FastJet 3.4.3
No Matches
6// $Id$
8// Copyright (c) 2005-2024, Matteo Cacciari, Gavin P. Salam and Gregory Soyez
11// This file is part of FastJet.
13// FastJet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
14// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
16// (at your option) any later version.
18// The algorithms that underlie FastJet have required considerable
19// development. They are described in the original FastJet paper,
20// hep-ph/0512210 and in the manual, arXiv:1111.6097. If you use
21// FastJet as part of work towards a scientific publication, please
22// quote the version you use and include a citation to the manual and
23// optionally also to hep-ph/0512210.
25// FastJet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
26// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
28// GNU General Public License for more details.
30// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
31// along with FastJet. If not, see <>.
35#include "fastjet/config.h"
36#include "fastjet/ClusterSequenceAreaBase.hh"
37#include "fastjet/AreaDefinition.hh"
38#include "fastjet/FunctionOfPseudoJet.hh"
39#include "fastjet/Selector.hh"
40#include "fastjet/tools/BackgroundEstimatorBase.hh"
41#include <iostream>
44#include <atomic>
47FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
50/// @ingroup tools_background
51/// \class JetMedianBackgroundEstimator
53/// Class to estimate the pt density of the background per unit area,
54/// using the median of the distribution of pt/area from jets that
55/// pass some selection criterion.
57/// Events are passed either in the form of the event particles (in
58/// which they're clustered by the class), a ClusterSequenceArea (in
59/// which case the jets used are those returned by "inclusive_jets()")
60/// or directly as a set of jets.
62/// The selection criterion is typically a geometrical one (e.g. all
63/// jets with |y|<2) sometimes supplemented with some kinematical
64/// restriction (e.g. exclusion of the two hardest jets). It is passed
65/// to the class through a Selector.
67/// Beware:
68/// by default, to correctly handle partially empty events, the
69/// class attempts to calculate an "empty area", based
70/// (schematically) on
72/// range.total_area() - sum_{jets_in_range} jets.area()
74/// For ranges with small areas, this can be inaccurate (particularly
75/// relevant in dense events where empty_area should be zero and ends
76/// up not being zero).
78/// This calculation of empty area can be avoided if a
79/// ClusterSequenceArea class with explicit ghosts
80/// (ActiveAreaExplicitGhosts) is used. This is _recommended_
81/// unless speed requirements cause you to use Voronoi areas. For
82/// speedy background estimation you could also consider using
83/// GridMedianBackgroundEstimator.
88 /// @name constructors and destructors
89 //\{
90 //----------------------------------------------------------------
91 /// Constructor that sets the rho range as well as the jet
92 /// definition and area definition to be used to cluster the
93 /// particles. Prior to the estimation of rho, one has to provide
94 /// the particles to cluster using set_particles(...)
95 ///
96 /// \param rho_range the Selector specifying which jets will be considered
97 /// \param jet_def the jet definition to use for the clustering
98 /// \param area_def the area definition to use for the clustering
100 const JetDefinition &jet_def,
101 const AreaDefinition &area_def);
103 /// ctor from a ClusterSequenceAreaBase with area
104 ///
105 /// \param rho_range the Selector specifying which jets will be considered
106 /// \param csa the ClusterSequenceArea to use
107 ///
108 /// Pre-conditions:
109 /// - one should be able to estimate the "empty area" (i.e. the area
110 /// not occupied by jets). This is feasible if at least one of the following
111 /// conditions is satisfied:
112 /// ( i) the ClusterSequence has explicit ghosts
113 /// (ii) the range has a computable area.
114 /// - the jet algorithm must be suited for median computation
115 /// (otherwise a warning will be issues)
116 ///
117 /// Note that selectors with e.g. hardest-jets exclusion do not have
118 /// a well-defined area. For this reasons, it is STRONGLY advised to
119 /// use an area with explicit ghosts.
120 JetMedianBackgroundEstimator(const Selector &rho_range,
121 const ClusterSequenceAreaBase &csa);
124 /// Default constructor that optionally sets the rho range. The
125 /// configuration must be done later calling
126 /// set_cluster_sequence(...) or set_jets(...).
127 ///
128 /// \param rho_range the Selector specifying which jets will be considered
129 ///
130 JetMedianBackgroundEstimator(const Selector &rho_range = SelectorIdentity())
131 : _rho_range(rho_range), _jet_def(JetDefinition()),
132 _enable_rho_m(true){ reset(); }
135 /// default dtor
138 //\}
141 /// @name setting a new event
142 //\{
143 //----------------------------------------------------------------
145 /// tell the background estimator that it has a new event, composed
146 /// of the specified particles.
147 virtual void set_particles(const std::vector<PseudoJet> & particles) FASTJET_OVERRIDE;
149 // tell the background estimator that it has a new event, composed
150 // of the specified particles and use the supplied seed for the
151 // generation of ghosts. If the seed is empty, it is ignored.
152 virtual void set_particles_with_seed(const std::vector<PseudoJet> & particles, const std::vector<int> & seed) FASTJET_OVERRIDE;
154 /// (re)set the cluster sequence (with area support) to be used by
155 /// future calls to rho() etc.
156 ///
157 /// \param csa the cluster sequence area
158 ///
159 /// Pre-conditions:
160 /// - one should be able to estimate the "empty area" (i.e. the area
161 /// not occupied by jets). This is feasible if at least one of the following
162 /// conditions is satisfied:
163 /// ( i) the ClusterSequence has explicit ghosts
164 /// (ii) the range selected has a computable area.
165 /// - the jet algorithm must be suited for median computation
166 /// (otherwise a warning will be issues)
167 ///
168 /// Note that selectors with e.g. hardest-jets exclusion do not have
169 /// a well-defined area. For this reasons, it is STRONGLY advised to
170 /// use an area with explicit ghosts.
171 void set_cluster_sequence(const ClusterSequenceAreaBase & csa);
173 /// (re)set the jets (which must have area support) to be used by future
174 /// calls to rho() etc.; for the conditions that must be satisfied
175 /// by the jets, see the Constructor that takes jets.
176 void set_jets(const std::vector<PseudoJet> &jets);
178 /// (re)set the selector to be used for future calls to rho() etc.
179 void set_selector(const Selector & rho_range_selector) {
180 _rho_range = rho_range_selector;
181 _set_cache_unavailable();
182 }
184 /// determine whether the automatic calculation of rho_m and sigma_m
185 /// is enabled (by default true)
186 void set_compute_rho_m(bool enable){
187 _enable_rho_m = enable;
188 _set_cache_unavailable();
189 }
191 //\}
194 /// return a pointer to a copy of this BGE; the user is responsible
195 /// for eventually deleting the resulting object.
196 BackgroundEstimatorBase * copy() const FASTJET_OVERRIDE {
197 return new JetMedianBackgroundEstimator(*this);
198 };
201 /// @name retrieving fundamental information
202 //\{
203 //----------------------------------------------------------------
204 /// get the full set of background properties
205 ///
206 /// For background estimators using a local ranges, this throws an
207 /// error (use estimate(jet) instead)
208 /// In the presence of a rescaling, the rescaling is not included
209 BackgroundEstimate estimate() const FASTJET_OVERRIDE;
211 /// get the full set of background properties for a given reference jet
212 BackgroundEstimate estimate(const PseudoJet &jet) const FASTJET_OVERRIDE;
214 /// get rho, the median background density per unit area
215 double rho() const FASTJET_OVERRIDE;
217 /// get sigma, the background fluctuations per unit area
218 double sigma() const FASTJET_OVERRIDE;
220 /// get rho, the median background density per unit area, locally at
221 /// the position of a given jet.
222 ///
223 /// If the Selector associated with the range takes a reference jet
224 /// (i.e. is relocatable), then for subsequent operations the
225 /// Selector has that jet set as its reference.
226 double rho(const PseudoJet & jet) FASTJET_OVERRIDE;
228 /// get sigma, the background fluctuations per unit area,
229 /// locally at the position of a given jet.
230 ///
231 /// If the Selector associated with the range takes a reference jet
232 /// (i.e. is relocatable), then for subsequent operations the
233 /// Selector has that jet set as its reference.
234 double sigma(const PseudoJet &jet) FASTJET_OVERRIDE;
236 /// returns true if this background estimator has support for
237 /// determination of sigma
238 virtual bool has_sigma() const FASTJET_OVERRIDE {return true;}
240 //----------------------------------------------------------------
241 // now do the same thing for rho_m and sigma_m
243 /// returns rho_m, the purely longitudinal, particle-mass-induced
244 /// component of the background density per unit area
245 virtual double rho_m() const FASTJET_OVERRIDE;
247 /// returns sigma_m, a measure of the fluctuations in the purely
248 /// longitudinal, particle-mass-induced component of the background
249 /// density per unit area; must be multipled by sqrt(area) to get
250 /// fluctuations for a region of a given area.
251 virtual double sigma_m() const FASTJET_OVERRIDE;
253 /// Returns rho_m locally at the jet position. As for rho(jet), it is non-const.
254 virtual double rho_m(const PseudoJet & /*jet*/) FASTJET_OVERRIDE;
256 /// Returns sigma_m locally at the jet position. As for rho(jet), it is non-const.
257 virtual double sigma_m(const PseudoJet & /*jet*/) FASTJET_OVERRIDE;
259 /// Returns true if this background estimator has support for
260 /// determination of rho_m.
261 ///
262 /// In te presence of a density class, support for rho_m is
263 /// automatically disabled
264 ///
265 /// Note that support for sigma_m is automatic is one has sigma and
266 /// rho_m support.
267 virtual bool has_rho_m() const FASTJET_OVERRIDE {return _enable_rho_m && (_jet_density_class == 0);}
268 //\}
270 /// @name retrieving additional useful information
271 //\{
272 //----------------------------------------------------------------
273 /// Returns the mean area of the jets used to actually compute the
274 /// background properties in the last call of rho() or sigma()
275 /// If the configuration has changed in the meantime, throw an error.
276 double mean_area() const;
278 /// returns the number of jets used to actually compute the
279 /// background properties in the last call of rho() or sigma()
280 /// If the configuration has changed in the meantime, throw an error.
281 unsigned int n_jets_used() const;
283 /// returns the jets used to actually compute the background
284 /// properties
285 std::vector<PseudoJet> jets_used() const;
287 /// Returns the estimate of the area (within the range defined by
288 /// the selector) that is not occupied by jets. The value is that
289 /// for the last call of rho() or sigma()
290 /// If the configuration has changed in the meantime, throw an error.
291 ///
292 /// The answer is defined to be zero if the area calculation
293 /// involved explicit ghosts; if the area calculation was an active
294 /// area, then use is made of the active area's internal list of
295 /// pure ghost jets (taking those that pass the selector); otherwise
296 /// it is based on the difference between the selector's total area
297 /// and the area of the jets that pass the selector.
298 ///
299 /// The result here is just the cached result of the corresponding
300 /// call to the ClusterSequenceAreaBase function.
301 double empty_area() const;
303 /// Returns the number of empty jets used when computing the
304 /// background properties. The value is that for the last call of
305 /// rho() or sigma().
306 /// If the configuration has changed in the meantime, throw an error.
307 ///
308 /// If the area has explicit ghosts the result is zero; for active
309 /// areas it is the number of internal pure ghost jets that pass the
310 /// selector; otherwise it is deduced from the empty area, divided by
311 /// \f$ 0.55 \pi R^2 \f$ (the average pure-ghost-jet area).
312 ///
313 /// The result here is just the cached result of the corresponding
314 /// call to the ClusterSequenceAreaBase function.
315 double n_empty_jets() const;
317 //}
320 /// @name configuring behaviour
321 //\{
322 //----------------------------------------------------------------
324 /// Resets the class to its default state, including the choice to
325 /// use 4-vector areas.
326 ///
327 void reset();
329 /// By default when calculating pt/Area for a jet, it is the
330 /// transverse component of the 4-vector area that is used in the ratiof \f$p_t/A\f$.
331 /// Calling this function with a "false" argument causes the scalar area to
332 /// be used instead.
333 ///
334 /// While the difference between the two choices is usually small,
335 /// for high-precision work it is usually the 4-vector area that is
336 /// to be preferred.
337 ///
338 /// \param use_it whether one uses the 4-vector area or not (true by default)
339 void set_use_area_4vector(bool use_it = true){
340 _use_area_4vector = use_it;
341 _set_cache_unavailable();
342 }
344 /// check if the estimator uses the 4-vector area or the scalar area
345 bool use_area_4vector() const{ return _use_area_4vector;}
347 /// The FastJet v2.X sigma calculation had a small spurious offset
348 /// in the limit of a small number of jets. This is fixed by default
349 /// in versions 3 upwards. The old behaviour can be obtained with a
350 /// call to this function.
351 void set_provide_fj2_sigma(bool provide_fj2_sigma = true) {
352 _provide_fj2_sigma = provide_fj2_sigma;
353 _set_cache_unavailable();
354 }
356 /// Set a pointer to a class that calculates the quantity whose
357 /// median will be calculated; if the pointer is null then pt/area
358 /// is used (as occurs also if this function is not called).
359 ///
360 /// Note that this is still <i>preliminary</i> in FastJet 3.0 and
361 /// that backward compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases
362 /// of FastJet
363 void set_jet_density_class(const FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> * jet_density_class);
365 /// return the pointer to the jet density class
367 return _jet_density_class;
368 }
370 /// Set a pointer to a class that calculates the rescaling factor as
371 /// a function of the jet (position). Note that the rescaling factor
372 /// is used both in the determination of the "global" rho (the pt/A
373 /// of each jet is divided by this factor) and when asking for a
374 /// local rho (the result is multiplied by this factor).
375 ///
376 /// The BackgroundRescalingYPolynomial class can be used to get a
377 /// rescaling that depends just on rapidity.
378 virtual void set_rescaling_class(const FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> * rescaling_class_in) FASTJET_OVERRIDE {
379 BackgroundEstimatorBase::set_rescaling_class(rescaling_class_in);
380 _set_cache_unavailable();
381 }
383 //\}
385 /// @name description
386 //\{
387 //----------------------------------------------------------------
389 /// returns a textual description of the background estimator
390 std::string description() const FASTJET_OVERRIDE;
392 //\}
394 /// an internal class to hold results of the calculation
395 /// that are to be assigned to the "extras" part of a BackgroundEstimate
397 public:
398 Extras()
399 : _reference_jet(PseudoJet()), _n_jets_used(0),
400 _n_empty_jets(0.0), _empty_area(0.0) {}
402 /// returns the current reference jet
403 PseudoJet reference_jet() const {return _reference_jet;}
405 /// returns the number of jets used to estimate the background
406 unsigned int n_jets_used() const {return _n_jets_used;}
408 /// returns the number of empty (pure-ghost) jets
409 double n_empty_jets() const {return _n_empty_jets;}
411 /// returns the empty (pure-ghost/unclustered) area!
412 double empty_area() const {return _empty_area;}
414 void set_reference_jet(const PseudoJet &reference_jet_in){
415 _reference_jet = reference_jet_in;
416 }
417 void set_n_jets_used(int n_jets_used_in){ _n_jets_used=n_jets_used_in;}
418 void set_n_empty_jets(double n_empty_jets_in){ _n_empty_jets=n_empty_jets_in;}
419 void set_empty_area(double empty_area_in){ _empty_area=empty_area_in;}
422 protected:
423 PseudoJet _reference_jet; ///< current reference jet
424 unsigned int _n_jets_used; ///< number of jets used to estimate the background
425 double _n_empty_jets; ///< number of empty (pure-ghost) jets
426 double _empty_area; ///< the empty (pure-ghost/unclustered) area!
427 };
432 /// compute the background properties for a given jet (excluding
433 /// rescaling factors) and return a corresponding BackgroundEstimate
434 ///
435 /// this leaves the cache (and the status flags) unchanged
436 BackgroundEstimate _compute(const PseudoJet &jet) const;
438 //------
439 // the next calls are meant for the case where the cache can be
440 // filled once and for all, i.e. cases where the selector does NOT
441 // take a reference
443 /// fill the cache with the given estimate
444 void _cache_no_overwrite(const BackgroundEstimate &estimate) const;
446 /// fill the cache with a computed estimate
447 void _compute_and_cache_no_overwrite() const;
449 //------
450 // the next calls are meant for the case where the selector does
451 // take a reference and the cache needs to be refilled whenever one
452 // calls this background estimate with a different reference jet
454 /// fill the cache with the given estimate
455 void _cache(const BackgroundEstimate &estimate) const;
457 /// update the cache if need be and return the background
458 /// estimate. This is meant to be called for cases with a local
459 /// range (selector that takesa reference)
460 BackgroundEstimate _compute_and_cache_if_needed(const PseudoJet &jet) const;
461 //-----
463 /// check that the underlying structure is still alive
464 /// throw an error otherwise
465 void _check_csa_alive() const;
467 /// check that the algorithm used for the clustering is adapted for
468 /// background estimation (i.e. either kt or C/A)
469 /// Issue a warning otherwise
470 void _check_jet_alg_good_for_median() const;
472 // the basic parameters of this class (passed through the variou ctors)
473 Selector _rho_range; ///< range to compute the background in
474 JetDefinition _jet_def; ///< the jet def to use for teh clustering
475 AreaDefinition _area_def; ///< the area def to use for teh clustering
476 std::vector<PseudoJet> _included_jets; ///< jets to be used
478 // the tunable parameters of the class
479 bool _use_area_4vector;
480 bool _provide_fj2_sigma;
481 const FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> * _jet_density_class;
482 //SharedPtr<BackgroundRescalingBase> _rescaling_class_sharedptr;
483 bool _enable_rho_m;
485 // internal variables
486 SharedPtr<PseudoJetStructureBase> _csi; ///< allows to check if _csa is still valid
488 /// handle warning messages
489 static LimitedWarning _warnings;
490 static LimitedWarning _warnings_zero_area;
491 static LimitedWarning _warnings_preliminary;
498/// @ingroup tools_background
499/// \class BackgroundJetPtDensity
500/// Class that implements pt/area_4vector.perp() for background estimation
501/// <i>(this is a preliminary class)</i>.
504 virtual double result(const PseudoJet & jet) const {
505 return jet.perp() / jet.area_4vector().perp();
506 }
507 virtual std::string description() const {return "BackgroundJetPtDensity";}
512/// @ingroup tools_background
513/// \class BackgroundJetScalarPtDensity
514/// Class that implements (scalar pt sum of jet)/(scalar area of jet)
515/// for background estimation <i>(this is a preliminary class)</i>.
517/// Optionally it can return a quantity based on the sum of pt^n,
518/// e.g. for use in subtracting fragementation function moments.
521 /// Default constructor provides background estimation with scalar pt sum
524 /// Constructor to provide background estimation based on
525 /// \f$ sum_{i\in jet} p_{ti}^{n} \f$
526 BackgroundJetScalarPtDensity(double n) : _pt_power(n) {}
528 virtual double result(const PseudoJet & jet) const;
530 virtual std::string description() const;
533 double _pt_power;
537/// @ingroup tools_background
538/// \class BackgroundJetPtMDensity
539/// Class that implements
540/// \f$ \frac{1}{A} \sum_{i \in jet} (\sqrt{p_{ti}^2+m^2} - p_{ti}) \f$
541/// for background estimation <i>(this is a preliminary class)</i>.
544/// This is useful for correcting jet masses in cases where the event
545/// involves massive particles.
548 virtual double result(const PseudoJet & jet) const {
549 std::vector<PseudoJet> constituents = jet.constituents();
550 double scalar_ptm = 0;
551 for (unsigned i = 0; i < constituents.size(); i++) {
552 scalar_ptm += constituents[i].mperp() - constituents[i].perp();
553 }
554 return scalar_ptm / jet.area();
555 }
557 virtual std::string description() const {return "BackgroundPtMDensity";}
class that holds a generic area definition
/// a class that holds the result of the calculation
Abstract base class that provides the basic interface for classes that estimate levels of background ...
Class that implements pt/area_4vector.perp() for background estimation (this is a preliminary class).
virtual std::string description() const
returns a description of the function (an empty string by default)
virtual double result(const PseudoJet &jet) const
the action of the function this has to be overloaded in derived classes
Class that implements for background estimation (this is a preliminary class).
virtual std::string description() const
returns a description of the function (an empty string by default)
virtual double result(const PseudoJet &jet) const
the action of the function this has to be overloaded in derived classes
Class that implements (scalar pt sum of jet)/(scalar area of jet) for background estimation (this is ...
BackgroundJetScalarPtDensity(double n)
Constructor to provide background estimation based on .
Default constructor provides background estimation with scalar pt sum.
base class that sets interface for extensions of ClusterSequence that provide information about the a...
base class providing interface for a generic function of a PseudoJet
class that is intended to hold a full definition of the jet clusterer
an internal class to hold results of the calculation that are to be assigned to the "extras" part of ...
PseudoJet reference_jet() const
returns the current reference jet
unsigned int _n_jets_used
number of jets used to estimate the background
unsigned int n_jets_used() const
returns the number of jets used to estimate the background
double _n_empty_jets
number of empty (pure-ghost) jets
double n_empty_jets() const
returns the number of empty (pure-ghost) jets
double empty_area() const
returns the empty (pure-ghost/unclustered) area!
double _empty_area
the empty (pure-ghost/unclustered) area!
Class to estimate the pt density of the background per unit area, using the median of the distributio...
void set_provide_fj2_sigma(bool provide_fj2_sigma=true)
The FastJet v2.X sigma calculation had a small spurious offset in the limit of a small number of jets...
const FunctionOfPseudoJet< double > * jet_density_class() const
return the pointer to the jet density class
bool use_area_4vector() const
check if the estimator uses the 4-vector area or the scalar area
void set_use_area_4vector(bool use_it=true)
By default when calculating pt/Area for a jet, it is the transverse component of the 4-vector area th...
JetMedianBackgroundEstimator(const Selector &rho_range=SelectorIdentity())
Default constructor that optionally sets the rho range.
void set_compute_rho_m(bool enable)
determine whether the automatic calculation of rho_m and sigma_m is enabled (by default true)
BackgroundEstimatorBase * copy() const override
return a pointer to a copy of this BGE; the user is responsible for eventually deleting the resulting...
virtual void set_rescaling_class(const FunctionOfPseudoJet< double > *rescaling_class_in) override
Set a pointer to a class that calculates the rescaling factor as a function of the jet (position).
void set_selector(const Selector &rho_range_selector)
(re)set the selector to be used for future calls to rho() etc.
class to provide facilities for giving warnings up to some maximum number of times and to provide glo...
Class to contain pseudojets, including minimal information of use to jet-clustering routines.
Definition PseudoJet.hh:68
virtual std::vector< PseudoJet > constituents() const
retrieve the constituents.
double perp() const
returns the scalar transverse momentum
Definition PseudoJet.hh:158
virtual double area() const
return the jet (scalar) area.
virtual PseudoJet area_4vector() const
return the jet 4-vector area.
Class that encodes information about cuts and other selection criteria that can be applied to PseudoJ...
Definition Selector.hh:149
An implementation of shared pointers that is broadly similar to C++11 shared_ptr (https://en....
Definition SharedPtr.hh:341