FastJet  3.3.1
2 // $Id: 4354 2018-04-22 07:12:37Z salam $
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2005-2018, Matteo Cacciari, Gavin P. Salam and Gregory Soyez
5 //
6 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
7 // This file is part of FastJet.
8 //
9 // FastJet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12 // (at your option) any later version.
13 //
14 // The algorithms that underlie FastJet have required considerable
15 // development. They are described in the original FastJet paper,
16 // hep-ph/0512210 and in the manual, arXiv:1111.6097. If you use
17 // FastJet as part of work towards a scientific publication, please
18 // quote the version you use and include a citation to the manual and
19 // optionally also to hep-ph/0512210.
20 //
21 // FastJet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
22 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24 // GNU General Public License for more details.
25 //
26 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
27 // along with FastJet. If not, see <>.
28 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
32 #include "fastjet/Error.hh"
33 #include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
34 #include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
35 #ifndef __FJCORE__
36 #include "fastjet/ClusterSequenceAreaBase.hh"
37 #endif // __FJCORE__
38 #include "fastjet/CompositeJetStructure.hh"
39 #include<valarray>
40 #include<iostream>
41 #include<sstream>
42 #include<cmath>
43 #include<algorithm>
44 #include <cstdarg>
46 FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
48 using namespace std;
51 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
52 // another constructor...
53 PseudoJet::PseudoJet(const double px_in, const double py_in, const double pz_in, const double E_in) {
55  _E = E_in ;
56  _px = px_in;
57  _py = py_in;
58  _pz = pz_in;
60  this->_finish_init();
62  // some default values for the history and user indices
63  _reset_indices();
65 }
68 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
69 /// do standard end of initialisation
70 void PseudoJet::_finish_init () {
71  _kt2 = this->px()*this->px() + this->py()*this->py();
72  _phi = pseudojet_invalid_phi;
73  // strictly speaking, _rap does not need initialising, because
74  // it's never used as long as _phi == pseudojet_invalid_phi
75  // (and gets set when _phi is requested). However ATLAS
76  // 2013-03-28 complained that they sometimes have NaN's in
77  // _rap and this interferes with some of their internal validation.
78  // So we initialise it; penalty is about 0.3ns per PseudoJet out of about
79  // 10ns total initialisation time (on a intel Core i7 2.7GHz)
80  _rap = pseudojet_invalid_rap;
81 }
83 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
84 void PseudoJet::_set_rap_phi() const {
86  if (_kt2 == 0.0) {
87  _phi = 0.0; }
88  else {
89  _phi = atan2(this->py(),this->px());
90  }
91  if (_phi < 0.0) {_phi += twopi;}
92  if (_phi >= twopi) {_phi -= twopi;} // can happen if phi=-|eps<1e-15|?
93  if (this->E() == abs(this->pz()) && _kt2 == 0) {
94  // Point has infinite rapidity -- convert that into a very large
95  // number, but in such a way that different 0-pt momenta will have
96  // different rapidities (so as to lift the degeneracy between
97  // them) [this can be relevant at parton-level]
98  double MaxRapHere = MaxRap + abs(this->pz());
99  if (this->pz() >= 0.0) {_rap = MaxRapHere;} else {_rap = -MaxRapHere;}
100  } else {
101  // get the rapidity in a way that's modestly insensitive to roundoff
102  // error when things pz,E are large (actually the best we can do without
103  // explicit knowledge of mass)
104  double effective_m2 = max(0.0,m2()); // force non tachyonic mass
105  double E_plus_pz = _E + abs(_pz); // the safer of p+, p-
106  // p+/p- = (p+ p-) / (p-)^2 = (kt^2+m^2)/(p-)^2
107  _rap = 0.5*log((_kt2 + effective_m2)/(E_plus_pz*E_plus_pz));
108  if (_pz > 0) {_rap = - _rap;}
109  }
111 }
114 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
115 // return a valarray four-momentum
116 valarray<double> PseudoJet::four_mom() const {
117  valarray<double> mom(4);
118  mom[0] = _px;
119  mom[1] = _py;
120  mom[2] = _pz;
121  mom[3] = _E ;
122  return mom;
123 }
125 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
126 // Return the component corresponding to the specified index.
127 // taken from CLHEP
128 double PseudoJet::operator () (int i) const {
129  switch(i) {
130  case X:
131  return px();
132  case Y:
133  return py();
134  case Z:
135  return pz();
136  case T:
137  return e();
138  default:
139  ostringstream err;
140  err << "PseudoJet subscripting: bad index (" << i << ")";
141  throw Error(err.str());
142  }
143  return 0.;
144 }
146 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
147 // return the pseudorapidity
148 double PseudoJet::pseudorapidity() const {
149  if (px() == 0.0 && py() ==0.0) return MaxRap;
150  if (pz() == 0.0) return 0.0;
152  double theta = atan(perp()/pz());
153  if (theta < 0) theta += pi;
154  return -log(tan(theta/2));
155 }
157 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
158 // return "sum" of two pseudojets
159 PseudoJet operator+ (const PseudoJet & jet1, const PseudoJet & jet2) {
160  //return PseudoJet(jet1.four_mom()+jet2.four_mom());
161  return PseudoJet(jet1.px()+jet2.px(),
163  jet1.pz()+jet2.pz(),
164  jet1.E() +jet2.E() );
165 }
167 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
168 // return difference of two pseudojets
169 PseudoJet operator- (const PseudoJet & jet1, const PseudoJet & jet2) {
170  //return PseudoJet(jet1.four_mom()-jet2.four_mom());
171  return PseudoJet(jet1.px()-jet2.px(),
173  jet1.pz()-jet2.pz(),
174  jet1.E() -jet2.E() );
175 }
177 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
178 // return the product, coeff * jet
179 PseudoJet operator* (double coeff, const PseudoJet & jet) {
180  // see the comment in operator*= about ensuring valid rap phi
181  // before a multiplication to handle case of multiplication by
182  // zero, while maintaining rapidity and phi
183  jet._ensure_valid_rap_phi();
184  //return PseudoJet(coeff*jet.four_mom());
185  // the following code is hopefully more efficient
186  PseudoJet coeff_times_jet(jet);
187  coeff_times_jet *= coeff;
188  return coeff_times_jet;
189 }
191 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
192 // return the product, coeff * jet
193 PseudoJet operator* (const PseudoJet & jet, double coeff) {
194  return coeff*jet;
195 }
197 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
198 // return the ratio, jet / coeff
199 PseudoJet operator/ (const PseudoJet & jet, double coeff) {
200  return (1.0/coeff)*jet;
201 }
203 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
204 /// multiply the jet's momentum by the coefficient
205 PseudoJet & PseudoJet::operator*=(double coeff) {
206  // operator*= aims to maintain the rapidity and azimuth
207  // for the PseudoJet; if they have already been evaluated
208  // this is fine, but if they haven't and coeff is sufficiently
209  // small as to cause a zero or underflow result, then a subsequent
210  // invocation of rap or phi will lead to a non-sensical result.
211  // So, here, we preemptively ensure that rapidity and phi
212  // are correctly cached
213  _ensure_valid_rap_phi();
214  _px *= coeff;
215  _py *= coeff;
216  _pz *= coeff;
217  _E *= coeff;
218  _kt2*= coeff*coeff;
219  // phi and rap are unchanged
220  return *this;
221 }
223 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
224 /// divide the jet's momentum by the coefficient
225 PseudoJet & PseudoJet::operator/=(double coeff) {
226  (*this) *= 1.0/coeff;
227  return *this;
228 }
231 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
232 /// add the other jet's momentum to this jet
233 PseudoJet & PseudoJet::operator+=(const PseudoJet & other_jet) {
234  _px += other_jet._px;
235  _py += other_jet._py;
236  _pz += other_jet._pz;
237  _E += other_jet._E ;
238  _finish_init(); // we need to recalculate phi,rap,kt2
239  return *this;
240 }
243 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
244 /// subtract the other jet's momentum from this jet
245 PseudoJet & PseudoJet::operator-=(const PseudoJet & other_jet) {
246  _px -= other_jet._px;
247  _py -= other_jet._py;
248  _pz -= other_jet._pz;
249  _E -= other_jet._E ;
250  _finish_init(); // we need to recalculate phi,rap,kt2
251  return *this;
252 }
254 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
255 bool operator==(const PseudoJet & a, const PseudoJet & b) {
256  if (a.px() != b.px()) return false;
257  if ( != return false;
258  if (a.pz() != b.pz()) return false;
259  if (a.E () != b.E ()) return false;
261  if (a.user_index() != b.user_index()) return false;
262  if (a.cluster_hist_index() != b.cluster_hist_index()) return false;
263  if (a.user_info_ptr() != b.user_info_ptr()) return false;
264  if (a.structure_ptr() != b.structure_ptr()) return false;
266  return true;
267 }
269 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
270 // check if the jet has zero momentum
271 bool operator==(const PseudoJet & jet, const double val) {
272  if (val != 0)
273  throw Error("comparing a PseudoJet with a non-zero constant (double) is not allowed.");
274  return (jet.px() == 0 && == 0 &&
275  jet.pz() == 0 && jet.E() == 0);
276 }
280 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
281 /// transform this jet (given in the rest frame of prest) into a jet
282 /// in the lab frame
283 //
284 // NB: code adapted from that in herwig f77 (checked how it worked
285 // long ago)
286 PseudoJet & PseudoJet::boost(const PseudoJet & prest) {
288  if (prest.px() == 0.0 && == 0.0 && prest.pz() == 0.0)
289  return *this;
291  double m_local = prest.m();
292  assert(m_local != 0);
294  double pf4 = ( px()*prest.px() + py()*
295  + pz()*prest.pz() + E()*prest.E() )/m_local;
296  double fn = (pf4 + E()) / (prest.E() + m_local);
297  _px += fn*prest.px();
298  _py += fn*;
299  _pz += fn*prest.pz();
300  _E = pf4;
302  _finish_init(); // we need to recalculate phi,rap,kt2
303  return *this;
304 }
307 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
308 /// transform this jet (given in lab) into a jet in the rest
309 /// frame of prest
310 //
311 // NB: code adapted from that in herwig f77 (checked how it worked
312 // long ago)
313 PseudoJet & PseudoJet::unboost(const PseudoJet & prest) {
315  if (prest.px() == 0.0 && == 0.0 && prest.pz() == 0.0)
316  return *this;
318  double m_local = prest.m();
319  assert(m_local != 0);
321  double pf4 = ( -px()*prest.px() - py()*
322  - pz()*prest.pz() + E()*prest.E() )/m_local;
323  double fn = (pf4 + E()) / (prest.E() + m_local);
324  _px -= fn*prest.px();
325  _py -= fn*;
326  _pz -= fn*prest.pz();
327  _E = pf4;
329  _finish_init(); // we need to recalculate phi,rap,kt2
330  return *this;
331 }
334 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
335 /// returns true if the momenta of the two input jets are identical
336 bool have_same_momentum(const PseudoJet & jeta, const PseudoJet & jetb) {
337  return jeta.px() == jetb.px()
338  && ==
339  && jeta.pz() == jetb.pz()
340  && jeta.E() == jetb.E();
341 }
343 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
344 void PseudoJet::set_cached_rap_phi(double rap_in, double phi_in) {
345  _rap = rap_in; _phi = phi_in;
346  if (_phi >= twopi) _phi -= twopi;
347  if (_phi < 0) _phi += twopi;
348 }
350 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
351 void PseudoJet::reset_momentum_PtYPhiM(double pt_in, double y_in, double phi_in, double m_in) {
352  assert(phi_in < 2*twopi && phi_in > -twopi);
353  double ptm = (m_in == 0) ? pt_in : sqrt(pt_in*pt_in+m_in*m_in);
354  double exprap = exp(y_in);
355  double pminus = ptm/exprap;
356  double pplus = ptm*exprap;
357  double px_local = pt_in*cos(phi_in);
358  double py_local = pt_in*sin(phi_in);
359  reset_momentum(px_local,py_local,0.5*(pplus-pminus),0.5*(pplus+pminus));
360  set_cached_rap_phi(y_in,phi_in);
361 }
363 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
364 /// return a pseudojet with the given pt, y, phi and mass
365 PseudoJet PtYPhiM(double pt, double y, double phi, double m) {
366  assert(phi < 2*twopi && phi > -twopi);
367  double ptm = (m == 0) ? pt : sqrt(pt*pt+m*m);
368  double exprap = exp(y);
369  double pminus = ptm/exprap;
370  double pplus = ptm*exprap;
371  double px = pt*cos(phi);
372  double py = pt*sin(phi);
373  PseudoJet mom(px,py,0.5*(pplus-pminus),0.5*(pplus+pminus));
374  mom.set_cached_rap_phi(y,phi);
375  return mom;
376  //return PseudoJet(pt*cos(phi), pt*sin(phi), ptm*sinh(y), ptm*cosh(y));
377 }
380 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
381 // return kt-distance between this jet and another one
382 double PseudoJet::kt_distance(const PseudoJet & other) const {
383  //double distance = min(this->kt2(), other.kt2());
384  double distance = min(_kt2, other._kt2);
385  double dphi = abs(phi() - other.phi());
386  if (dphi > pi) {dphi = twopi - dphi;}
387  double drap = rap() - other.rap();
388  distance = distance * (dphi*dphi + drap*drap);
389  return distance;
390 }
393 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
394 // return squared cylinder (eta-phi) distance between this jet and another one
395 double PseudoJet::plain_distance(const PseudoJet & other) const {
396  double dphi = abs(phi() - other.phi());
397  if (dphi > pi) {dphi = twopi - dphi;}
398  double drap = rap() - other.rap();
399  return (dphi*dphi + drap*drap);
400 }
402 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
403 /// returns other.phi() - this.phi(), i.e. the phi distance to
404 /// other, constrained to be in range -pi .. pi
405 double PseudoJet::delta_phi_to(const PseudoJet & other) const {
406  double dphi = other.phi() - phi();
407  if (dphi > pi) dphi -= twopi;
408  if (dphi < -pi) dphi += twopi;
409  return dphi;
410 }
413 string PseudoJet::description() const{
414  // the "default" case of a PJ which does not belong to any cluster sequence
415  if (!_structure)
416  return "standard PseudoJet (with no associated clustering information)";
418  // for all the other cases, the description comes from the structure
419  return _structure->description();
420 }
424 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
425 //
426 // The following methods access the associated jet structure (if any)
427 //
428 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
431 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
432 // check whether this PseudoJet has an associated parent
433 // ClusterSequence
434 bool PseudoJet::has_associated_cluster_sequence() const{
435  return (_structure) && (_structure->has_associated_cluster_sequence());
436 }
438 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
439 // get a (const) pointer to the associated ClusterSequence (NULL if
440 // inexistent)
441 const ClusterSequence* PseudoJet::associated_cluster_sequence() const{
442  if (! has_associated_cluster_sequence()) return NULL;
444  return _structure->associated_cluster_sequence();
445 }
448 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
449 // check whether this PseudoJet has an associated parent
450 // ClusterSequence that is still valid
451 bool PseudoJet::has_valid_cluster_sequence() const{
452  return (_structure) && (_structure->has_valid_cluster_sequence());
453 }
455 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
456 // If there is a valid cluster sequence associated with this jet,
457 // returns a pointer to it; otherwise throws an Error.
458 //
459 // Open question: should these errors be upgraded to classes of their
460 // own so that they can be caught? [Maybe, but later]
461 const ClusterSequence * PseudoJet::validated_cs() const {
462  return validated_structure_ptr()->validated_cs();
463 }
466 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
467 // set the associated structure
468 void PseudoJet::set_structure_shared_ptr(const SharedPtr<PseudoJetStructureBase> &structure_in){
469  _structure = structure_in;
470 }
472 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
473 // return true if there is some structure associated with this PseudoJet
474 bool PseudoJet::has_structure() const{
475  return bool(_structure);
476 }
478 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
479 // return a pointer to the structure (of type
480 // PseudoJetStructureBase*) associated with this PseudoJet.
481 //
482 // return NULL if there is no associated structure
483 const PseudoJetStructureBase* PseudoJet::structure_ptr() const {
484  //if (!_structure) return NULL;
485  return _structure.get();
486 }
488 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
489 // return a non-const pointer to the structure (of type
490 // PseudoJetStructureBase*) associated with this PseudoJet.
491 //
492 // return NULL if there is no associated structure
493 //
494 // Only use this if you know what you are doing. In any case,
495 // prefer the 'structure_ptr()' (the const version) to this method,
496 // unless you really need a write access to the PseudoJet's
497 // underlying structure.
498 PseudoJetStructureBase* PseudoJet::structure_non_const_ptr(){
499  //if (!_structure) return NULL;
500  return _structure.get();
501 }
503 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
504 // return a pointer to the structure (of type
505 // PseudoJetStructureBase*) associated with this PseudoJet.
506 //
507 // throw an error if there is no associated structure
508 const PseudoJetStructureBase* PseudoJet::validated_structure_ptr() const {
509  if (!_structure)
510  throw Error("Trying to access the structure of a PseudoJet which has no associated structure");
511  return _structure.get();
512 }
514 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
515 // return a reference to the shared pointer to the
516 // PseudoJetStructureBase associated with this PseudoJet
517 const SharedPtr<PseudoJetStructureBase> & PseudoJet::structure_shared_ptr() const {
518  return _structure;
519 }
522 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
523 // check if it has been recombined with another PseudoJet in which
524 // case, return its partner through the argument. Otherwise,
525 // 'partner' is set to 0.
526 //
527 // false is also returned if this PseudoJet has no associated
528 // ClusterSequence
529 bool PseudoJet::has_partner(PseudoJet &partner) const{
530  return validated_structure_ptr()->has_partner(*this, partner);
531 }
533 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
534 // check if it has been recombined with another PseudoJet in which
535 // case, return its child through the argument. Otherwise, 'child'
536 // is set to 0.
537 //
538 // false is also returned if this PseudoJet has no associated
539 // ClusterSequence, with the child set to 0
540 bool PseudoJet::has_child(PseudoJet &child) const{
541  return validated_structure_ptr()->has_child(*this, child);
542 }
544 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
545 // check if it is the product of a recombination, in which case
546 // return the 2 parents through the 'parent1' and 'parent2'
547 // arguments. Otherwise, set these to 0.
548 //
549 // false is also returned if this PseudoJet has no parent
550 // ClusterSequence
551 bool PseudoJet::has_parents(PseudoJet &parent1, PseudoJet &parent2) const{
552  return validated_structure_ptr()->has_parents(*this, parent1, parent2);
553 }
555 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
556 // check if the current PseudoJet contains the one passed as
557 // argument
558 //
559 // false is also returned if this PseudoJet has no associated
560 // ClusterSequence.
561 bool PseudoJet::contains(const PseudoJet &constituent) const{
562  return validated_structure_ptr()->object_in_jet(constituent, *this);
563 }
565 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
566 // check if the current PseudoJet is contained the one passed as
567 // argument
568 //
569 // false is also returned if this PseudoJet has no associated
570 // ClusterSequence
571 bool PseudoJet::is_inside(const PseudoJet &jet) const{
572  return validated_structure_ptr()->object_in_jet(*this, jet);
573 }
576 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
577 // returns true if the PseudoJet has constituents
578 bool PseudoJet::has_constituents() const{
579  return (_structure) && (_structure->has_constituents());
580 }
582 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
583 // retrieve the constituents.
584 vector<PseudoJet> PseudoJet::constituents() const{
585  return validated_structure_ptr()->constituents(*this);
586 }
589 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
590 // returns true if the PseudoJet has support for exclusive subjets
591 bool PseudoJet::has_exclusive_subjets() const{
592  return (_structure) && (_structure->has_exclusive_subjets());
593 }
595 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
596 // return a vector of all subjets of the current jet (in the sense
597 // of the exclusive algorithm) that would be obtained when running
598 // the algorithm with the given dcut.
599 //
600 // Time taken is O(m ln m), where m is the number of subjets that
601 // are found. If m gets to be of order of the total number of
602 // constituents in the jet, this could be substantially slower than
603 // just getting that list of constituents.
604 //
605 // an Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid
606 // associated ClusterSequence
607 std::vector<PseudoJet> PseudoJet::exclusive_subjets (const double dcut) const {
608  return validated_structure_ptr()->exclusive_subjets(*this, dcut);
609 }
611 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
612 // return the size of exclusive_subjets(...); still n ln n with same
613 // coefficient, but marginally more efficient than manually taking
614 // exclusive_subjets.size()
615 //
616 // an Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid
617 // associated ClusterSequence
618 int PseudoJet::n_exclusive_subjets(const double dcut) const {
619  return validated_structure_ptr()->n_exclusive_subjets(*this, dcut);
620 }
622 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
623 // return the list of subjets obtained by unclustering the supplied
624 // jet down to n subjets (or all constituents if there are fewer
625 // than n).
626 //
627 // requires n ln n time
628 //
629 // an Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid
630 // associated ClusterSequence
631 std::vector<PseudoJet> PseudoJet::exclusive_subjets_up_to (int nsub) const {
632  return validated_structure_ptr()->exclusive_subjets_up_to(*this, nsub);
633 }
635 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
636 // Same as exclusive_subjets_up_to but throws an error if there are
637 // fewer than nsub particles in the jet
638 std::vector<PseudoJet> PseudoJet::exclusive_subjets (int nsub) const {
639  vector<PseudoJet> subjets = exclusive_subjets_up_to(nsub);
640  if (int(subjets.size()) < nsub) {
641  ostringstream err;
642  err << "Requested " << nsub << " exclusive subjets, but there were only "
643  << subjets.size() << " particles in the jet";
644  throw Error(err.str());
645  }
646  return subjets;
647 }
649 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
650 // return the dij that was present in the merging nsub+1 -> nsub
651 // subjets inside this jet.
652 //
653 // an Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid
654 // associated ClusterSequence
655 double PseudoJet::exclusive_subdmerge(int nsub) const {
656  return validated_structure_ptr()->exclusive_subdmerge(*this, nsub);
657 }
659 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
660 // return the maximum dij that occurred in the whole event at the
661 // stage that the nsub+1 -> nsub merge of subjets occurred inside
662 // this jet.
663 //
664 // an Error is thrown if this PseudoJet has no currently valid
665 // associated ClusterSequence
666 double PseudoJet::exclusive_subdmerge_max(int nsub) const {
667  return validated_structure_ptr()->exclusive_subdmerge_max(*this, nsub);
668 }
671 // returns true if a jet has pieces
672 //
673 // By default a single particle or a jet coming from a
674 // ClusterSequence have no pieces and this methos will return false.
675 bool PseudoJet::has_pieces() const{
676  return ((_structure) && (_structure->has_pieces(*this)));
677 }
679 // retrieve the pieces that make up the jet.
680 //
681 // By default a jet does not have pieces.
682 // If the underlying interface supports "pieces" retrieve the
683 // pieces from there.
684 std::vector<PseudoJet> PseudoJet::pieces() const{
685  return validated_structure_ptr()->pieces(*this);
686  // if (!has_pieces())
687  // throw Error("Trying to retrieve the pieces of a PseudoJet that has no support for pieces.");
688  //
689  // return _structure->pieces(*this);
690 }
693 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
694 // the following ones require a computation of the area in the
695 // associated ClusterSequence (See ClusterSequenceAreaBase for details)
696 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
698 #ifndef __FJCORE__
700 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
701 // if possible, return a valid ClusterSequenceAreaBase pointer; otherwise
702 // throw an error
703 const ClusterSequenceAreaBase * PseudoJet::validated_csab() const {
704  const ClusterSequenceAreaBase *csab = dynamic_cast<const ClusterSequenceAreaBase*>(validated_cs());
705  if (csab == NULL) throw Error("you requested jet-area related information, but the PseudoJet does not have associated area information.");
706  return csab;
707 }
710 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
711 // check if it has a defined area
712 bool PseudoJet::has_area() const{
713  //if (! has_associated_cluster_sequence()) return false;
714  if (! has_structure()) return false;
715  return (validated_structure_ptr()->has_area() != 0);
716 }
718 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
719 // return the jet (scalar) area.
720 // throw an Error if there is no support for area in the associated CS
721 double PseudoJet::area() const{
722  return validated_structure_ptr()->area(*this);
723 }
725 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
726 // return the error (uncertainty) associated with the determination
727 // of the area of this jet.
728 // throws an Error if there is no support for area in the associated CS
729 double PseudoJet::area_error() const{
730  return validated_structure_ptr()->area_error(*this);
731 }
733 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
734 // return the jet 4-vector area
735 // throws an Error if there is no support for area in the associated CS
736 PseudoJet PseudoJet::area_4vector() const{
737  return validated_structure_ptr()->area_4vector(*this);
738 }
740 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
741 // true if this jet is made exclusively of ghosts
742 // throws an Error if there is no support for area in the associated CS
743 bool PseudoJet::is_pure_ghost() const{
744  return validated_structure_ptr()->is_pure_ghost(*this);
745 }
747 #endif // __FJCORE__
749 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
750 //
751 // end of the methods accessing the information in the associated
752 // Cluster Sequence
753 //
754 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
756 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
757 /// provide a meaningful error message for InexistentUserInfo
758 PseudoJet::InexistentUserInfo::InexistentUserInfo() : Error("you attempted to perform a dynamic cast of a PseudoJet's extra info, but the extra info pointer was null")
759 {}
762 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
763 // sort the indices so that values[indices[0..n-1]] is sorted
764 // into increasing order
765 void sort_indices(vector<int> & indices,
766  const vector<double> & values) {
767  IndexedSortHelper index_sort_helper(&values);
768  sort(indices.begin(), indices.end(), index_sort_helper);
769 }
772 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
773 /// return a vector of jets sorted into decreasing kt2
774 vector<PseudoJet> sorted_by_pt(const vector<PseudoJet> & jets) {
775  vector<double> minus_kt2(jets.size());
776  for (size_t i = 0; i < jets.size(); i++) {minus_kt2[i] = -jets[i].kt2();}
777  return objects_sorted_by_values(jets, minus_kt2);
778 }
780 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
781 /// return a vector of jets sorted into increasing rapidity
782 vector<PseudoJet> sorted_by_rapidity(const vector<PseudoJet> & jets) {
783  vector<double> rapidities(jets.size());
784  for (size_t i = 0; i < jets.size(); i++) {rapidities[i] = jets[i].rap();}
785  return objects_sorted_by_values(jets, rapidities);
786 }
788 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
789 /// return a vector of jets sorted into decreasing energy
790 vector<PseudoJet> sorted_by_E(const vector<PseudoJet> & jets) {
791  vector<double> energies(jets.size());
792  for (size_t i = 0; i < jets.size(); i++) {energies[i] = -jets[i].E();}
793  return objects_sorted_by_values(jets, energies);
794 }
796 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
797 /// return a vector of jets sorted into increasing pz
798 vector<PseudoJet> sorted_by_pz(const vector<PseudoJet> & jets) {
799  vector<double> pz(jets.size());
800  for (size_t i = 0; i < jets.size(); i++) {pz[i] = jets[i].pz();}
801  return objects_sorted_by_values(jets, pz);
802 }
806 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
807 // helper functions to build a jet made of pieces
808 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
810 // build a "CompositeJet" from the vector of its pieces
811 //
812 // In this case, E-scheme recombination is assumed to compute the
813 // total momentum
814 PseudoJet join(const vector<PseudoJet> & pieces){
815  // compute the total momentum
816  //--------------------------------------------------
817  PseudoJet result; // automatically initialised to 0
818  for (unsigned int i=0; i<pieces.size(); i++)
819  result += pieces[i];
821  // attach a CompositeJetStructure to the result
822  //--------------------------------------------------
823  CompositeJetStructure *cj_struct = new CompositeJetStructure(pieces);
825  result.set_structure_shared_ptr(SharedPtr<PseudoJetStructureBase>(cj_struct));
827  return result;
828 }
830 // build a "CompositeJet" from a single PseudoJet
831 PseudoJet join(const PseudoJet & j1){
832  return join(vector<PseudoJet>(1,j1));
833 }
835 // build a "CompositeJet" from two PseudoJet
836 PseudoJet join(const PseudoJet & j1, const PseudoJet & j2){
837  vector<PseudoJet> pieces;
838  pieces.reserve(2);
839  pieces.push_back(j1);
840  pieces.push_back(j2);
841  return join(pieces);
842 }
844 // build a "CompositeJet" from 3 PseudoJet
845 PseudoJet join(const PseudoJet & j1, const PseudoJet & j2, const PseudoJet & j3){
846  vector<PseudoJet> pieces;
847  pieces.reserve(3);
848  pieces.push_back(j1);
849  pieces.push_back(j2);
850  pieces.push_back(j3);
851  return join(pieces);
852 }
854 // build a "CompositeJet" from 4 PseudoJet
855 PseudoJet join(const PseudoJet & j1, const PseudoJet & j2, const PseudoJet & j3, const PseudoJet & j4){
856  vector<PseudoJet> pieces;
857  pieces.reserve(4);
858  pieces.push_back(j1);
859  pieces.push_back(j2);
860  pieces.push_back(j3);
861  pieces.push_back(j4);
862  return join(pieces);
863 }
PseudoJet PtYPhiM(double pt, double y, double phi, double m)
return a pseudojet with the given pt, y, phi and mass
double theta(const PseudoJet &a, const PseudoJet &b)
returns the angle between a and b
Definition: PseudoJet.hh:869
void set_cached_rap_phi(double rap, double phi)
in some cases when setting a 4-momentum, the user/program knows what rapidity and azimuth are associa...
vector< PseudoJet > sorted_by_pt(const vector< PseudoJet > &jets)
return a vector of jets sorted into decreasing kt2
std::vector< T > objects_sorted_by_values(const std::vector< T > &objects, const std::vector< double > &values)
given a vector of values with a one-to-one correspondence with the vector of objects, sort objects into an order such that the associated values would be in increasing order (but don&#39;t actually touch the values vector in the process).
Definition: PseudoJet.hh:907
virtual PseudoJet area_4vector() const
return the jet 4-vector area.
deals with clustering
const double MaxRap
Used to protect against parton-level events where pt can be zero for some partons, giving rapidity=infinity.
Definition: PseudoJet.hh:52
const UserInfoBase * user_info_ptr() const
retrieve a pointer to the (const) user information
Definition: PseudoJet.hh:450
Selector operator*(const Selector &s1, const Selector &s2)
successive application of 2 selectors
vector< PseudoJet > sorted_by_pz(const vector< PseudoJet > &jets)
return a vector of jets sorted into increasing pz
vector< PseudoJet > sorted_by_rapidity(const vector< PseudoJet > &jets)
return a vector of jets sorted into increasing rapidity
virtual double area(const PseudoJet &) const
return the area associated with the given jet; this base class returns 0.
Contains any information related to the clustering that should be directly accessible to PseudoJet...
bool operator==(const PseudoJet &a, const PseudoJet &b)
returns true if the 4 momentum components of the two PseudoJets are identical and all the internal in...
virtual bool is_pure_ghost() const
true if this jet is made exclusively of ghosts.
const PseudoJetStructureBase * structure_ptr() const
return a pointer to the structure (of type PseudoJetStructureBase*) associated with this PseudoJet...
base class that sets interface for extensions of ClusterSequence that provide information about the a...
vector< PseudoJet > sorted_by_E(const vector< PseudoJet > &jets)
return a vector of jets sorted into decreasing energy
virtual std::vector< PseudoJet > pieces() const
retrieve the pieces that make up the jet.
base class corresponding to errors that can be thrown by FastJet
Definition: Error.hh:47
double m() const
returns the invariant mass (If m2() is negative then -sqrt(-m2()) is returned, as in CLHEP) ...
Definition: PseudoJet.hh:970
int cluster_hist_index() const
return the cluster_hist_index, intended to be used by clustering routines.
Definition: PseudoJet.hh:784
an implementation of C++0x shared pointers (or boost&#39;s)
Definition: SharedPtr.hh:121
double phi() const
returns phi (in the range 0..2pi)
Definition: PseudoJet.hh:110
double rap() const
returns the rapidity or some large value when the rapidity is infinite
Definition: PseudoJet.hh:125
bool have_same_momentum(const PseudoJet &jeta, const PseudoJet &jetb)
returns true if the momenta of the two input jets are identical
default constructor, which as of FJ3.0 provides an object for which all operations are now valid and ...
Definition: PseudoJet.hh:79
const double pseudojet_invalid_phi
default value for phi, meaning it (and rapidity) have yet to be calculated)
Definition: PseudoJet.hh:55
Class to contain pseudojets, including minimal information of use to jet-clustering routines...
Definition: PseudoJet.hh:67
int user_index() const
return the user_index,
Definition: PseudoJet.hh:343