fastjet Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
fastjet::AreaDefinitionClass that holds a generic area definition
fastjet::BasicRandom< _Tp >
fastjet::BasicRandom< double >Template specialization (double) for the BasicRandom template class
fastjet::BasicRandom< int >
fastjet::ClosestPair2DConcrete implementation for finding closest pairs in 2D -- will use Chan's (hopefully efficient) shuffle based structures
fastjet::ClosestPair2D::PointClass for representing all info needed about a point
fastjet::ClosestPair2D::ShuffleClass that will take care of ordering of shuffles for us
fastjet::ClosestPair2D::triplet< T >Since sets of three objects will crop up repeatedly, useful to have a triplet class?
fastjet::ClosestPair2DBaseAbstract base class for finding closest pairs in 2D
fastjet::ClusterSequenceDeals with clustering
fastjet::ClusterSequence1GhostPassiveAreaClass that behaves essentially like ClusterSequence except that it also provides access to the area of a jet (which will be a random quantity
fastjet::ClusterSequence::BriefJetFundamental structure which contains the minimal info about a jet, as needed for our plain N^2 algorithm -- the idea is to put all info that will be accessed N^2 times into an array of BriefJets
fastjet::ClusterSequence::ExtrasClass intended to serve as a base in case a plugin needs to associate extra information with a ClusterSequence (see SISConePlugin
fastjet::ClusterSequence::history_elementSingle element in the clustering history (see vector _history below)
fastjet::ClusterSequence::TileThe fundamental structures to be used for the tiled N^2 algorithm (see CCN27-44 for some discussion of pattern of tiling)
fastjet::ClusterSequence::TiledJetStructure analogous to BriefJet, but with the extra information needed for dealing with tiles
fastjet::ClusterSequenceActiveAreaClass that behaves essentially like ClusterSequence except that it also provides access to the area of a jet (which will be a random quantity
fastjet::ClusterSequenceActiveArea::GhostJetClass for our internal storage of ghost jets
fastjet::ClusterSequenceActiveAreaExplicitGhostsClass that behaves essentially like ClusterSequence except that it also provides access to the area of a jet (which will be a random quantity
fastjet::ClusterSequenceAreaBaseBase class that sets interface for extensions of ClusterSequence that provide information about the area of each jet;
fastjet::ClusterSequencePassiveAreaClass that behaves essentially like ClusterSequence except that it also provides access to the area of a jet (which will be a random quantity
fastjet::ClusterSequenceVoronoiAreaHandle the computation of Voronoi jet area
fastjet::ClusterSequenceVoronoiArea::VoronoiAreaCalcClass for carrying out a voronoi area calculation on a set of initial vectors
CmdLineClass designed to deal with command-line arguments in a fashion similar to what was done in f90 iolib
fastjet::Coord2DClass for representing 2d coordinates and carrying out some basic operations on them
fastjet::Dnn2piCylinderClass derived from DynamicNearestNeighbours that provides an implementation for the surface of cylinder (using one DnnPlane object spanning 0--2pi)
fastjet::Dnn3piCylinderClass derived from DynamicNearestNeighbours that provides an implementation for the surface of cylinder (using one DnnPlane object spanning 0--3pi)
fastjet::Dnn4piCylinderClass derived from DynamicNearestNeighbours that provides an implementation for the surface of cylinder (using two copies of DnnPlane, one running from 0--2pi, the other from pi--3pi)
fastjet::DnnErrorClass corresponding to errors that will be thrown by Dynamic Nearest Neighbours code
fastjet::DnnPlaneClass derived from DynamicNearestNeighbours that provides an implementation for the Euclidean plane
fastjet::DnnPlane::SuperVertexStructure containing a vertex_handle and cached information on the nearest neighbour
fastjet::DynamicNearestNeighboursAbstract base class for quick location of nearest neighbours in a set of points, with facilities for adding and removing points from the set after initialisation
fastjet::ErrorClass corresponding to errors that will be thrown by fastjet
fastjet::EtaPhiUse a class instead of a pair so that phi can be sanitized and put into proper range on initialization
fastjet::GhostedAreaSpecClass that defines the parameters that go into the measurement of active jet areas
fastjet::GraphEdgeHandle an edge of the Voronoi Diagram
fastjet::IndexedSortHelperClass that helps us carry out indexed sorting
fastjet::InitialisedIntA class to provide an "int" with an initial value
fastjet::JetDefinitionClass that is intended to hold a full definition of the jet clusterer
fastjet::JetDefinition::DefaultRecombinerA class that will provide the recombination scheme facilities and/or allow a user to extend these facilities
fastjet::JetDefinition::PluginClass that allows a user to introduce their own "plugin" jet finder
fastjet::JetDefinition::RecombinerAn abstract base class that will provide the recombination scheme facilities and/or allow a user to extend these facilities
fastjet::KBasic geometrical kernel that lies at the base of all CGAL operations
LimitedWarningClass to provide facilities for giving warnings up to some maximum number of times
fastjet::MinHeapA class which provides a "heap"-like structure that allows access to a the minimal value of a dynamically changing set of numbers
fastjet::Private::MirrorInfoClass for helping us deal with mirror-image particles
fastjet::PointClass to handle a 2d point
fastjet::PseudoJetClass to contain pseudojets, including minimal information of use to to jet-clustering routines
fastjet::RangeDefinitionClass for holding a range definition specification, given by limits on rapidity and azimuth
fastjet::SearchTree< T >This is the class for a search tree designed to be especially efficient when looking for successors and predecessors (to be used in Chan's CP algorithm)
fastjet::SearchTree< T >::circulator
fastjet::SearchTree< T >::const_circulator
fastjet::SearchTree< T >::Node
fastjet::SiteStructure used both for particle sites and for vertices
fastjet::VoronoiAreaSpecClass for holding a "Voronoi area" specification; an area will be assigned to each particle, which is the area of the intersection of the particle's Voronoi cell with a circle of radius R*effective_Rfact

Generated on Tue Dec 18 17:05:42 2007 for fastjet by  doxygen 1.5.2