FastJet 3.4.3
No Matches
5// $Id$
7// Copyright (c) 2005-2024, Matteo Cacciari, Gavin P. Salam and Gregory Soyez
10// This file is part of FastJet.
12// FastJet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15// (at your option) any later version.
17// The algorithms that underlie FastJet have required considerable
18// development. They are described in the original FastJet paper,
19// hep-ph/0512210 and in the manual, arXiv:1111.6097. If you use
20// FastJet as part of work towards a scientific publication, please
21// quote the version you use and include a citation to the manual and
22// optionally also to hep-ph/0512210.
24// FastJet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
25// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
27// GNU General Public License for more details.
29// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
30// along with FastJet. If not, see <>.
34#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
35#include "fastjet/Selector.hh"
36#include "fastjet/CompositeJetStructure.hh" // to derive the FilterStructure from CompositeJetStructure
37#include "fastjet/tools/Transformer.hh" // to derive Filter from Transformer
38#include <iostream>
39#include <string>
41FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
43// fwd declarations
44class Filter;
45class FilterStructure;
48/// @ingroup tools_generic
49/// \class Filter
50/// Class that helps perform filtering (Butterworth, Davison, Rubin
51/// and Salam, arXiv:0802.2470) and trimming (Krohn, Thaler and Wang,
52/// arXiv:0912.1342) on jets, optionally in conjunction with
53/// subtraction (Cacciari and Salam, arXiv:0707.1378).
55/// For example, to apply filtering that reclusters a jet's
56/// constituents with the Cambridge/Aachen jet algorithm with R=0.3
57/// and then selects the 3 hardest subjets, one can use the following
58/// code:
59/// \code
60/// Filter filter(JetDefinition(cambridge_algorithm, 0.3), SelectorNHardest(3));
61/// PseudoJet filtered_jet = filter(original_jet);
62/// \endcode
64/// To obtain trimming, involving for example the selection of all
65/// subjets carrying at least 3% of the original jet's pt, the
66/// selector would be replaced by SelectorPtFractionMin(0.03).
68/// To additionally perform subtraction on the subjets prior to
69/// selection, either include a 3rd argument specifying the background
70/// density rho, or call the set_subtractor(...) member function. If
71/// subtraction is requested, the original jet must be the result of a
72/// clustering with active area with explicit ghosts support or a
73/// merging of such pieces.
75/// The information on the subjets that were kept and rejected can be
76/// obtained using:
77/// \code
78/// vector<PseudoJet> kept_subjets = filtered_jet.pieces();
79/// vector<PseudoJet> rejected_subjets = filtered_jet.structure_of<Filter>().rejected();
80/// \endcode
82/// \section impl Implementation Note
84/// If the original jet was defined with the Cambridge/Aachen
85/// algorithm (or is made of pieces each of which comes from the C/A
86/// alg) and the filtering definition is C/A, then the filter does not
87/// rerun the C/A algorithm on the constituents, but instead makes use
88/// of the existent C/A cluster sequence in the original jet. This
89/// increases the speed of the filter.
91/// See also \subpage Example11 for a further usage example.
93/// Support for areas, reuse of C/A cluster sequences, etc.,
94/// considerably complicates the implementation of Filter. For an
95/// explanation of how a simpler filter might be coded, see the
96/// "User-defined transformers" appendix of the manual.
97class Filter : public Transformer{
99 /// trivial ctor
100 /// Note: this is just for derived classes
101 /// a Filter initialised through this constructor will not work!
102 Filter() : _Rfiltfunc(0), _initialised(false){};
104 /// define a filter that decomposes a jet into subjets using a
105 /// generic JetDefinition and then keeps only a subset of these
106 /// subjets according to a Selector. Optionally, each subjet may be
107 /// internally bakground-subtracted prior to selection.
108 ///
109 /// \param subjet_def the jet definition applied to obtain the subjets
110 /// \param selector the Selector applied to compute the kept subjets
111 /// \param rho if non-zero, backgruond-subtract each subjet befor selection
112 ///
113 /// Note: internal subtraction only applies on jets that are
114 /// obtained with a cluster sequence with area support and explicit
115 /// ghosts
116 Filter(JetDefinition subjet_def, Selector selector, double rho = 0.0) :
117 _subjet_def(subjet_def), _Rfiltfunc(0), _Rfilt(-1), _selector(selector), _rho(rho), _subtractor(0), _initialised(true) {}
119 /// Same as the full constructor (see above) but just specifying the radius
120 /// By default, Cambridge-Aachen is used
121 /// If the jet (or all its pieces) is obtained with a non-default
122 /// recombiner, that one will be used
123 /// \param Rfilt the filtering radius
124 Filter(double Rfilt, Selector selector, double rho = 0.0) :
125 _Rfiltfunc(0), _Rfilt(Rfilt), _selector(selector), _rho(rho), _subtractor(0), _initialised(true) {
126 if (_Rfilt<0)
127 throw Error("Attempt to create a Filter with a negative filtering radius");
128 }
130 /// Same as the full constructor (see above) but just specifying a
131 /// filtering radius that will depend on the jet being filtered
132 /// As for the previous case, Cambridge-Aachen is used
133 /// If the jet (or all its pieces) is obtained with a non-default
134 /// recombiner, that one will be used
135 /// \param Rfilt_func the filtering radius function of a PseudoJet
136 Filter(FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> *Rfilt_func, Selector selector, double rho = 0.0) :
137 _Rfiltfunc(Rfilt_func), _Rfilt(-1), _selector(selector), _rho(rho), _subtractor(0), _initialised(true) {}
139 /// default dtor
140 virtual ~Filter(){};
142 /// Set a subtractor that is applied to all individual subjets before
143 /// deciding which ones to keep. It takes precedence over a non-zero rho.
144 void set_subtractor(const FunctionOfPseudoJet<PseudoJet> * subtractor_in) {_subtractor = subtractor_in;}
146 /// Set a subtractor that is applied to all individual subjets before
147 /// deciding which ones to keep. It takes precedence over a non-zero rho.
148 const FunctionOfPseudoJet<PseudoJet> * subtractor() const{ return _subtractor;}
150 /// runs the filtering and sets kept and rejected to be the jets of interest
151 /// (with non-zero rho, they will have been subtracted).
152 ///
153 /// \param jet the jet that gets filtered
154 /// \return the filtered jet
155 virtual PseudoJet result(const PseudoJet & jet) const;
157 /// class description
158 virtual std::string description() const;
160 // the type of the associated structure
161 typedef FilterStructure StructureType;
164 /// Sets filtered_elements to be all the subjets on which filtering will work.
165 /// It also sets the subjet_def to be used in joining things (the bit of
166 /// subjet def that is of interest for later is the recombiner).
167 ///
168 /// this returns true if teh optimisation trick for C/A reclustering has been used
169 bool _set_filtered_elements(const PseudoJet & jet,
170 std::vector<PseudoJet> & filtered_elements) const;
172 /// gather the information about what is kept and rejected under the
173 /// form of a PseudoJet with a special ClusterSequenceInfo
174 ///
175 /// The last argument (ca_optimisation_used) should be true if the
176 /// optimisation trick for C/A reclustering has been used (in which
177 /// case some extra tests have to be run for non-explicit-ghost
178 /// areas)
179 PseudoJet _finalise(const PseudoJet & jet,
180 std::vector<PseudoJet> & kept,
181 std::vector<PseudoJet> & rejected,
182 bool ca_optimisation_used) const;
184 bool _uses_subtraction() const {return (_subtractor || _rho != 0);}
186 JetDefinition _subjet_def; ///< the jet definition to use to extract the subjets
187 FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> *_Rfiltfunc;
188 ///< a dynamic filtering radius function of the jet being filtered
189 double _Rfilt; ///< a constant specifying the subjet radius (with C/A)
190 Selector _selector; ///< the subjet selection criterium
191 double _rho; ///< the background density (used for subtraction when possible)
192 const FunctionOfPseudoJet<PseudoJet> * _subtractor; ///< for subtracting bkgd density from subjets
194 bool _initialised; ///< true when the Filter has been properly intialised
200/// @ingroup tools_generic
201/// \class FilterStructure
202/// Class to contain structure information for a filtered jet.
205 /// constructor from an original ClusterSequenceInfo
206 /// We just share the original ClusterSequenceWrapper and initialise
207 /// the rest
208 FilterStructure(const std::vector<PseudoJet> & pieces_in,
209 const JetDefinition::Recombiner *rec = 0)
210 : CompositeJetStructure(pieces_in, rec){}
212 /// virtual dtor to allow further overloading
215 /// description
216 virtual std::string description() const { return "Filtered PseudoJet"; }
218 //------------------------------------------------------------------
219 /// @name The filter-specific information
220 //------------------------------------------------------------------
222// /// returns the original jet (the first of the original jets
223// /// if you filtered a collection of jets)
224// const PseudoJet & original() const {return _original_jet;}
226 /// returns the subjets that were not kept during the filtering procedure
227 /// (subtracted if the filter requests it, and valid in the original cs)
228 const std::vector<PseudoJet> & rejected() const {return _rejected;}
230 friend class Filter; // allow the filter to change the protected/private members
233// PseudoJet _original_jet; ///< the original jet
234 std::vector<PseudoJet> _rejected; ///< the subjets rejected by the filter
238FASTJET_END_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
240#endif // __FASTJET_TOOLS_FILTER_HH__
The structure for a jet made of pieces.
base class corresponding to errors that can be thrown by FastJet
Definition Error.hh:52
Class to contain structure information for a filtered jet.
Definition Filter.hh:203
virtual std::string description() const
Definition Filter.hh:216
std::vector< PseudoJet > _rejected
the subjets rejected by the filter
Definition Filter.hh:234
const std::vector< PseudoJet > & rejected() const
returns the subjets that were not kept during the filtering procedure (subtracted if the filter reque...
Definition Filter.hh:228
FilterStructure(const std::vector< PseudoJet > &pieces_in, const JetDefinition::Recombiner *rec=0)
constructor from an original ClusterSequenceInfo We just share the original ClusterSequenceWrapper an...
Definition Filter.hh:208
virtual ~FilterStructure()
virtual dtor to allow further overloading
Definition Filter.hh:213
Class that helps perform filtering (Butterworth, Davison, Rubin and Salam, arXiv:0802....
Definition Filter.hh:97
Filter(double Rfilt, Selector selector, double rho=0.0)
Same as the full constructor (see above) but just specifying the radius By default,...
Definition Filter.hh:124
Filter(FunctionOfPseudoJet< double > *Rfilt_func, Selector selector, double rho=0.0)
Same as the full constructor (see above) but just specifying a filtering radius that will depend on t...
Definition Filter.hh:136
virtual ~Filter()
default dtor
Definition Filter.hh:140
void set_subtractor(const FunctionOfPseudoJet< PseudoJet > *subtractor_in)
Set a subtractor that is applied to all individual subjets before deciding which ones to keep.
Definition Filter.hh:144
trivial ctor Note: this is just for derived classes a Filter initialised through this constructor wil...
Definition Filter.hh:102
Filter(JetDefinition subjet_def, Selector selector, double rho=0.0)
define a filter that decomposes a jet into subjets using a generic JetDefinition and then keeps only ...
Definition Filter.hh:116
const FunctionOfPseudoJet< PseudoJet > * subtractor() const
Set a subtractor that is applied to all individual subjets before deciding which ones to keep.
Definition Filter.hh:148
base class providing interface for a generic function of a PseudoJet
An abstract base class that will provide the recombination scheme facilities and/or allow a user to e...
class that is intended to hold a full definition of the jet clusterer
Class to contain pseudojets, including minimal information of use to jet-clustering routines.
Definition PseudoJet.hh:68
Class that encodes information about cuts and other selection criteria that can be applied to PseudoJ...
Definition Selector.hh:149
Base (abstract) class for a jet transformer.