FastJet 3.0.2
the FastJet namespace More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | gas |
namespace to hold default parameters for the active area spec | |
Classes | |
class | VoronoiAreaSpec |
Specification for the computation of the Voronoi jet area. More... | |
class | AreaDefinition |
class that holds a generic area definition More... | |
class | ClusterSequence |
deals with clustering More... | |
class | ClusterSequence1GhostPassiveArea |
Like ClusterSequence with computation of the passive jet area by adding a single ghost. More... | |
class | ClusterSequenceActiveArea |
Like ClusterSequence with computation of the active jet area. More... | |
class | ClusterSequenceActiveAreaExplicitGhosts |
Like ClusterSequence with computation of the active jet area with the addition of explicit ghosts. More... | |
class | ClusterSequenceArea |
General class for user to obtain ClusterSequence with additional area information. More... | |
class | ClusterSequenceAreaBase |
base class that sets interface for extensions of ClusterSequence that provide information about the area of each jet More... | |
class | ClusterSequencePassiveArea |
Like ClusterSequence with computation of the passive jet area. More... | |
class | ClusterSequenceStructure |
Contains any information related to the clustering that should be directly accessible to PseudoJet. More... | |
class | ClusterSequenceVoronoiArea |
Like ClusterSequence with computation of the Voronoi jet area. More... | |
class | CompositeJetStructure |
The structure for a jet made of pieces. More... | |
class | Error |
base class corresponding to errors that can be thrown by FastJet More... | |
class | FunctionOfPseudoJet |
base class providing interface for a generic function of a PseudoJet More... | |
class | GhostedAreaSpec |
Parameters to configure the computation of jet areas using ghosts. More... | |
class | JetDefinition |
class that is intended to hold a full definition of the jet clusterer More... | |
class | LimitedWarning |
class to provide facilities for giving warnings up to some maximum number of times and to provide global summaries of warnings that have been issued. More... | |
class | _NoInfo |
dummy class, used as a default template argument More... | |
class | NNHInfo |
template that will help initialise a BJ with a PseudoJet and extra information More... | |
class | NNHInfo< _NoInfo > |
Specialisation of NNHInfo for cases where there is no extra info. More... | |
class | NNH |
Help solve closest pair problems with generic interparticle and beam distance. More... | |
class | PseudoJet |
Class to contain pseudojets, including minimal information of use to jet-clustering routines. More... | |
class | PseudoJetStructureBase |
Contains any information related to the clustering that should be directly accessible to PseudoJet. More... | |
class | RangeDefinition |
class for holding a range definition specification, given by limits on rapidity and azimuth. More... | |
class | SelectorWorker |
default selector worker is an abstract virtual base class More... | |
class | Selector |
Class that encodes information about cuts and other selection criteria that can be applied to PseudoJet(s). More... | |
class | SharedPtr |
an implementation of C++0x shared pointers (or boost's) More... | |
class | WrappedStructure |
This wraps a (shared) pointer to an underlying structure. More... | |
class | EtaPhi |
Shortcut for dealing with eta-phi coordinates. More... | |
class | BackgroundEstimatorBase |
Abstract base class that provides the basic interface for classes that estimate levels of background radiation in hadrion and heavy-ion collider events. More... | |
class | BackgroundRescalingYPolynomial |
A background rescaling that is a simple polynomial in y. More... | |
class | Boost |
Class to boost a PseudoJet. More... | |
class | Unboost |
Class to un-boost a PseudoJet. More... | |
class | CASubJetTagger |
clean (almost parameter-free) tagger searching for the element in the clustering history that maximises a chosen distance More... | |
class | CASubJetTaggerStructure |
the structure returned by a CASubJetTagger More... | |
class | Filter |
Class that helps perform filtering (Butterworth, Davison, Rubin and Salam, arXiv:0802.2470) and trimming (Krohn, Thaler and Wang, arXiv:0912.1342) on jets, optionally in conjunction with subtraction (Cacciari and Salam, arXiv:0707.1378). More... | |
class | FilterStructure |
Class to contain structure information for a filtered jet. More... | |
class | GridMedianBackgroundEstimator |
Background Estimator based on the median pt/area of a set of grid cells. More... | |
class | JetMedianBackgroundEstimator |
Class to estimate the pt density of the background per unit area, using the median of the distribution of pt/area from jets that pass some selection criterion. More... | |
class | BackgroundJetPtDensity |
Class that implements pt/area_4vector.perp() for background estimation (this is a preliminary class). More... | |
class | BackgroundJetScalarPtDensity |
Class that implements (scalar pt sum of jet)/(scalar area of jet) for background estimation (this is a preliminary class). More... | |
class | BackgroundJetPtMDensity |
Class that implements ![]() | |
class | JHTopTagger |
Class that helps perform boosted top tagging using the "Johns Hopkins" method from arXiv:0806.0848 (Kaplan, Rehermann, Schwartz and Tweedie) More... | |
class | JHTopTaggerStructure |
the structure returned by the JHTopTagger transformer. More... | |
class | MassDropTagger |
Class that helps perform 2-pronged boosted tagging using the "mass-drop" technique (with asymmetry cut) introduced by Jonathan Butterworth, Adam Davison, Mathieu Rubin and Gavin Salam in arXiv:0802.2470 in the context of a boosted Higgs search. More... | |
class | MassDropTaggerStructure |
the structure returned by the MassDropTagger transformer. More... | |
class | Pruner |
Transformer that prunes a jet. More... | |
class | PrunerStructure |
The structure associated with a PseudoJet thas has gone through a Pruner transformer. More... | |
class | RestFrameNSubjettinessTagger |
Class that helps perform 2-pronged boosted tagging using a reclustering in the jet's rest frame, supplemented with a cut on N-subjettiness (and a decay angle), as discussed by Ji-Hun Kim in arXiv:1011.1493. More... | |
class | RestFrameNSubjettinessTaggerStructure |
the structure returned by the RestFrameNSubjettinessTagger transformer. More... | |
class | Subtractor |
Class that helps perform jet background subtraction. More... | |
class | TopTaggerBase |
A base class that provides a common interface for top taggers that are able to return a W (in addition to the top itself). More... | |
class | TopTaggerBaseStructure |
class that specifies the structure common to all top taggers More... | |
class | Transformer |
Base (abstract) class for a jet transformer. More... | |
class | ATLASConePlugin |
Implementation of the ATLAS Cone (plugin for fastjet v2.4 upwards) More... | |
class | CMSIterativeConePlugin |
Implementation of the CMS Iterative Cone (plugin for fastjet v2.4 upwards) More... | |
class | CDFJetCluPlugin |
Implementation of the JetClu algorithm from CDF (plugin for fastjet-v2.1 upwards) More... | |
class | CDFMidPointPlugin |
Implementation of the MidPoint algorithm from CDF (plugin for fastjet-v2.1 upwards) More... | |
class | D0RunIIConePlugin |
Implementation of the D0 Run II Cone (plugin for fastjet v2.1 upwards) More... | |
class | D0RunIBaseConePlugin |
D0RunIBaseConePlugin is base class for a plugin for FastJet (v3.0 or later) that provides an interface to the D0 version of Run-I cone algorithm. More... | |
class | D0RunIConePlugin |
A plugin for FastJet (v3.0 or later) that provides an interface to the D0 version of Run-I cone algorithm. More... | |
class | D0RunIpre96ConePlugin |
A plugin for FastJet (v3.0 or later) that provides an interface to the pre 1996 D0 version of Run-I cone algorithm. More... | |
class | EECambridgePlugin |
Implementation of the e+e- Cambridge algorithm (plugin for fastjet v2.4 upwards) More... | |
class | JadePlugin |
Implementation of the e+e- Jade algorithm (plugin for fastjet v2.4 upwards) More... | |
class | NestedDefsPlugin |
Plugin to run multiple jet definitions successively (plugin for fastjet v2.4 upwards) More... | |
class | SISConeBaseExtras |
Class that provides extra information about a SISCone clustering. More... | |
class | SISConePlugin |
Implementation of the SISCone algorithm (plugin for fastjet v2.1 upwards) More... | |
class | SISConeExtras |
Class that provides extra information about a SISCone clustering. More... | |
class | SISConeSphericalPlugin |
Implementation of the spherical version of the SISCone algorithm (plugin for fastjet v2.1 upwards) More... | |
class | SISConeSphericalExtras |
Class that provides extra information about a SISCone clustering. More... | |
class | PxConePlugin |
Implementation of the PxCone algorithm (plugin for fastjet v2.1 upwards) More... | |
class | TrackJetPlugin |
Implementation of the TrackJet algorithm (plugin for fastjet v2.4 upwards) More... | |
class | GridJetPlugin |
plugin for fastjet (v3.0 upwards) that clusters particles such that all particles in a given cell of a rectangular rapidity-phi grid end up in a common "jet". More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef ClusterSequenceActiveAreaExplicitGhosts | ClustSeqActAreaEG |
typedef ClusterSequenceVoronoiArea::VoronoiAreaCalc | VAC |
typedef ClusterSequenceAreaBase | ClusterSequenceWithArea |
typedef GhostedAreaSpec | ActiveAreaSpec |
just provide a typedef for backwards compatibility with programs based on versions 2.0 and 2.1 of fastjet. | |
typedef JetAlgorithm | JetFinder |
make standard Les Houches nomenclature JetAlgorithm (algorithm is general recipe without the parameters) backward-compatible with old JetFinder | |
typedef integral_type< bool, true > | true_type |
the bool 'true' value promoted to a type | |
typedef integral_type< bool, false > | false_type |
the bool 'false' value promoted to a type | |
typedef char(& | __yes_type )[1] |
typedef char(& | __no_type )[2] |
typedef CGAL::Triangulation_vertex_base_with_info_2 < InitialisedInt, K > | Vbb |
typedef CGAL::Triangulation_hierarchy_vertex_base_2 < Vbb > | Vb |
typedef CGAL::Triangulation_face_base_2 < K > | Fb |
typedef CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_2 < Vb, Fb > | Tds |
typedef CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2 < K, Tds > | Dt |
typedef CGAL::Triangulation_hierarchy_2 < Dt > | Triangulation |
typedef Triangulation::Vertex_handle | Vertex_handle |
typedef Triangulation::Point | Point |
typedef Triangulation::Vertex_circulator | Vertex_circulator |
CGAL Point structure. | |
typedef Triangulation::Face_circulator | Face_circulator |
typedef Triangulation::Face_handle | Face_handle |
Enumerations | |
enum | AreaType { invalid_area = -1, active_area = 0, active_area_explicit_ghosts = 1, one_ghost_passive_area = 10, passive_area = 11, voronoi_area = 20 } |
the different types of area that are supported | |
enum | Strategy { N2MinHeapTiled = -4, N2Tiled = -3, N2PoorTiled = -2, N2Plain = -1, N3Dumb = 0, Best = 1, NlnN = 2, NlnN3pi = 3, NlnN4pi = 4, NlnNCam4pi = 14, NlnNCam2pi2R = 13, NlnNCam = 12, plugin_strategy = 999 } |
the various options for the algorithmic strategy to adopt in clustering events with kt and cambridge style algorithms. More... | |
enum | JetAlgorithm { kt_algorithm = 0, cambridge_algorithm = 1, antikt_algorithm = 2, genkt_algorithm = 3, cambridge_for_passive_algorithm = 11, genkt_for_passive_algorithm = 13, ee_kt_algorithm = 50, ee_genkt_algorithm = 53, plugin_algorithm = 99, undefined_jet_algorithm = 999 } |
the various families of jet-clustering algorithm More... | |
enum | RecombinationScheme { E_scheme = 0, pt_scheme = 1, pt2_scheme = 2, Et_scheme = 3, Et2_scheme = 4, BIpt_scheme = 5, BIpt2_scheme = 6, external_scheme = 99 } |
the various recombination schemes More... | |
Functions | |
int | __default_random_generator (int *__iseed) |
string | fastjet_version_string () |
return a string containing information about the release | |
PseudoJet | join (const vector< PseudoJet > &pieces, const JetDefinition::Recombiner &recombiner) |
PseudoJet | join (const PseudoJet &j1, const JetDefinition::Recombiner &recombiner) |
build a "CompositeJet" from a single PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure | |
PseudoJet | join (const PseudoJet &j1, const PseudoJet &j2, const JetDefinition::Recombiner &recombiner) |
build a "CompositeJet" from two PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure | |
PseudoJet | join (const PseudoJet &j1, const PseudoJet &j2, const PseudoJet &j3, const JetDefinition::Recombiner &recombiner) |
build a "CompositeJet" from 3 PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure | |
PseudoJet | join (const PseudoJet &j1, const PseudoJet &j2, const PseudoJet &j3, const PseudoJet &j4, const JetDefinition::Recombiner &recombiner) |
build a "CompositeJet" from 4 PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure | |
PseudoJet | operator+ (const PseudoJet &jet1, const PseudoJet &jet2) |
PseudoJet | operator- (const PseudoJet &jet1, const PseudoJet &jet2) |
PseudoJet | operator* (double coeff, const PseudoJet &jet) |
PseudoJet | operator* (const PseudoJet &jet, double coeff) |
PseudoJet | operator/ (const PseudoJet &jet, double coeff) |
bool | operator== (const PseudoJet &, const PseudoJet &) |
returns true if the 4 momentum components of the two PseudoJets are identical and all the internal indices (user, cluster_history) + structure and user-info shared pointers are too | |
bool | operator== (const PseudoJet &jet, const double val) |
Can only be used with val=0 and tests whether all four momentum components are equal to val (=0.0) | |
bool | have_same_momentum (const PseudoJet &jeta, const PseudoJet &jetb) |
returns true if the momenta of the two input jets are identical | |
PseudoJet | PtYPhiM (double pt, double y, double phi, double m) |
return a pseudojet with the given pt, y, phi and mass | |
void | sort_indices (vector< int > &indices, const vector< double > &values) |
template<class T > | |
vector< T > | objects_sorted_by_values (const vector< T > &objects, const vector< double > &values) |
given a vector of values with a one-to-one correspondence with the vector of objects, sort objects into an order such that the associated values would be in increasing order | |
vector< PseudoJet > | sorted_by_pt (const vector< PseudoJet > &jets) |
return a vector of jets sorted into decreasing kt2 | |
vector< PseudoJet > | sorted_by_rapidity (const vector< PseudoJet > &jets) |
return a vector of jets sorted into increasing rapidity | |
vector< PseudoJet > | sorted_by_E (const vector< PseudoJet > &jets) |
return a vector of jets sorted into decreasing energy | |
vector< PseudoJet > | sorted_by_pz (const vector< PseudoJet > &jets) |
return a vector of jets sorted into increasing pz | |
PseudoJet | join (const vector< PseudoJet > &pieces) |
PseudoJet | join (const PseudoJet &j1) |
build a "CompositeJet" from a single PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure | |
PseudoJet | join (const PseudoJet &j1, const PseudoJet &j2) |
build a "CompositeJet" from two PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure | |
PseudoJet | join (const PseudoJet &j1, const PseudoJet &j2, const PseudoJet &j3) |
build a "CompositeJet" from 3 PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure | |
PseudoJet | join (const PseudoJet &j1, const PseudoJet &j2, const PseudoJet &j3, const PseudoJet &j4) |
build a "CompositeJet" from 4 PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure | |
Selector | SelectorIdentity () |
Selector | operator! (const Selector &s) |
logical not applied on a selector | |
Selector | operator&& (const Selector &s1, const Selector &s2) |
logical and between two selectors | |
Selector | operator|| (const Selector &s1, const Selector &s2) |
logical or between two selectors | |
Selector | operator* (const Selector &s1, const Selector &s2) |
successive application of 2 selectors | |
Selector | SelectorPtMin (double ptmin) |
select objects with pt >= ptmin | |
Selector | SelectorPtMax (double ptmax) |
select objects with pt <= ptmax | |
Selector | SelectorPtRange (double ptmin, double ptmax) |
select objects with ptmin <= pt <= ptmax | |
Selector | SelectorEtMin (double Etmin) |
select objects with Et >= Etmin | |
Selector | SelectorEtMax (double Etmax) |
select objects with Et <= Etmax | |
Selector | SelectorEtRange (double Etmin, double Etmax) |
select objects with Etmin <= Et <= Etmax | |
Selector | SelectorEMin (double Emin) |
select objects with E >= Emin | |
Selector | SelectorEMax (double Emax) |
select objects with E <= Emax | |
Selector | SelectorERange (double Emin, double Emax) |
select objects with Emin <= E <= Emax | |
Selector | SelectorMassMin (double Mmin) |
select objects with Mass >= Mmin | |
Selector | SelectorMassMax (double Mmax) |
select objects with Mass <= Mmax | |
Selector | SelectorMassRange (double Mmin, double Mmax) |
select objects with Mmin <= Mass <= Mmax | |
Selector | SelectorRapMin (double rapmin) |
select objects with rap >= rapmin | |
Selector | SelectorRapMax (double rapmax) |
select objects with rap <= rapmax | |
Selector | SelectorRapRange (double rapmin, double rapmax) |
select objects with rapmin <= rap <= rapmax | |
Selector | SelectorAbsRapMin (double absrapmin) |
select objects with |rap| >= absrapmin | |
Selector | SelectorAbsRapMax (double absrapmax) |
select objects with |rap| <= absrapmax | |
Selector | SelectorAbsRapRange (double absrapmin, double absrapmax) |
select objects with absrapmin <= |rap| <= absrapmax | |
Selector | SelectorEtaMin (double etamin) |
select objects with eta >= etamin | |
Selector | SelectorEtaMax (double etamax) |
select objects with eta <= etamax | |
Selector | SelectorEtaRange (double etamin, double etamax) |
select objects with etamin <= eta <= etamax | |
Selector | SelectorAbsEtaMin (double absetamin) |
select objects with |eta| >= absetamin | |
Selector | SelectorAbsEtaMax (double absetamax) |
select objects with |eta| <= absetamax | |
Selector | SelectorAbsEtaRange (double absetamin, double absetamax) |
select objects with absetamin <= |eta| <= absetamax | |
Selector | SelectorPhiRange (double phimin, double phimax) |
select objects with phimin <= phi <= phimax | |
Selector | SelectorRapPhiRange (double rapmin, double rapmax, double phimin, double phimax) |
select objects with rapmin <= rap <= rapmax && phimin <= phi <= phimax | |
Selector | SelectorNHardest (unsigned int n) |
select the n hardest objects | |
Selector | SelectorCircle (const double &radius) |
select objets within a distance 'radius' from the location of the reference jet, set by Selector::set_reference(...) | |
Selector | SelectorDoughnut (const double &radius_in, const double &radius_out) |
select objets with distance from the reference jet is between 'radius_in' and 'radius_out'; the reference jet is set by Selector::set_reference(...) | |
Selector | SelectorStrip (const double &half_width) |
select objets within a rapidity distance 'half_width' from the location of the reference jet, set by Selector::set_reference(...) | |
Selector | SelectorRectangle (const double &half_rap_width, const double &half_phi_width) |
select objets within rapidity distance 'half_rap_width' from the reference jet and azimuthal-angle distance within 'half_phi_width'; the reference jet is set by Selector::set_reference(...) | |
Selector | SelectorPtFractionMin (double fraction) |
select objects that carry at least a fraction "fraction" of the reference jet. | |
Selector | SelectorIsZero () |
select PseudoJet with 0 momentum | |
Selector | SelectorIsPureGhost () |
select objects that are (or are only made of) ghosts. | |
int | scomp (const void *p1, const void *p2) |
template<typename T > | |
PseudoJet | join (const std::vector< PseudoJet > &pieces) |
build a "CompositeJet" from the vector of its pieces with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure | |
template<typename T > | |
PseudoJet | join (const std::vector< PseudoJet > &pieces, const JetDefinition::Recombiner &recombiner) |
build a "CompositeJet" from the vector of its pieces with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure | |
bool | operator!= (const PseudoJet &a, const PseudoJet &b) |
inequality test which is exact opposite of operator== | |
bool | operator!= (const PseudoJet &a, const double &val) |
Can only be used with val=0 and tests whether at least one of the four momentum components is different from val (=0.0) | |
double | dot_product (const PseudoJet &a, const PseudoJet &b) |
std::vector< PseudoJet > | sorted_by_pt (const std::vector< PseudoJet > &jets) |
return a vector of jets sorted into decreasing transverse momentum | |
std::vector< PseudoJet > | sorted_by_rapidity (const std::vector< PseudoJet > &jets) |
return a vector of jets sorted into increasing rapidity | |
std::vector< PseudoJet > | sorted_by_E (const std::vector< PseudoJet > &jets) |
return a vector of jets sorted into decreasing energy | |
std::vector< PseudoJet > | sorted_by_pz (const std::vector< PseudoJet > &jets) |
return a vector of jets sorted into increasing pz | |
void | sort_indices (std::vector< int > &indices, const std::vector< double > &values) |
sort the indices so that values[indices[0->n-1]] is sorted into increasing order | |
template<class T > | |
std::vector< T > | objects_sorted_by_values (const std::vector< T > &objects, const std::vector< double > &values) |
given a vector of values with a one-to-one correspondence with the vector of objects, sort objects into an order such that the associated values would be in increasing order (but don't actually touch the values vector in the process). | |
template<class T , class U > | |
bool | operator== (SharedPtr< T > const &t, SharedPtr< U > const &u) |
comparison: equality | |
template<class T , class U > | |
bool | operator!= (SharedPtr< T > const &t, SharedPtr< U > const &u) |
comparison: difference | |
template<class T , class U > | |
bool | operator< (SharedPtr< T > const &t, SharedPtr< U > const &u) |
comparison: orgering | |
template<class T > | |
void | swap (SharedPtr< T > &a, SharedPtr< T > &b) |
swapping | |
template<class T > | |
T * | get_pointer (SharedPtr< T > const &t) |
getting the pointer | |
bool | floor_ln2_less (unsigned x, unsigned y) |
returns true if floor(ln_base2(x)) < floor(ln_base2(y)), using Chan's neat trick... | |
template<class B , class D > | |
B * | cast_if_derived (D *d) |
a little helper that returns a pointer to d of type B* if D is derived from B and NULL otherwise | |
double | norm (const VPoint p) |
norm of a vector | |
double | vector_product (const VPoint &p1, const VPoint &p2) |
2D vector product | |
double | scalar_product (const VPoint &p1, const VPoint &p2) |
scalar product | |
template<class T > | |
T | deltaPhi (T phi1, T phi2) |
template<class T > | |
T | deltaR2 (T eta1, T phi1, T eta2, T phi2) |
Variables | |
BasicRandom< int > | _G_random_int |
BasicRandom< double > | _G_random_double |
const unsigned int | huge_unsigned = 4294967295U |
const unsigned int | twopow31 = 2147483648U |
const JetAlgorithm | aachen_algorithm = cambridge_algorithm |
provide other possible names for the Cambridge/Aachen algorithm | |
const JetAlgorithm | cambridge_aachen_algorithm = cambridge_algorithm |
const double | MaxRap = 1e5 |
Used to protect against parton-level events where pt can be zero for some partons, giving rapidity=infinity. | |
const double | pseudojet_invalid_phi = -100.0 |
default value for phi, meaning it (and rapidity) have yet to be calculated) | |
const double | pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197 |
const double | twopi = 6.283185307179586476925286766559005768394 |
const double | pisq = 9.869604401089358618834490999876151135314 |
const double | zeta2 = 1.644934066848226436472415166646025189219 |
const double | zeta3 = 1.202056903159594285399738161511449990765 |
const double | eulergamma = 0.577215664901532860606512090082402431042 |
const double | ln2 = 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568076 |
const int | INFINITE_VERTEX = -1 |
const int | NEW_VERTEX = -2 |
const double | HUGE_DOUBLE = 1e300 |
the FastJet namespace
Order(N^2) clustering.
all the fastjet-related material is put under that namespace
Works for any class BJ that satisfies certain minimal requirements (which are ...?)
just provide a typedef for backwards compatibility with programs based on versions 2.0 and 2.1 of fastjet.
Since there is no easy way of telling people this is deprecated at compile or run time, we should be careful before removing this in the future.
Definition at line 240 of file GhostedAreaSpec.hh.
enum fastjet::Strategy |
the various options for the algorithmic strategy to adopt in clustering events with kt and cambridge style algorithms.
Definition at line 48 of file JetDefinition.hh.
the various families of jet-clustering algorithm
kt_algorithm |
the longitudinally invariant kt algorithm |
cambridge_algorithm |
the longitudinally invariant variant of the cambridge algorithm (aka Aachen algoithm). |
antikt_algorithm |
like the k_t but with distance measures dij = min(1/kti^2,1/ktj^2) Delta R_{ij}^2 / R^2 diB = 1/kti^2 |
genkt_algorithm |
like the k_t but with distance measures dij = min(kti^{2p},ktj^{2p}) Delta R_{ij}^2 / R^2 diB = 1/kti^{2p} where p = extra_param() |
cambridge_for_passive_algorithm |
a version of cambridge with a special distance measure for particles whose pt is < extra_param() |
genkt_for_passive_algorithm |
a version of genkt with a special distance measure for particles whose pt is < extra_param() [relevant for passive areas when p<=0] |
ee_kt_algorithm |
the e+e- kt algorithm |
ee_genkt_algorithm |
the e+e- genkt algorithm (R > 2 and p=1 gives ee_kt) |
plugin_algorithm |
any plugin algorithm supplied by the user |
undefined_jet_algorithm |
the value for the jet algorithm in a JetDefinition for which no algorithm has yet been defined |
Definition at line 89 of file JetDefinition.hh.
the various recombination schemes
Definition at line 134 of file JetDefinition.hh.
PseudoJet fastjet::join | ( | const PseudoJet & | j1, |
const JetDefinition::Recombiner & | recombiner | ||
) |
build a "CompositeJet" from a single PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure
build a MergedJet from a single PseudoJet
Definition at line 354 of file
PseudoJet fastjet::join | ( | const PseudoJet & | j1, |
const PseudoJet & | j2, | ||
const JetDefinition::Recombiner & | recombiner | ||
) |
build a "CompositeJet" from two PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure
build a MergedJet from 2 PseudoJet
Definition at line 360 of file
PseudoJet fastjet::join | ( | const PseudoJet & | j1, |
const PseudoJet & | j2, | ||
const PseudoJet & | j3, | ||
const JetDefinition::Recombiner & | recombiner | ||
) |
build a "CompositeJet" from 3 PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure
build a MergedJet from 3 PseudoJet
Definition at line 369 of file
PseudoJet fastjet::join | ( | const PseudoJet & | j1, |
const PseudoJet & | j2, | ||
const PseudoJet & | j3, | ||
const PseudoJet & | j4, | ||
const JetDefinition::Recombiner & | recombiner | ||
) |
build a "CompositeJet" from 4 PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure
build a MergedJet from 4 PseudoJet
Definition at line 379 of file
PseudoJet fastjet::PtYPhiM | ( | double | pt, |
double | y, | ||
double | phi, | ||
double | m | ||
) |
return a pseudojet with the given pt, y, phi and mass
return a pseudojet with the given pt, y, phi and mass (phi should satisfy -2pi<phi<4pi)
Definition at line 337 of file
PseudoJet fastjet::join | ( | const PseudoJet & | j1 | ) |
build a "CompositeJet" from a single PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure
build a MergedJet from a single PseudoJet
Definition at line 829 of file
PseudoJet fastjet::join | ( | const PseudoJet & | j1, |
const PseudoJet & | j2 | ||
) |
build a "CompositeJet" from two PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure
build a MergedJet from 2 PseudoJet
Definition at line 834 of file
PseudoJet fastjet::join | ( | const PseudoJet & | j1, |
const PseudoJet & | j2, | ||
const PseudoJet & | j3 | ||
) |
build a "CompositeJet" from 3 PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure
build a MergedJet from 3 PseudoJet
Definition at line 842 of file
PseudoJet fastjet::join | ( | const PseudoJet & | j1, |
const PseudoJet & | j2, | ||
const PseudoJet & | j3, | ||
const PseudoJet & | j4 | ||
) |
build a "CompositeJet" from 4 PseudoJet with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure
build a MergedJet from 4 PseudoJet
Definition at line 851 of file
PseudoJet fastjet::join | ( | const std::vector< PseudoJet > & | pieces | ) |
build a "CompositeJet" from the vector of its pieces with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure
build a "CompositeJet" from the vector of its pieces
In this case, E-scheme recombination is assumed to compute the total momentum
Definition at line 135 of file CompositeJetStructure.hh.
PseudoJet fastjet::join | ( | const std::vector< PseudoJet > & | pieces, |
const JetDefinition::Recombiner & | recombiner | ||
) |
build a "CompositeJet" from the vector of its pieces with an extended structure of type T derived from CompositeJetStructure
build a "CompositeJet" from the vector of its pieces
In this case, E-scheme recombination is assumed to compute the total momentum
Definition at line 198 of file CompositeJetStructure.hh.
std::vector<T> fastjet::objects_sorted_by_values | ( | const std::vector< T > & | objects, |
const std::vector< double > & | values | ||
) |
given a vector of values with a one-to-one correspondence with the vector of objects, sort objects into an order such that the associated values would be in increasing order (but don't actually touch the values vector in the process).
bool fastjet::floor_ln2_less | ( | unsigned | x, |
unsigned | y | ||
) | [inline] |
returns true if floor(ln_base2(x)) < floor(ln_base2(y)), using Chan's neat trick...
Definition at line 218 of file ClosestPair2D.hh.
const double fastjet::MaxRap = 1e5 |
Used to protect against parton-level events where pt can be zero for some partons, giving rapidity=infinity.
KtJet fails in those cases.
Definition at line 50 of file PseudoJet.hh.