58 #include <fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh> 59 #include <fastjet/tools/MassDropTagger.hh> 60 #include <fastjet/tools/Filter.hh> 85 class FlavourRecombiner :
public DefRecomb {
90 virtual std::string description()
const {
107 ostream & operator<<(ostream &,
const PseudoJet &);
115 vector<PseudoJet> particles;
122 while (getline(cin,line)) {
123 if (line.substr(0,1) ==
"#") {
124 istringstream linestream(line);
126 linestream >> px >> py >> pz >> E;
130 if (! (linestream >> btag)) btag = 0;
134 particle.set_user_index(btag);
135 particles.push_back(particle);
145 FlavourRecombiner flav_recombiner;
146 JetDefinition jet_def(cambridge_algorithm, R, &flav_recombiner);
151 vector<PseudoJet> jets =
153 cout <<
"Ran: " << jet_def.description() << endl << endl;
154 cout <<
"Hardest jet: " << jets[0] << endl << endl;
169 cout <<
"No substructure found" << endl;
175 cout <<
"Found suitable pair of subjets: " << endl;
176 cout <<
" " << parent1 << endl;
177 cout <<
" " << parent2 << endl;
178 cout <<
"Total = " << endl;
179 cout <<
" " << tagged << endl;
198 double Rbb = parent1.
199 double Rfilt = min(Rbb/2, 0.3);
201 cout <<
"Subjet separation (Rbb) = " << Rbb <<
", Rfilt = " << Rfilt << endl;
209 const vector<PseudoJet> & filtered_pieces = filtered.
210 cout <<
"Filtered pieces are " << endl;
211 for (
unsigned i = 0; i < nfilt && i < filtered_pieces.size(); i++) {
212 cout <<
" " << filtered_pieces[i] << endl;
214 cout <<
"Filtered total is " << endl;
215 cout <<
" " << filtered << endl;
223 ostream & operator<<(ostream & ostr,
const PseudoJet & jet) {
224 ostr <<
"pt, y, phi =" 225 <<
" " << setw(10) << jet.
226 <<
" " << setw(6) << jet.
227 <<
" " << setw(6) << jet.
228 <<
", mass = " << setw(10) << jet.
vector< PseudoJet > sorted_by_pt(const vector< PseudoJet > &jets)
return a vector of jets sorted into decreasing kt2
void set_user_index(const int index)
set the user_index, intended to allow the user to add simple identifying information to a particle/je...
Selector SelectorNHardest(unsigned int n)
select the n hardest objects
Class that helps perform filtering (Butterworth, Davison, Rubin and Salam, arXiv:0802.2470) and trimming (Krohn, Thaler and Wang, arXiv:0912.1342) on jets, optionally in conjunction with subtraction (Cacciari and Salam, arXiv:0707.1378).
Class that helps perform 2-pronged boosted tagging using the "mass-drop" technique (with asymmetry cu...
A class that will provide the recombination scheme facilities and/or allow a user to extend these fac...
double perp() const
returns the scalar transverse momentum
int main()
an example program showing how to use fastjet
virtual std::vector< PseudoJet > pieces() const
retrieve the pieces that make up the jet.
double m() const
returns the invariant mass (If m2() is negative then -sqrt(-m2()) is returned, as in CLHEP) ...
The various recombination schemes.
double delta_R(const PseudoJet &other) const
return the cylinder (rap-phi) distance between this jet and another, .
virtual void recombine(const PseudoJet &pa, const PseudoJet &pb, PseudoJet &pab) const
recombine pa and pb and put result into pab
const TransformerType::StructureType & structure_of() const
this is a helper to access any structure created by a Transformer (that is, of type Transformer::Stru...
double phi() const
returns phi (in the range 0..2pi)
double rap() const
returns the rapidity or some large value when the rapidity is infinite
Class to contain pseudojets, including minimal information of use to jet-clustering routines...
int user_index() const
return the user_index,
class that is intended to hold a full definition of the jet clusterer
virtual std::string description() const
return a textual description of the recombination scheme implemented here