31 #ifndef __CASUBJET_TAGGER_HH__
32 #define __CASUBJET_TAGGER_HH__
34 #include <fastjet/PseudoJet.hh>
35 #include <fastjet/WrappedStructure.hh>
36 #include <fastjet/tools/Transformer.hh>
37 #include "fastjet/LimitedWarning.hh"
42 class CASubJetTaggerStructure;
122 double z_threshold = 0.1)
123 : _scale_choice(scale_choice), _z_threshold(z_threshold),
124 _dr2_min(0.0), _absolute_z_cut(false){};
131 virtual std::string description()
167 void _recurse_through_jet(
const PseudoJet & current_jet,
174 bool _absolute_z_cut;
205 double z()
const {
return _z;}
226 #endif // __CASUBJET_HH__
void set_dr_min(double drmin)
sets a minimum delta R below which spliting will be ignored (only relevant if set prior to calling ru...
the available choices of auxiliary scale with respect to which to order the splittings
double distance() const
returns the value of the distance measure (corresponding to ScaleChoice) for this jet's splitting
bool _absolute_z
whether z is computed wrt to the original jet or not
double z() const
returns the pt fraction contained by the softer of the two component pieces of this jet (normalised r...
CASubJetTaggerStructure(const PseudoJet &result_jet)
default ctor
class that contains the result internally
CASubJetTagger::ScaleChoice scale_choice() const
returns the scale choice asked for the maximisation
CASubJetTaggerStructure StructureType
the type of Structure returned
CASubJetTagger(ScaleChoice scale_choice=jade_distance, double z_threshold=0.1)
just constructs
void set_absolute_z_cut(bool abs_z_cut=true)
If (abs_z_cut) is set to false (the default) then for a splitting to be considered,...
double _z
the transverse momentum fraction
CASubJetTagger::ScaleChoice _scale_choice
the user scale choice
double _distance
the maximal distance associated with the result
bool absolute_z() const
returns the pt fraction contained by the softer of the two component pieces of this jet (normalised r...