private]

Definition at line 326 of file

References DELETED, fastjet::Halfedge::ELedge, fastjet::Halfedge::ELleft, and fastjet::Halfedge::ELright.

  (he->ELleft)->ELright = he->ELright;
  (he->ELright)->ELleft = he->ELleft;
  he->ELedge = (Edge*) DELETED;
Halfedge * fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELgethash ( int  b) [private]

Definition at line 235 of file

References DELETED, fastjet::Halfedge::ELedge, and fastjet::Halfedge::ELrefcnt.

  Halfedge *he;
  if ((b<0) || (b>=ELhashsize)) 
    return (Halfedge *) NULL;

  he = ELhash[b]; 
  if ((he==(Halfedge*) NULL) || (he->ELedge!=(Edge*) DELETED)) 
    return he;
  /* Hash table points to deleted half edge.  Patch as necessary. */
  ELhash[b] = (Halfedge*) NULL;
  if ((he->ELrefcnt -= 1) == 0) 
    makefree((Freenode*)he, &hfl);
  return (Halfedge*) NULL;
bool fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELinitialize ( ) [private]

Definition at line 189 of file

  int i;
  freeinit(&hfl, sizeof(Halfedge));
  ELhashsize = 2 * sqrt_nsites;
  //ELhash = (Halfedge **) myalloc ( sizeof *ELhash * ELhashsize);
  ELhash = (Halfedge **) myalloc ( sizeof(Halfedge*)*ELhashsize);
  if(ELhash == 0)
    return false;
  for(i=0; i<ELhashsize; i +=1) ELhash[i] = (Halfedge *)NULL;
  ELleftend = HEcreate((Edge*) NULL, 0);
  ELrightend = HEcreate((Edge*) NULL, 0);
  ELleftend->ELleft = (Halfedge*) NULL;
  ELleftend->ELright = ELrightend;
  ELrightend->ELleft = ELleftend;
  ELrightend->ELright = (Halfedge*) NULL;
  ELhash[0] = ELleftend;
  ELhash[ELhashsize-1] = ELrightend;

  return true;
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELinsert ( Halfedge lb,
Halfedge newHe 
) [private]

Definition at line 225 of file

References fastjet::Halfedge::ELleft, and fastjet::Halfedge::ELright.

  newHe->ELleft = lb;
  newHe->ELright = lb->ELright;
  (lb->ELright)->ELleft = newHe;
  lb->ELright = newHe;
Halfedge * fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELleft ( Halfedge he) [private]

Definition at line 338 of file

References fastjet::Halfedge::ELleft.

  return he->ELleft;
Halfedge* fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELleft ( ) [private]
Halfedge * fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELleftbnd ( Point p) [private]

Definition at line 252 of file

References fastjet::Halfedge::ELleft, fastjet::Halfedge::ELrefcnt, fastjet::Halfedge::ELright, and fastjet::Point::x.

  int i, bucket;
  Halfedge *he;
  /* Use hash table to get close to desired halfedge */
  // use the hash function to find the place in the hash map that this
  // HalfEdge should be
  // Gregory Soyez: the original code was 
  //   bucket = (int)((p->x - xmin)/deltax * ELhashsize);       
  //   // make sure that the bucket position in within the range of the
  //   //hash array
  //   if (bucket<0) bucket =0;
  //   if (bucket>=ELhashsize) bucket = ELhashsize - 1;
  // but this runs the risk of having a overflow which would 
  // cause bucket to be truncated at 0 instead of ELhashsize - 1
  // (or vice-versa)
  // We fix this by performing the test immediately on the double
  // We put in a extra bit of margin to be sure the conversion does
  // not play dirty tricks on us

  //const double &px = p->x;
  if (p->x < xmin){ bucket=0;}
  else if (p->x >= xmax){ bucket = ELhashsize - 1;}
    bucket= (int)((p->x - xmin)/deltax * ELhashsize);
    if (bucket>=ELhashsize) bucket = ELhashsize - 1;  // the lower cut should be robust

  he = ELgethash(bucket);

  // if the HE isn't found, search backwards and forwards in the hash
  // map for the first non-null entry
  if (he == (Halfedge*) NULL){   
      if ((he=ELgethash(bucket-i)) != (Halfedge*) NULL) 
      if ((he=ELgethash(bucket+i)) != (Halfedge*) NULL) 
    totalsearch += i;
  ntry += 1;
  /* Now search linear list of halfedges for the correct one */
  if ((he==ELleftend)  || (he != ELrightend && right_of(he,p))){
      he = he->ELright;
    } while (he!=ELrightend && right_of(he,p));
      // keep going right on the list until either the end is reached,
      // or you find the 1st edge which the point
      he = he->ELleft;  //isn't to the right of
  } else 
    // if the point is to the left of the HalfEdge, then search left
    // for the HE just to the left of the point
      he = he->ELleft;
    } while ((he!=ELleftend )&& (!right_of(he,p)));
  /* Update hash table and reference counts */
  if ((bucket > 0) && (bucket <ELhashsize-1)){  
    if(ELhash[bucket] != (Halfedge *) NULL){
      ELhash[bucket]->ELrefcnt -= 1;
    ELhash[bucket] = he;
    ELhash[bucket]->ELrefcnt += 1;

  return he;
Halfedge* fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELleftbnd ( ) [private]
Halfedge* fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELright ( ) [private]
Halfedge * fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ELright ( Halfedge he) [private]

Definition at line 333 of file

References fastjet::Halfedge::ELright.

  return he->ELright;
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::endpoint ( Edge e,
int  lr,
Site s 
) [private]

Definition at line 567 of file

References fastjet::Edge::ep, le, re, and fastjet::Edge::reg.

  e->ep[lr] = s;
  if(e->ep[re-lr]== (Site *) NULL) 


  makefree((Freenode*)e, &efl);
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::freeinit ( Freelist fl,
int  size 
) [private]

Definition at line 728 of file

References fastjet::Freelist::head, and fastjet::Freelist::nodesize.

  fl->head = (Freenode *) NULL;
  fl->nodesize = size;
bool fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::generateVoronoi ( std::vector< Point > *  _parent_sites,
double  minX,
double  maxX,
double  minY,
double  maxY,
double  minDist = 0 

Definition at line 93 of file

References fastjet::scomp(), and fastjet::d0::inline_maths::y().

Referenced by fastjet::ClusterSequenceVoronoiArea::VoronoiAreaCalc::VoronoiAreaCalc().

  int i;
  double x, y;

  minDistanceBetweenSites = minDist;

  parent_sites = _parent_sites;

  nsites = n_parent_sites = parent_sites->size();
  plot = 0;
  triangulate = 0;      
  debug = 1;
  sorted = 0; 
  freeinit(&sfl, sizeof (Site));
  //sites = (Site *) myalloc(nsites*sizeof( *sites));
  sites = (Site *) myalloc(nsites*sizeof( Site));
  //parent_sites = (Site *) myalloc(nsites*sizeof( Site));
  if (sites == 0)
    return false;

  xmax = xmin = (*parent_sites)[0].x;
  ymax = ymin = (*parent_sites)[0].y;
    x = (*parent_sites)[i].x;
    y = (*parent_sites)[i].y;
    sites[i].coord.x = x;
    sites[i].coord.y = y;
    sites[i].sitenbr = i;
    sites[i].refcnt  = 0;
    if (x<xmin)
    else if (x>xmax)
    if (y<ymin)
    else if (y>ymax)
  qsort(sites, nsites, sizeof (*sites), scomp);

  // Gregory Soyez
  // check if some of the particles are degenerate to avoid a crash.
  // At the moment, we work under the assumption that they will be
  // "clustered" later on, so we just keep the 1st one and discard the
  // others
  unsigned int offset=0;
  for (int i=1;i<nsites;i++){
    if (sites[i].coord.y==sites[i-1].coord.y && sites[i].coord.x==sites[i-1].coord.x){
    } else if (offset>0){
      sites[i-offset] = sites[i];

  if (offset>0){
    _warning_degeneracy.warn("VoronoiDiagramGenerator: two (or more) particles are degenerate in rapidity and azimuth, Voronoi cell assigned to the first of each set of degenerate particles.");

  siteidx = 0;
  double temp = 0;
  if(minX > maxX){
    temp = minX;
    minX = maxX;
    maxX = temp;
  if(minY > maxY){
    temp = minY;
    minY = maxY;
    maxY = temp;
  borderMinX = minX;
  borderMinY = minY;
  borderMaxX = maxX;
  borderMaxY = maxY;
  siteidx = 0;

  return true;
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::geominit ( ) [private]

Definition at line 364 of file

  double sn;
  freeinit(&efl, sizeof(Edge));
  nvertices = 0;
  nedges = 0;
  sn = (double)nsites+4;
  sqrt_nsites = (int)sqrt(sn);
  deltay = ymax - ymin;
  deltax = xmax - xmin;
char * fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::getfree ( Freelist fl) [private]

Definition at line 734 of file

References fastjet::Freelist::head, fastjet::FreeNodeArrayList::memory, fastjet::FreeNodeArrayList::next, and fastjet::Freelist::nodesize.

  int i; 
  Freenode *t;

  if(fl->head == (Freenode *) NULL)
      t =  (Freenode *) myalloc(sqrt_nsites * fl->nodesize);

      if(t == 0)
        return 0;
      currentMemoryBlock->next = new FreeNodeArrayList;
      currentMemoryBlock = currentMemoryBlock->next;
      currentMemoryBlock->memory = t;
      currentMemoryBlock->next = 0;

      for(i=0; i<sqrt_nsites; i+=1)     
        makefree((Freenode *)((char *)t+i*fl->nodesize), fl);           
  t = fl->head;
  fl->head = (fl->head)->nextfree;
  return((char *)t);
bool fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::getNext ( GraphEdge **  e) [inline]

Definition at line 208 of file Voronoi.hh.

References fastjet::GraphEdge::next.

Referenced by fastjet::ClusterSequenceVoronoiArea::VoronoiAreaCalc::VoronoiAreaCalc().

    if(iteratorEdges == 0)
      return false;
    *e = iteratorEdges;
    iteratorEdges = iteratorEdges->next;
    return true;
Halfedge* fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::HEcreate ( ) [private]
Halfedge * fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::HEcreate ( Edge e,
int  pm 
) [private]

Definition at line 213 of file

References fastjet::Halfedge::ELedge, fastjet::Halfedge::ELpm, fastjet::Halfedge::ELrefcnt, fastjet::Halfedge::PQnext, and fastjet::Halfedge::vertex.

  Halfedge *answer;
  answer = (Halfedge*) getfree(&hfl);
  answer->ELedge = e;
  answer->ELpm = pm;
  answer->PQnext = (Halfedge*) NULL;
  answer->vertex = (Site*) NULL;
  answer->ELrefcnt = 0;
  return answer;
Site * fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::intersect ( Halfedge el1,
Halfedge el2,
Point p = 0 
) [private]

Definition at line 423 of file

References fastjet::Edge::a, fastjet::Edge::b, fastjet::Edge::c, fastjet::Site::coord, fastjet::Halfedge::ELedge, fastjet::Halfedge::ELpm, le, re, fastjet::Site::refcnt, fastjet::Edge::reg, fastjet::Point::x, and fastjet::Point::y.

  Edge *e1,*e2, *e;
  Halfedge *el;
  double d, xint, yint;
  int right_of_site;
  Site *v;
  e1 = el1->ELedge;
  e2 = el2->ELedge;
  if ((e1==(Edge*)NULL) || (e2==(Edge*)NULL)) 
    return ((Site*) NULL);

  // if the two edges bisect the same parent, return null
  if (e1->reg[1] == e2->reg[1]) 
    return (Site*) NULL;

  // Gregory Soyez:
  // if the 2 parents are too close, the intersection is going to be
  // computed from the "long edges" of the triangle which could causes
  // large rounding errors. In this case, use the bisector of the 2
  // parents to find the interaction point
  // The following replaces 
  //   d = e1->a * e2->b - e1->b * e2->a;
  //   if (-1.0e-10<d && d<1.0e-10) 
  //     return (Site*) NULL;
  //   xint = (e1->c*e2->b - e2->c*e1->b)/d;
  //   yint = (e2->c*e1->a - e1->c*e2->a)/d;

  double dx = e2->reg[1]->coord.x - e1->reg[1]->coord.x;
  double dy = e2->reg[1]->coord.y - e1->reg[1]->coord.y;
  double dxref = e1->reg[1]->coord.x - e1->reg[0]->coord.x;
  double dyref = e1->reg[1]->coord.y - e1->reg[0]->coord.y;

  if (dx*dx + dy*dy < 1e-14*(dxref*dxref+dyref*dyref)){
    // make sure that the difference is positive
    double adx = dx>0 ? dx : -dx;
    double ady = dy>0 ? dy : -dy;
    // get the slope of the line
    double a,b;
    double c = (double)(e1->reg[1]->coord.x * dx + e1->reg[1]->coord.y * dy
                        + (dx*dx + dy*dy)*0.5);
    if (adx>ady){
      a = 1.0; b = dy/dx; c /= dx;
    } else {
      b = 1.0; a = dx/dy; c /= dy;

    d = e1->a * b - e1->b * a;
    if (-1.0e-10<d && d<1.0e-10) {
      return (Site*) NULL;
    xint = (e1->c*b - c*e1->b)/d;
    yint = (c*e1->a - e1->c*a)/d;
  } else {      
    d = e1->a * e2->b - e1->b * e2->a;
    if (-1.0e-10<d && d<1.0e-10) {
      return (Site*) NULL;
    xint = (e1->c*e2->b - e2->c*e1->b)/d;
    yint = (e2->c*e1->a - e1->c*e2->a)/d;
  // end of Gregory Soyez's modifications

  volatile double local_y1 = e1->reg[1]->coord.y;
  volatile double local_y2 = e2->reg[1]->coord.y;
  if( (local_y1 < local_y2) ||
      ((local_y1 == local_y2) &&
       (e1->reg[1]->coord.x <  e2->reg[1]->coord.x)) ){ 
    el = el1; 
    e = e1;
  } else {      
    el = el2; 
    e = e2;
  right_of_site = xint >= e->reg[1]->coord.x;
  if ((right_of_site && el->ELpm == le) || (!right_of_site && el->ELpm == re)) 
    return (Site*) NULL;
  // create a new site at the point of intersection - this is a new
  // vector event waiting to happen
  v = (Site*) getfree(&sfl);
  v->refcnt = 0;
  v->coord.x = xint;
  v->coord.y = yint;
  return v;
Site * fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::leftreg ( Halfedge he) [private]

Definition at line 343 of file

References fastjet::Halfedge::ELedge, fastjet::Halfedge::ELpm, le, re, and fastjet::Edge::reg.

  if (he->ELedge == (Edge*) NULL) 
  return (he->ELpm == le) 
    ? he->ELedge->reg[le] 
    : he->ELedge->reg[re];
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::makefree ( Freenode curr,
Freelist fl 
) [private]

Definition at line 761 of file

References fastjet::Freelist::head, and fastjet::Freenode::nextfree.

  curr->nextfree = fl->head;
  fl->head = curr;
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::makevertex ( Site v) [private]

Definition at line 591 of file

References fastjet::Site::sitenbr.

  v->sitenbr = nvertices;
  nvertices += 1;
char * fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::myalloc ( unsigned  n) [private]

Definition at line 836 of file

  char *t=0;    
  total_alloc += n;
Site * fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::nextone ( ) [private]

Definition at line 1157 of file

  Site *s;
  if(siteidx < nsites)
      s = &sites[siteidx];
      siteidx += 1;
    return( (Site *)NULL);
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::openpl ( ) [private]

Definition at line 847 of file

void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::out_bisector ( Edge e) [private]

Definition at line 853 of file


void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::out_ep ( Edge e) [private]

Definition at line 860 of file

void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::out_site ( Site s) [private]

Definition at line 872 of file

References fastjet::Site::coord, fastjet::Point::x, and fastjet::Point::y.

  if(!triangulate & plot & !debug)
    circle (s->coord.x, s->coord.y, cradius);
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::out_triple ( Site s1,
Site s2,
Site s3 
) [private]

Definition at line 880 of file

void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::out_vertex ( Site v) [private]

Definition at line 866 of file

void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::plotinit ( ) [private]

Definition at line 887 of file

  double dx,dy,d;
  dy = ymax - ymin;
  dx = xmax - xmin;
  d = (double)(( dx > dy ? dx : dy) * 1.1);
  pxmin = (double)(xmin - (d-dx)/2.0);
  pxmax = (double)(xmax + (d-dx)/2.0);
  pymin = (double)(ymin - (d-dy)/2.0);
  pymax = (double)(ymax + (d-dy)/2.0);
  cradius = (double)((pxmax - pxmin)/350.0);
  range(pxmin, pymin, pxmax, pymax);
Point fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::PQ_min ( ) [private]

Definition at line 688 of file

References fastjet::Point::x, and fastjet::Point::y.

  Point answer;
  while(PQhash[PQmin].PQnext == (Halfedge *)NULL) {PQmin += 1;};
  answer.x = PQhash[PQmin].PQnext->vertex->coord.x;
  answer.y = PQhash[PQmin].PQnext->ystar;
  return (answer);
int fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::PQbucket ( Halfedge he) [private]

Definition at line 649 of file

References fastjet::Halfedge::ystar.

  // Gregory Soyez: the original code was 
  //   bucket = (int)((he->ystar - ymin)/deltay * PQhashsize);
  //   if (bucket<0) bucket = 0;
  //   if (bucket>=PQhashsize) bucket = PQhashsize-1 ;
  //   if (bucket < PQmin) PQmin = bucket;
  //   return(bucket);
  // but this runs the risk of having a overflow which would 
  // cause bucket to be truncated at 0 instead of PQhashsize-1
  // (or vice-versa)
  // We fix this by performing the test immediately on the double
  // We put in a extra bit of margin to be sure the conversion does
  // not play dirty tricks on us

  int bucket;
  double hey = he->ystar;
  if (hey < ymin){ bucket = 0;}
  else if (hey >= ymax){ bucket = PQhashsize-1;}
  else {
    bucket = (int)((hey - ymin)/deltay * PQhashsize);
    if (bucket>=PQhashsize) bucket = PQhashsize-1 ;

  if (bucket < PQmin) PQmin = bucket;
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::PQdelete ( Halfedge he) [private]

Definition at line 632 of file

References fastjet::Halfedge::PQnext, and fastjet::Halfedge::vertex.

  Halfedge *last;
  if(he->vertex != (Site *) NULL)
      last = &PQhash[PQbucket(he)];
      while (last->PQnext != he) 
        last = last->PQnext;

      last->PQnext = he->PQnext;
      PQcount -= 1;
      he->vertex = (Site *) NULL;
int fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::PQempty ( ) [private]

Definition at line 682 of file

Halfedge * fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::PQextractmin ( ) [private]

Definition at line 698 of file

References fastjet::Halfedge::PQnext.

  Halfedge *curr;
  curr = PQhash[PQmin].PQnext;
  PQhash[PQmin].PQnext = curr->PQnext;
  PQcount -= 1;
Halfedge* fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::PQfind ( ) [private]
bool fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::PQinitialize ( ) [private]

Definition at line 709 of file

  int i; 
  PQcount = 0;
  PQmin = 0;
  PQhashsize = 4 * sqrt_nsites;
  //PQhash = (Halfedge *) myalloc(PQhashsize * sizeof *PQhash);
  PQhash = (Halfedge *) myalloc(PQhashsize * sizeof(Halfedge));

  if(PQhash == 0)
    return false;

  for(i=0; i<PQhashsize; i+=1) PQhash[i].PQnext = (Halfedge *)NULL;

  return true;
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::PQinsert ( Halfedge he,
Site v,
double  offset 
) [private]

Definition at line 612 of file

References fastjet::Site::coord, fastjet::Halfedge::PQnext, fastjet::Halfedge::vertex, fastjet::Point::x, fastjet::Point::y, and fastjet::Halfedge::ystar.

  Halfedge *last, *next;
  he->vertex = v;
  he->ystar = (double)(v->coord.y + offset);
  last = &PQhash[PQbucket(he)];
  while ((next = last->PQnext) != (Halfedge *) NULL &&
         (he->ystar  > next->ystar  ||
          (he->ystar == next->ystar && v->coord.x > next->vertex->coord.x)))
      last = next;
  he->PQnext = last->PQnext; 
  last->PQnext = he;
  PQcount += 1;
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::pushGraphEdge ( double  x1,
double  y1,
double  x2,
double  y2,
Site s1,
Site s2 
) [private]

Definition at line 820 of file

References fastjet::GraphEdge::next, fastjet::GraphEdge::point1, fastjet::GraphEdge::point2, fastjet::Site::sitenbr, fastjet::GraphEdge::x1, fastjet::GraphEdge::x2, fastjet::GraphEdge::y1, and fastjet::GraphEdge::y2.

  GraphEdge* newEdge = new GraphEdge;
  newEdge->next = allEdges;
  allEdges = newEdge;
  newEdge->x1 = x1;
  newEdge->y1 = y1;
  newEdge->x2 = x2;
  newEdge->y2 = y2;

  newEdge->point1 = s1->sitenbr;
  newEdge->point2 = s2->sitenbr;
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::range ( double  minX,
double  minY,
double  maxX,
double  maxY 
) [private]

Definition at line 849 of file

void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::ref ( Site v) [private]

Definition at line 606 of file

References fastjet::Site::refcnt.

  v->refcnt += 1;
void fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::resetIterator ( ) [inline]
int fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::right_of ( Halfedge el,
Point p 
) [private]

Definition at line 523 of file

References fastjet::Edge::a, fastjet::Edge::b, fastjet::Edge::c, fastjet::Site::coord, fastjet::Halfedge::ELedge, fastjet::Halfedge::ELpm, le, re, fastjet::Edge::reg, fastjet::Point::x, and fastjet::Point::y.

  Edge *e;
  Site *topsite;
  int right_of_site, above, fast;
  double dxp, dyp, dxs, t1, t2, t3, yl;
  e = el->ELedge;
  topsite = e->reg[1];
  right_of_site = p->x > topsite->coord.x;
  if(right_of_site && el->ELpm == le) return(1);
  if(!right_of_site && el->ELpm == re) return (0);
  if (e->a == 1.0)
    {   dyp = p->y - topsite->coord.y;
    dxp = p->x - topsite->coord.x;
    fast = 0;
    if ((!right_of_site & (e->b<0.0)) | (right_of_site & (e->b>=0.0)) )
      { above = dyp>= e->b*dxp; 
      fast = above;
      { above = p->x + p->y*e->b > e-> c;
      if(e->b<0.0) above = !above;
      if (!above) fast = 1;
    if (!fast)
      { dxs = topsite->coord.x - (e->reg[0])->coord.x;
      above = e->b * (dxp*dxp - dyp*dyp) <
        dxs*dyp*(1.0+2.0*dxp/dxs + e->b*e->b);
      if(e->b<0.0) above = !above;
  else  /*e->b==1.0 */
    {   yl = e->c - e->a*p->x;
    t1 = p->y - yl;
    t2 = p->x - topsite->coord.x;
    t3 = yl - topsite->coord.y;
    above = t1*t1 > t2*t2 + t3*t3;
  return (el->ELpm==le ? above : !above);
Site * fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::rightreg ( Halfedge he) [private]

Definition at line 351 of file

References fastjet::Halfedge::ELedge, fastjet::Halfedge::ELpm, le, re, and fastjet::Edge::reg.

  if (he->ELedge == (Edge*) NULL)
    // if this halfedge has no edge, return the bottom site (whatever
    // that is)
    return bottomsite;
  // if the ELpm field is zero, return the site 0 that this edge
  // bisects, otherwise return site number 1
  return (he->ELpm == le)
    ? he->ELedge->reg[re] 
    : he->ELedge->reg[le];
bool fastjet::VoronoiDiagramGenerator::voronoi ( int  triangulate) [private]

Definition at line 1025 of file

References fastjet::Site::coord, fastjet::Halfedge::ELedge, fastjet::Halfedge::ELpm, le, re, fastjet::Halfedge::vertex, fastjet::Point::x, and fastjet::Point::y.

  Site *newsite, *bot, *top, *temp, *p;
  Site *v;
  Point newintstar;
  int pm;
  Halfedge *lbnd, *rbnd, *llbnd, *rrbnd, *bisector;
  Edge *e;
  bottomsite = nextone();
  bool retval = ELinitialize();

    return false;
  newsite = nextone();

        newintstar = PQ_min();
      //if the lowest site has a smaller y value than the lowest vector intersection, process the site
      //otherwise process the vector intersection               
      if (newsite != (Site *)NULL  && (PQempty() || newsite->coord.y < newintstar.y
                                       || (newsite->coord.y == newintstar.y && newsite->coord.x < newintstar.x)))
        {/* new site is smallest - this is a site event*/
          out_site(newsite);                                            //output the site
          lbnd = ELleftbnd(&(newsite->coord));                          //get the first HalfEdge to the LEFT of the new site
          rbnd = ELright(lbnd);                                         //get the first HalfEdge to the RIGHT of the new site
          bot = rightreg(lbnd);                                         //if this halfedge has no edge, , bot = bottom site (whatever that is)
          e = bisect(bot, newsite);                                     //create a new edge that bisects 
          bisector = HEcreate(e, le);                                   //create a new HalfEdge, setting its ELpm field to 0                    
          ELinsert(lbnd, bisector);                                     //insert this new bisector edge between the left and right vectors in a linked list     
          if ((p = intersect(lbnd, bisector)) != (Site *) NULL)         //if the new bisector intersects with the left edge, remove the left edge's vertex, and put in the new one
              PQinsert(lbnd, p, dist(p,newsite));
          lbnd = bisector;                                              
          bisector = HEcreate(e, re);                                   //create a new HalfEdge, setting its ELpm field to 1
          ELinsert(lbnd, bisector);                                     //insert the new HE to the right of the original bisector earlier in the IF stmt
          if ((p = intersect(bisector, rbnd)) != (Site *) NULL) //if this new bisector intersects with the
              PQinsert(bisector, p, dist(p,newsite));                   //push the HE into the ordered linked list of vertices
          newsite = nextone();  
      else if (!PQempty()) /* intersection is smallest - this is a vector event */                      
          lbnd = PQextractmin();                                                //pop the HalfEdge with the lowest vector off the ordered list of vectors                               
          llbnd = ELleft(lbnd);                                         //get the HalfEdge to the left of the above HE
          rbnd = ELright(lbnd);                                         //get the HalfEdge to the right of the above HE
          rrbnd = ELright(rbnd);                                                //get the HalfEdge to the right of the HE to the right of the lowest HE 
          bot = leftreg(lbnd);                                          //get the Site to the left of the left HE which it bisects
          top = rightreg(rbnd);                                         //get the Site to the right of the right HE which it bisects
          out_triple(bot, top, rightreg(lbnd));         //output the triple of sites, stating that a circle goes through them
          v = lbnd->vertex;                                             //get the vertex that caused this event
          makevertex(v);                                                        //set the vertex number - couldn't do this earlier since we didn't know when it would be processed
          endpoint(lbnd->ELedge,lbnd->ELpm,v);  //set the endpoint of the left HalfEdge to be this vector
          endpoint(rbnd->ELedge,rbnd->ELpm,v);  //set the endpoint of the right HalfEdge to be this vector
          ELdelete(lbnd);                                                       //mark the lowest HE for deletion - can't delete yet because there might be pointers to it in Hash Map  
          PQdelete(rbnd);                                                       //remove all vertex events to do with the  right HE
          ELdelete(rbnd);                                                       //mark the right HE for deletion - can't delete yet because there might be pointers to it in Hash Map   
          pm = le;                                                              //set the pm variable to zero
          if (bot->coord.y > top->coord.y)              //if the site to the left of the event is higher than the Site
            {                                                                           //to the right of it, then swap them and set the 'pm' variable to 1
              temp = bot; 
              bot = top; 
              top = temp; 
              pm = re;
          e = bisect(bot, top);                                 //create an Edge (or line) that is between the two Sites. This creates
          //the formula of the line, and assigns a line number to it
          bisector = HEcreate(e, pm);                           //create a HE from the Edge 'e', and make it point to that edge with its ELedge field
          ELinsert(llbnd, bisector);                            //insert the new bisector to the right of the left HE
          endpoint(e, re-pm, v);                                        //set one endpoint to the new edge to be the vector point 'v'.
          //If the site to the left of this bisector is higher than the right
          //Site, then this endpoint is put in position 0; otherwise in pos 1
          deref(v);                                                             //delete the vector 'v'
          //if left HE and the new bisector don't intersect, then delete the left HE, and reinsert it 
          if((p = intersect(llbnd, bisector)) != (Site *) NULL)
              PQinsert(llbnd, p, dist(p,bot));
          //if right HE and the new bisector don't intersect, then reinsert it 
          if ((p = intersect(bisector, rrbnd)) != (Site *) NULL)
              PQinsert(bisector, p, dist(p,bot));
      else break;


  for(lbnd=ELright(ELleftend); lbnd != ELrightend; lbnd=ELright(lbnd))
      e = lbnd->ELedge;



  return true;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 315 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 310 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 307 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 305 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 305 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 305 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 305 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 292 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 302 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 308 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 283 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 284 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 284 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 295 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 227 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 281 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 280 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 280 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 279 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 311 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 313 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 218 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 294 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 287 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 301 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 290 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 217 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 283 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 298 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 297 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 296 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 299 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 302 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 302 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 302 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 302 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 291 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 288 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 286 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 283 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 289 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 303 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 301 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 283 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 284 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 284 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 284 of file Voronoi.hh.

Definition at line 284 of file Voronoi.hh.

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